
Chapter 82: Fight between dragons and tigers 1


All walks of life in Wencheng held a grand assembly to celebrate the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

After Zhang Fengshan attended the ceremony and asked Liu Chenglong for a leave, Liu Chenglong asked inexplicably: "Today is a day of great joy, we should have a good drink, why are you so disgusting?"

Zhang Fengshan said: "Report to the commander that Fengshan can't help but think of his parents, uncles and brothers who were killed by the Japanese. I want to pay homage to them."

Liu Chenglong said: "Yes, without the sacrifices of them and millions of people, we would not have won today."

In fact, Zhang Fengshan's memorial service to his dead relatives is one aspect, and he still has one important thing to deal with. During the Qing'an parade, Lao Wei suddenly thought of something, and pulled Zhang Fengshan’s elbow, then leaned in his ear and said, “Fengshan, we can’t patronize and be happy. You immediately go back and inform Wu Fei that they, An Jiang The base area was bought by our blood and sacrifice, and was later occupied by the devils and the puppet army. Now that the devils have surrendered, it should be taken over by our New Fourth Army so that he can be prepared."

Zhang Fengshan came to the Dai Changchun Hotel and talked about the work that Wei had confessed.

Dai Changchun nodded and said, "Comrade Wu Fei came over the other day and asked me to convey my gratitude to you. He also quoted Li Bai's poem "The Peach Blossom Lake is a thousand feet deep, not as good as Wang Lun's sent me love."

Zhang Fengshan said: "It should be, the family is polite."

"Comrade Wu Fei also asked what the'fisherman' looks like? When can I meet you?"

"What did you say?"

"I said the time has not arrived, you will naturally meet when you win."

"But Old Wei asked me to continue'lurking', and even my wife was not allowed to reveal a word. In Wencheng, you are the only one who knows my true identity." Zhang Fengshan was right. Although Ye Yuexia knew that he was a Communist Party, she was not. Know that he is the "fisherman". After Gao Wenyuan’s death, Ye Yuexia asked Zhang Fengshan to join the Communist Party of China. After discussing with Dai Changchun, Zhang Fengshan agreed to her request. From the perspective of her safety, Zhang Fengshan refused to let her engage in underground work, but kept her secret in school. Develop party organizations and make long-term plans.

Dai Changchun's expression suddenly became serious, and said: "Don't worry, Comrade'Fisherman', I will keep a secret till death."

Zhang Fengshan looked at him with trust and said: "This time we went to Qing'an for a meeting, Lao Wei conveyed the spirit of the Seventh Party Congress of the Yan'an Party. He also said that Chairman Mao described the bright light passionately when interviewed by a Reuters reporter. New China: "What we will build is a free and democratic China: its governments at all levels up to the central government are elected by universal and equal secret elections and are accountable to the people who elected them. It will realize Mr. Sun Yat-sen’s Three People’s Principles, Lincoln’s principles of ownership by the people, rule by the people, and the enjoyment of the people and Roosevelt’s four freedoms (first, freedom of speech; second, freedom of belief; third, freedom from lack; fourth, freedom from fear)', Now this new China is getting closer and closer to us, but the devils and the puppet army have not completely put down their weapons, and the Kuomintang army is also attacking our base areas. We must not take it lightly and give up the results of victory. Only if there is no slacking and tenacious struggle, there is hope for New China."

Dai Changchun asked: "Do you think we are like the United States where the Kuomintang and the Communist Party take turns in power?"

Zhang Fengshan shook his head and said, "I also asked Old Wei about this question. He held a negative attitude and told me one thing: Yan Yangchu said in a meeting with Chiang Kai-shek: "Our people have suffered for 21 years. In the civil war, they shed all their blood. Now is the time to do something for the people in the countryside." Jiang said: "You are a scholar, and I am a soldier. Let's talk about it after eliminating the opponent." Yan Yangchu said: "If You only see the power of the army, but not the power of the people, then you will lose China'. From their dialogue, we can see that the opponent that Chiang never forgets is us, and we are also the one who deliberately wants to destroy. Now Japan Man has been defeated, he has no worries, he can let go and destroy us."

Dai Changchun smiled and said: "But we are now stronger. Before the War of Resistance, we had less than 30,000 troops. Now it is more than 800,000. There is a large base population as the backing. Old Jiang wants to eat us. Easy."

Zhang Fengshan said: "Yes, Chairman Mao played a wonderful game in the triangular relationship between the Japanese, the Jiang Group and our party. The Japanese want to turn China into its colony. It is the entire Chinese people, including the Kuomintang. As the public enemy of the national bourgeoisie and all those who do not want to be subjugated, the national contradiction has risen to the main contradiction. If anyone does not face their own face to the national enemy, the people will abandon them. Except for a very few desperate traitors and traitors, absolutely Most Chinese people are unwilling to accept the terrible title of'subjugated slaves'. Traitors and traitors must be criticized and scolded forever. Just like Qin Hui in the Song Dynasty, he must kneel forever in front of the national hero Yue Fei in the Yuewang Temple. , Let the children pee on their heads. Chairman Mao caught the new changes in the Chinese situation and the people’s psychology caused by the Japanese invasion in time. He believed that if the Communist Party and the Red Army wanted to get rid of the crisis of passive beating and fight for the improvement of the situation, they must take up the anti-Japanese war. Anti-Japanese war will only reinforce the Communist Party, but will not destroy the Communist Party. Looking back now, it is indeed the case. For our old rival Chiang Kai-shek, if he resists the Japanese, it will be the release of the Communist Party, and not only will the Communist Party be suppressed in ten years. It will fall short, and he will continue to suffer in the future. If he suppresses the communists, he will incur the public opinion that'Chinese beat the Chinese but not the Japanese', and it is easy to bear the suspicion of traitorousness. He has tried to get rid of this dilemma, To unify the interests of resistance against Japan and the interests of anti-communism, that is, “to fight against foreigners, we must first settle inside”, but this slogan is far less popular than “stop the civil war and fight against Japan together” because the Chinese people’s heart is to resist the outside world and then reinforce the inside. Eight years During the Anti-Japanese War, Lao Chiang had a military advantage, but our party held the political initiative. The anti-Japanese national united front we promoted was to seek this initiative and expand our party’s influence and power throughout the country. It can now be said that we have initially reached We have achieved our goal, but we are still far away from our party’s overall goal of socialism and communism, so we must continue to work hard."

The wine and vegetables were ready, Zhang Fengshan carried the food box, bought some paper money, and came to Xishan to pay a memorial service at the grave of his relatives.

"Father, mother, eldest brother, and uncle: the Japanese devil surrendered, and we are victorious. I will report this news to you, and you can rest in peace under Jiuquan."

There was the sound of firecrackers in the distance, and Zhang Fengshan looked in the direction of the sound source, and saw waves of cigarettes floating in the mountain col. He thought that others must be like him to pay homage to the dead.

Nearby was Ye Mingyi's tomb, and Zhang Fengshan came to pay homage to his teacher's tomb.

At this moment, Ye Yuexia and Xiao Linguang came over and saw Zhang Fengshan, and Ye Yuexia said, "Brother Fengshan, if my father were alive, it would be great to see today's victory."

Kobayashi Koichi knelt down in front of Ye Mingyi's grave with a "plop" and said, "Uncle Ye, as a Japanese, I apologize for everything I have done for our nation!"

Ye Yuexia pulled him up and said, "It wasn't you. You and them are not in the same camp. It is them who should apologize and be judged!"

Zhang Fengshan said: "Kwangichi-kun, Yuexia is right. You are different from them. You support and help us fight against Japanese militarism. Instead, we should thank you. This war is very important to our two peoples. I hope we can remember this history, cherish peace, and continue to be friendly for generations."

Kobayashi said, "Thank you for your generosity."

Zhang Fengshan asked him about the situation of the Japanese army after the emperor announced his surrender. He said that when the emperor’s voice spread through the radio throughout the barracks, there was chaos everywhere. Some war enthusiasts were unwilling to lose. They claimed to fight to the end. They treated those who had laid down their weapons. The companions either shot or forced them to be loyal to the emperor by caesarean section. For some family members of the army and the women of the field service group, they used machine guns to shoot them, saying that they must not be left to the Chinese. The entire barracks suddenly became a hell on earth.

Ye Yuexia's eyes widened in surprise, and she asked in disbelief, "Are they so cruel to their companions?"

Kobayashi nodded and said, "They are just a bunch of demons."

Ye Yuexia asked again: "How did you escape?"

Kobayashi said: "They sent me a kimono and a short knife and asked me to have a caesarean section, saying that as a soldier of the emperor, I would rather die on the battlefield than surrender to the enemy. I wrote a suicide note, and when I was about to prepare for a caesarean section, I was in the headquarters of the staff. An urgent order came, demanding that we immediately lay down our weapons, are not allowed to kill each other, and are not allowed to die for allegiance, and called this an edict from the emperor. That's how I survived."

Zhang Fengshan said: "You are warlike in the Japanese nation because of the deep-rooted Bushido spirit, bullying and bullying. You regard life as a weed, and if it is not controlled, it will harm endlessly and ultimately harm others and yourself."

Xiao Linguang nodded and said: "Mr. Fengshan, when I came this time, I saw the Kuomintang and the commander discussing the handover, so I used a steamboat to rush to transport more than 100 tons of military materials, weapons and ammunition to the Jiangbei Anti-Japanese Base Area 7. Division resident, I think you should also take action to prevent all military supplies, weapons and ammunition from being taken by the Kuomintang, and the site is also controlled by the Kuomintang. This situation will be very detrimental to you."

"Thank you, we are taking measures." Zhang Fengshan learned from the newspaper that the Kuomintang government, with the help of the United States, is transporting hundreds of thousands of troops stationed in the Southwest by planes, ships, and trains to the Northeast, North China and other enemy-occupied areas. Moreover, the Kuomintang government and the commander-in-chief of the Japanese invading army in China reached a secret agreement, requiring the Japanese and puppet forces to resist the attacks of the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army and accept the National Government’s surrender. This is clearly to seize the fruits of victory and prepare for a full-scale civil war. Our party’s newspapers have carried out profound exposures and criticisms, and the calls for peace from all walks of life across the country are increasing.

Kobayashi turned to Ye Yuexia and said, "Yuexia-kun, I'm here this time to hope you will go back to Japan with me."

Ye Yuexia shook her head and said: "Kwangichi-kun, I can't promise you, my father's hatred has not been reported yet."

Kobayashi asked in a puzzled manner, "Isn't the one with the higher surname already dead?"

Ye Yuexia said: "The one with the surname Gao was taken advantage of. The person who really killed my dad was Song Tiejun. As long as he is still alive, my dad will not die."

Seeing that Xiaolin Guangyi loved Ye Yuexia deeply, Zhang Fengshan mobilized and said: "Kwangichi-kun, you should stay, we welcome you."

Kobayashi Hwangyi hesitated for a while, and said, "The family sent me two telegrams urging me to go back. The second telegram told me that my brother died in the battle on Iwo Jima. Now I am the only child in the family and I am obliged to support my parents. It falls on me alone, it won’t work if I don’t go back."

Kobayashi finally left. He withdrew to the north with the Seventh Division of the New Fourth Army, and then transferred to Shandong from the Central China Military Region, where he was repatriated.

On October 3, 1945, the "New Fourth Army's Farewell to Anjiang People's Letter" was published in the "Dajiang Daily" in full.

Dear elder brothers and sisters: Over the past few years, with your kind love and support, we have persisted in the war of resistance, established base areas, and lived a democratic, free and happy life with you. We are in contact with you, just like flesh and blood. Close. But now we have to bear the pain and say goodbye to you. At the time of parting, we would like to say a few words to you: First of all, let us express our heartfelt gratitude to you, because without your love and help, we will accomplish nothing. At the same time, we want to apologize to you, because we have done a lot of inadequate and poorly in the cause of defending your interests in the past; for this, we can only repay you with intensified efforts in the future.

So, why can't we stay with you forever and suddenly break up with you? You know, our war of resistance is victorious, what do we want now? We want peace, democracy, and unity. What do we want? Don't civil war and dictatorship. However, the Japanese imperialists and traitors who have announced their surrender are still fighting against us. They are using all their strength to instigate civil war, undermine unity, and obstruct democracy. Some reactionary elements in China who have no heart and soul have joined their hearts, joined them in cooperation, and harmed their compatriots. The Communist Party, which takes the interests of the Chinese people as its interests, cannot ignore such serious dangers. It wants to completely break the conspiracy of the enemy, hypocrisy and reactionary, and demand the realization of peace and unity, so it points out the road to peace, democracy, and unity to the whole country. At the invitation of Chairman Chiang, Chairman Mao personally went to Chongqing to negotiate with the Kuomintang authorities. At the same time, in order to promote the success of the negotiation and the rapid realization of peace and unity with the whole country, he voluntarily transferred all Anton's New Fourth Army to Shandong without hesitation.

Everyone knows that this is a great concession made by the Communist Party to the Kuomintang. However, in order to stop the conspiracy of the enemy and the reactionaries, to avoid civil war, and to achieve national peace and unity, the Communist Party cannot bear to do so. We believe that the great mind of the Communist Party of China for taking into account the overall situation and the hardship of seeking perfection can win the approval and understanding of the people of the whole country.