
Chapter 83: Dragon Fight 2


Of course, due to our transfer, there may be all kinds of conjectures and rumors: for example, our transfer was due to poor international conditions and weak strength, and we were forced to retreat. Then we can tell them that the collapse of fascism around the world and the victory of the democratic forces have given the Chinese people and the Communist Party the most favorable conditions. The power of our liberated areas is not only sufficient to smash any incursions, but is also rapidly expanding our liberated areas. It was for peace and unity that they decided to retreat automatically.

For another example, someone said: The New Fourth Army of the Communist Party treats the people like a waste of grass, and if he wants it, he will throw it away. But everyone remembers: After the "August 13", who really abandoned the innocent people of Anjiang under the iron feet of the enemy, and who really liberated them from the iron feet of the enemy to live a democratic and free life.

Others will say this: The New Fourth Army of the Communist Party said that leaving was a lie. He was never really leaving, but the facts will show that we are sincere and sincere, and retreat from Anjiang in order to achieve peace and unity across the country and for the benefit of the entire Chinese people. We do what we say and do what we say.

In short, all conjectures that do not know the truth will always prove to be groundless; all malicious rumors and attacks will definitely be crushed by iron facts.

My fellow citizens! We hope that you will be calm and firm, and never be confused by those rumors and rumors. You should resolutely and bravely fight for the defense of your own interests and the accomplishment of the great cause of unity, democracy, and peace.

During the Anti-Japanese War, you won the victory because of your great efforts and sacrifices. In the future, you must make the same efforts to defend the fruits of victory. In the past, you have learned how to carry out armed struggles to achieve victory. In the future, you should learn to use peaceful and legal struggles to defend all the interests you have gained.

You should use various methods to resolutely request the Kuomintang authorities to implement the following items.

1. Ensure the safety of demobilized fighters, wounded and sick, and anti-subordinates, and take proper care of them. Protect the left-behind organs of the New Fourth Army, as well as take care of the wounded, sick, and anti-subordinates who cannot retreat.

2. Maintain various democratic facilities. The people and demobilized cadres who have contributed to the war of resistance and democratic construction in the past shall be guaranteed the safety of their lives and property, enjoy democratic rights, and shall not be abused or discriminated against.

3. Maintain rent and interest reduction and abolish miscellaneous gains, handle demobilization well, and provide relief to compatriots.

4. Guarantee the legal status of the public activities of the Communist Party of China and the democratic parties. For the above items, you should resolutely oppose it.

Dear compatriots! Now that national peace, unity, and democracy have not yet been achieved, you may encounter many difficulties, and may even suffer the destruction and persecution of the reactionaries. Regarding this point, we have emphatically proposed to the Kuomintang authorities and the garrison that they should put the interests of the country and the people as their top priority and refrain from taking revenge privately and harming their compatriots. But even though we do this, you still have to be vigilant, don't be deceived, and don't be tricked. At the same time, we should adopt various flexible methods to strengthen our own unity in accordance with the general policy of peace, democracy, and unity, so as to be like brothers. It is necessary to constantly urge the Kuomintang authorities to obey public opinion, practice democracy, and protect various vested interests.

My fellow citizens! Now that the enemy and the puppets are still struggling, the reactionaries are still playing conspiracies, we still have great difficulties before us. But we believe that when the fascism in Germany, Italy and Japan has been overthrown and the democratic forces in the world and all of China are surging, we will surely be able to overcome difficulties and win victory.

We say goodbye to you for the time being. There is an extremely powerful liberated area in East China not far from you. We will support you wholeheartedly, and you will never be isolated. Today, any pessimistic support is only beneficial to the enemy, the puppet and the reactionaries, and you must fight resolutely. Especially for the wounded, sick and the soldiers left behind, you must protect and take care of them with the utmost care, and you must resolutely oppose any actions that are detrimental to the wounded and the soldiers.

Dear compatriots! The situation in the world and China is headed towards the light. An independent, free, and prosperous new China has already revealed its head. As long as we continue to work hard, get rid of all pessimism, disappointment, and panic, and move on to the road of peace, democracy, and unity, we It is sure to win.

do not! Dear elder brothers and sisters! We once again sincerely ask you to accept our deep gratitude and condolences. And I wish you health!

After reading it, Zhang Fengshan couldn't calm down for a long time. Although he had received news from Dai Changchun that the Seventh Division of the New Fourth Army was about to withdraw from Anton, there was no specific time and place for the transfer, which made him doubtful. Now the newspapers have already stated that it is very specific and beyond doubt.

After reading this article, Liu Chenglong said to Zhang Fengshan: "It's just some pretty words, and I have to admire the Communist Party's tricks to deceive people."

Zhang Fengshan asked: "Why do you see it?"

Liu Chenglong said: "This is the Communist Party's unwillingness to repeat the mistakes of the'Jiangnan Incident'. Think about it, the Seventh Division has only a few thousand members, and our army in Anton has more than 100,000 people. We made'dumplings'."

Zhang Fengshan said: "Now the Kuomintang and the Communist Party are conducting peace talks in Chongqing. I don't know what the outcome will be?"

Liu Chenglong laughed and said, "Do you really believe that they will come to the conclusion of the talks? I tell you that this is just what the chairman is doing, but it is actually delaying time in order to transfer the army to the front line. Once the deployment is completed, it will launch. attack."

After the Seventh Division of the New Fourth Army left the Anjiang base area, Zhang Fengshan’s most worried scene occurred. Liu Chenglong’s troops, the county garrison brigade, and the security regiment were dispatched. Many local cadres, revolutionary masses, part of the New Fourth Army’s left-behind personnel, and left-behind soldiers were arrested. Some were killed, and some were imprisoned in political training centers. The Kuomintang searched almost every house. Everyone checked, causing restlessness and smoky air. Everyone was in danger for a while.

Some weak-willed people rebelled, bringing more killing and blood.

There is a female comrade named Hu Shanghua in Lujiadun who is a liaison officer of the district party organization. One day at the beginning of the year, several members of the guerrilla team had a meeting at her home. Someone had leaked the secrets. The district police team and the small security team came after hearing the news. The village was surrounded by water on three sides, and there was only one small road in and out. Seeing that the enemy was about to enter the village, it was too late to get out of this path. Everyone is ready to fight hard. Hu Shanghua said that if there are too many enemies, we will only suffer a loss. She suggested using a wooden bucket to cross the water and retreat from the back of the house. The team members adopted her suggestion and quickly crossed the water. As soon as the team members finished walking, the enemy entered the village. Hu Shanghua took off his coat and pretended to be on the way. When the enemy interrogated her what she was doing, she said to go back to her family. The enemy asked her where is her family? What's his father's name? She was composed and answered one by one. The enemy asked her where she could see the guerrillas leaving? She said that there was a group of people running in the east. I didn't know whether it was a guerrilla or a guerrilla. I don't know. The enemy was deceived and pursued eastward, but in fact the guerrillas retreated westward. During the enemy's suppression, Hu Chengwu, a guerrilla at the time, became a traitor. He reported to the enemy that Hu Shanghua was a member of the Communist Party. Fang Jiqing ordered her to take her to the county seat, tied her five fingers side by side and dangled her severely. After she passed out, she was awakened by cold water. The enemy forced her to admit that she was a member of the Communist Party, and explained what activities she had done and who she had dealt with. . Hu Shanghua would rather die without surrendering a word. The enemy was speechless. She used the most vicious electric torture. Her body was scorched, and her whole body was burned, but she still bit her lip, did not reveal any clues, and betrayed a comrade. Fang Jiqing went crazy. , Ordered her to beheaded and hung her head on Dongzuomen.

After Zhang Fengshan heard her story, she felt very shocked. Hu Shanghua is worthy of being Wencheng’s "Liu Hulan" and "Zhao Yiman". She is a good daughter of the party. She used her body to deny the enemy's tyranny and injustice. The height of one's own spirit and superhuman will humiliate the enemy, making their torture a display in front of the iron will of the Communists. Zhang Fengshan knows that the pain of torture is painful. The reason why Ling Chi in ancient times did not allow the prisoner to die quickly is because, to put it bluntly, the prisoner feels the pain of torture. Sometimes torture creates a kind of spiritual terror. The executioner may not have executed the torture yet, and the information about the use of torture was revealed early. Many people confessed before the execution because they were afraid of the execution. The spiritual fear is actually a kind of Mental torture. However, the enemy's mental torture could not frighten the determined revolutionaries. On the contrary, it aroused their high morale and became a contrast to their epic deeds.

The situation is getting worse. Dai Changchun told Zhang Fengshan that the enemy began to counterattack. There was an old man in Majiazhuang, Longwan, who had covered Wang Xiaohu’s escape last year. The pseudo-secretary informed the county party headquarters, who arrested him and put him in jail on the grounds that the old man was a communist. The old man Ma suffered all the hardships and torture in prison, and was tortured to death. One day in the second half of the twelfth lunar month, the county party department notified the Ma family to pay for the security and take the people back. Unexpectedly, Old Man Ma was dying, and he could not eat anymore when he returned home. Within a few days, he died on the night of the New Year's Eve. At this time, other people's family is celebrating the New Year, but Ma's family is in trouble. It is really painful.

Zhang Fengshan thought that the enemy's brutality would only expose their true colors earlier and plant more seeds of hatred. One day, when the raging prairie begins, all reactionaries will eventually be buried in the flames.

"Wu Fei do they have any news?"

Dai Changchun shook his head and said, "Now there are enemies in all directions. They are under heavy siege. I'm afraid that there will be more and more good luck than good luck."

After the Seventh Division withdrew north, Wu Fei's independent regiment remained in Dabie Mountain and was under the command of the Second Brigade of the Central Plains Military Region.

In June 1946, the Kuomintang tore up the Armistice Agreement and concentrated more than 200,000 people to attack the Central Plains Liberated Area, and a full-scale civil war broke out.

The situation was worse than Wu Fei had imagined. There were enemies everywhere. No matter where he went, he seemed to have walked into the net of heaven and earth. The battle was going on. The troops were attenuated so badly that they had to move around, like headless flies in the mountains. Smashed.

One night, the brigade commander convened a meeting of cadres above the battalion. He said: "The soldiers of our Second Brigade are all from the county brigade, plainclothes, and local guerrillas. Guerrilla is our true specialty. In the blockade, we did not give full play to our strengths. Instead, we consumed ourselves in sports. We cannot always survive in exhausted sports wars. Only dispersing guerrillas is our real way out. I personally suggest that we should not do this again. It is unnecessary sacrifice. I hope that starting from today, everyone will conceal each other and wait for an opportunity to act after a period of time. Only in this way can the revolutionary fire be preserved and the revolutionary struggle in the Dabie Mountains can be carried on for a long time."

Everyone was taken aback, and I didn't expect the brigade commander to say such pessimistic words.

Wu Fei thought to himself, isn't this clear to let everyone break up? So he said: "Brigade commander, now we have two thousand people. If we separate, it will not only be detrimental to unified command, but it will also be easier to be divided and surrounded by the enemy and eaten one by one."

Deputy political commissar Gui Shuangqing also said: "Yes, now everyone is a whole. Once separated, it will be difficult to close together in the future."

Wang Hezizi was the deputy commander. He interjected: "We have separated, so we might as well go up the mountain to be a bandit."

The brigade commander immediately criticized him: "How can you be called a bandit? Everyone must remember that we are a team led by the Communist Party, a team with a fine revolutionary tradition, and we have iron discipline. Bandits are absolutely not good, and murder and overstocking are absolutely not allowed. We must always remember that we are the New Fourth Army. As long as we remember this, what's wrong with occupying the mountain as the king? What's so terrible?"

After this military meeting, the Second Brigade was divided into three branches to break out: one is led by the brigade commander to break out of the encirclement to the north, the other is led by the deputy political commissar to break out to the west, and the other is led by Wu Fei to break out of the encirclement.

Wu Fei led this team of less than 400 people towards Wencheng. They hid in the forest during the day and marched at night. One morning, Wu Fei checked the team and found that Wang Hezizi's person had disappeared. He quickly led people back to search, only to see a company commander and three squad leaders tied to a big tree with pieces of cloth stuffed in their mouths. Wang Hezi left a note to Wu Fei, saying that the brothers really couldn't bear the hardship and decided to go back to Jinji Village.

Wang Hezi took away more than a hundred people, all of them were bandits who had become normal at the time.

Wang Xiaohu said: "Head, I will bring a company to catch these guys back. If they don't come back, I will get rid of them."

Wu Fei shook his head and said, "Commander Wang, our numbers are getting smaller and smaller, and there can be no more fearless casualties. If the gunfire attracts the enemy, we will be ruined here. Forget it, let They go."

The next morning, after an overnight march, Li Xingwang, the chief of staff of the regiment, suddenly said to Wu Fei: "The troops have been moving for a long time and have no fixed place. This is not a way. My body is getting worse and worse, and I can't follow the troops on the march. , I plan to go back to my hometown for a while and talk about it later.” He coughed violently as he said.

"Old Li, how can you leave the army? You are the main leader of the regiment, and how bad your influence will be if you leave." Wu Fei became anxious, thinking that Li Xingwang's departure would inevitably cause the army to shake.

"I can't take care of this anymore. My body is not good, and it is difficult to even march and fight. How can I talk about commanding the troops? Following the team, I have only a dead end. If I go home and recuperate in secret, I can recover my body and come to you again. "Li Xingwang said weakly and pale.

Wu Fei saw that he had decided to go, so he said, "I will ask the guard to take you home."

Li Xingwang said gratefully: "Thank you! Commander, the burden on your shoulders will be heavier with my leaving."

In the following days, each company reported to Wu Fei that some soldiers had deserted. Especially for a company, a total of more than a dozen fighters left before and after. Wu Fei was very angry and criticized the company commander: "What happened? How can someone leave the team without permission in the past few days? How did you become a company commander? Can't you? Use your brains and think of ways to do the ideological work of the fighters. Tell them that the immediate difficulties are only temporary. We will definitely highlight the encirclement and establish our own guerrilla zone. This point must be clear to everyone, and your attitude is also Be patient."