
Chapter 84: Fight between dragons and tigers 3


The company commander said aggrieved: "It was all led by the chief of staff. The soldiers talked privately that he would not come back. I want to dissuade them, but I can't dissuade them, unless they are shot and killed."

Wu Fei said: "You must not shoot. This will only intensify the conflict. You must know that many of the fighters who left the team are guerrillas for many years, and they have the friendship of fighting side by side with us. They only left because of a temporary lack of thought. The soldiers analyze the situation more and tell them that if they go back to the enemy, they will not let them go. If they follow the team, although it is a little bitter and dangerous, it is still a whole, and it is better than fighting the enemy single-handedly. ."

Wu Fei thought that going on like this was no way. The troops were either dragged down or dispersed by themselves. Measures must be taken. He decided to go to Anjiang. When he announced this decision at a meeting of cadres above the company, it aroused enthusiastic responses from everyone. Someone said, “It’s good to go to Anjiang. It’s an old district. At least we have solved the problem of accommodation and food.” Someone said, “I have relatives in Anjiang, so I can find them to help.” Others hummed the "Ten Red Army". tone.

Wang Xiaohu objected: "Head of the regiment, Anjiang is now where Liu Chenglong is hoarding heavy troops. Aren't we going to die?"

Wu Fei said: "I have to go to death. Instead of sitting and waiting for death, it is better to survive from the dead."

Wang Xiaohu said: "This is too risky. I can't see Wenxi as far as I can. There are high mountains and dense forests, so I can circle the enemy."

A company commander said: "I am opposed to going to Wenxi, where there are no maggots. If it weren't for Zhang Fengshan's wife who was arrested and made him take white rice and salt to redeem it, we would all starve to death there."

Another company commander said: "The current Anjiang is definitely different from the past. When we left the base area, left them to the devils, and then gave them to the Kuomintang, what would the people of Anjiang think? Will they still welcome us as they did in the past? "

Wu Fei knew that the Anjiang base area was severely damaged by the enemy. He said: “The heavier Anjiang is destroyed by the enemy, the deeper the hatred between the people and the enemy will be. Organize guerrillas to attack the enemy flexibly and flexibly and establish a solid guerrilla area.

After Wu Fei and the others arrived in Anjiang, they realized that the reality was grim. Because the Kuomintang army had cleared the place and the blockade was tight, the masses did not dare to have any contact with the New Fourth Army, and it was very difficult to carry out the work.

Wu Fei led the soldiers living in caves and hiding in the woods during the day and going out at night, but they went down several times and the masses were unwilling to accept them. No matter what they called the door, the masses just didn't open the door.

A comrade found his relative, and this relative closed the door immediately after giving a little dry food. The comrade kept knocking on the door and offered to borrow the night. The relative said, "You don’t know. A few days ago, a female soldier who was left behind by the New Fourth Army was captured. A few days later, she chopped off her head at Dongzuomen. The end is still hanging on the city gate. It’s tragic, and as long as they have lived in the New Fourth Army, they are all caught in the political training class for common crimes. They are asked to write voluntary letters and repentance letters every day, and they have to rush to repair the carving fort during the day, you say How can this world change all at once?"

Wu Fei said: "We are sorry to the people in the old district, but this time we come back and we are not going to leave anymore."

"It's not that we don't want to keep you, we are scared, we can't provoke them. You go, go far, the farther you go, the safer you go. We know that the Communist Party is good, but we do provoke the Kuomintang. I’m sorry, let’s go. If you don’t go, my family will be killed by you.” After speaking, the door was closed again.

Wu Fei knew that the entire Anjiang was shrouded in white terror, which he had not expected before. A feeling of despair began to permeate the team, and if they didn't leave, they would be wiped out. He said decisively: "I don't want to keep my master here, we have a place to keep my master. Go, let's go to Wenxi, after all, the enemy's strength there is relatively weak, and we also have a mass basis."

The situation of Wenxi is not much better than that of Anjiang, and the people who have been intimidated still dare not accept them. Wu Fei and the others had no place to live, so they had to live in a cave and could not borrow food. When they were hungry, they had to pick some wild fruits to satisfy their hunger. After the wild fruits were picked, they had to eat the sweet potatoes in the field. They plucked the sweet potatoes and left a few silver dollars for the people in the field. Later, the sweet potatoes were gone, so they could only eat the wild yams on the mountain and boil the roots to satisfy their hunger.

In this case, someone proposed to find the brigade department and meet with the brigade department. Wu Fei arranged for someone to go out with makeup, but this person never came back after going out.

A company commander named Xiang Shigui lived in Shinan Village and was only a dozen miles away from the team. He offered to go home and get some food. Wang Xiaohu asked to go with him, but Wu Fei agreed. Wang Xiaohu and Wang Guiying gave birth to a child. Because they were constantly moving with the army, they had to reluctantly give away the five-year-old child. Not long ago, Wang Guiying was pregnant again because he rarely ate rice, was severely malnourished, and had a miscarriage. Now Wang Guiying's body is very weak, and the five masters who were all the best at the time have difficulty walking. This can't help but make Wang Xiaohu anxious.

Wang Xiaohu and Xiang Shigui agreed to wait at the Didi Temple in the village, but did not see the nobleman Xiang Shigui until the evening of the next day. Wang Xiaohu realized that something was wrong, so he hurriedly left the Didi Temple and ran to a big tree on the opposite mountainside.

It turned out that after Xiang Shigui returned home, the old mother was ecstatic and told him that the next day was the wedding day of his brother, and asked him to drink the wedding wine before leaving. Xiang Shigui thought that there was only one day, and couldn't bear to refuse, so he agreed. The next day during the day, Xiang Shigui hid in the inner room and did not dare to come out to see people. At night, he carried a bag of rice prepared by his mother and went out. Just a few steps out, he was knocked to the ground by a group of people.

After Xiang Shigui was arrested in the county party headquarters, Fang Jiqing used various tortures, such as stepping on bars, taking a bath with starlings, and making jovial stools. He was beaten with blood and broken ribs, but Xiang Shigui insisted that he was fleeing. Returned, did not participate in the New Fourth Army.

Seeing his stiff mouth, Fang Jiqing said, "I know you people will not die until the Yellow River, and you will not cry if you don't see the coffin. Now, you open your eyes and see, who is here?"

The person who came in was Li Xingwang. He was caught by the security team on his way home, and he defected without being interrogated. He said: "Company Commander Xiang, those of us who have been involved in the revolution have been born and died for decades. What are we going to do? It is to live a good life in the future. If you are dead now, what are you going to do to continue the revolution? Fang The secretary-general said, as long as you sign this surrender letter, it means that you will no longer serve the Communist Party in the future. Brother, let me deal with it and let them let go for the sake of our past colleagues. "

Xiang Shigui did not expect the Chief of Staff to rebel, and the mental blow to him can be imagined. "I want to be beautiful, don't I understand the Kuomintang? There is no such cheap thing."

"If you don't believe me, I have nothing to say. Isn't it just a piece of white paper and black letters? Just save your life."

"No, I wrote it. It's like jumping into the Yellow River and I can't clean it up. I can't write."

"What can't be cleaned up? Now the world has changed. It is the Kuomintang's world. We have fought the Kuomintang for 20 years. Not only did the revolution fail, but the Kuomintang's power became stronger and stronger. Don't you know it clearly? ?"

After thinking about it, Xiang Shigui thought that Li Xingwang was right, so he signed the letter of surrender. Fang Jiqing didn't break his promise, and sent him home. When his mother saw that he was so badly hurt, she cried and said that I had harmed you. If it weren't for your brother's marriage, you wouldn't have suffered so much. Xiang Shigui didn't say anything, and slept for a day with his head covered. That night, the township police came to his house and kidnapped him. His mother passed out crying.

Fang Jiqing led the team and forced Xiang Shigui to lead the way to Wu Fei. Fortunately, Wang Xiaohu rushed back in time to report the letter, and Wu Fei led the team to avoid Baizhangya. Fang Jiqing jumped into the air, drew the pistol from his waist, fired several shots at Xiang Shigui, then blew the muzzle, with a sly smile on his face, after laughing, he turned Xiang Shigui over with his feet After he came to confirm that he had died, he put a banner that had been written "The small leader of the Communist Army Xiang Shigui was rectified on the spot" with a stone on his body, and then led his men away.

This incident greatly shocked Wu Fei. The situation was too sinister. He thought that only by continuing to adopt flexible and diverse guerrilla warfare, moving through the enemy's cracks, avoiding the strong and attacking the weak, and acting quickly, can he survive.

Wu Fei convened a meeting and said: "Comrades, we must go in circles with the enemy, lead the enemy by the nose, turn passive to active, and annihilate the enemy in motion, so that we can truly find our own living space. I It was decided to set up the Wenxi Detachment with two brigades, one of which is a pistol team, commanded by Comrade Wang Xiaohu, using night attacks to attack the enemy effectively. The personnel will be selected by Comrade Xiaohu, and the rest will be commanded by me. Respond."

Wang Xiaohu said: "This is a good idea. The troops cannot fight sports warfare. It is okay to make small noises. Let us now deal with the Kuomintang reactionaries with the same method of dealing with devils, so that they can't eat well, sleep well, and are exhausted. "

Wu Fei nodded and said: "Dogs will jump over walls if they are in a hurry, rabbits will bite people if they are in a hurry, now it is you and me. If we don't fight back, the Kuomintang thinks we are soft persimmons. pinch."

Wang Xiaohu picked up all the people and saw that they were shaved and thin. He thought that everyone hadn't eaten meat or smelled meat for months, and said amusedly: "Comrades, as the Chinese New Year is about to come, we also have to have a Chinese New Year celebration. It looks like some meat is good, some wine is good."

The soldiers looked at him suspiciously.

"Why are you looking at me, don't you want to eat some meat?"

A soldier said: "I want to think, but where does the meat come from?"

Wang Xiaohu said: "Let’s go down the mountain tonight and go to Shazigang to bring the Gouri’s township police team. Don’t you have meat to eat? However, you have to give me energy like little tigers, try your best. To reduce casualties, it is best to have zero casualties, and the head can’t be dumb, so that I can play the prestige of my Tiger team."

The soldiers applauded in unison: "We will do this tonight, maybe we can really get some wine and meat back to taste it."

That night, Wang Xiaohu brought the pistol team into Shazigang. People from the township police team were gathering together to gamble. They were captured by Wang Xiaohu without a single shot and shot and locked in a warehouse.

Wu Fei led the team to respond. After counting, a total of more than ten long and short guns were seized, one machine gun, hundreds of bullets, several thousand catties of grain, dozens of pieces of cotton clothing, and some dried fish and bacon. The soldiers moved back and forth several times before moving the trophies into the cave.

The soldiers had food to eat, clothes to wear, meat to eat, and wine to drink, and a happy new year.

Since then, Wang Xiaohu has won several more battles. The reputation of the "Tiger Team" has spread like wildfire. Liu Chenglong was shocked and organized a large-scale mountain search, but every time Wu Fei and Wang Xiaohu hid good food and other materials, they jumped out smoothly. Encircled the enemy.

Zhang Fengshan was secretly delighted, and finally got Wu Fei's message. Since the outbreak of the civil war, the Central Plains Military Region has successfully broken through the encirclement, containing more than 200,000 Kuomintang troops, and greatly supporting the struggle in other liberated areas from a strategic point of view.

Liu Chenglong said: "Fengshan, your Xuebing team made the little devils frightened when they heard of the wind. Now the Communist Party’s'tiger team' plays with the Xuebing team. It is so fascinating that my large army has nowhere to do it. In this way, I will give you a team, and you will be responsible for destroying them."

Zhang Fengshan said: "Master, Fengshan has been out of the military for many years. I am afraid that I will have a heavy burden. I still ask the teacher to choose another talent. Besides, I am too busy with business now, and I am helpless."

Seeing him decline, Liu Chenglong thought that making money this year still matters. If Zhang Fengshan meets the "Tigers" and there is a mistake, his loss will be great, so he said, "I'm just talking about it, you don't have to take it seriously. Besides, there are bandits. But there is still some use to suppressing us. If there are no bandits to suppress, and the country is stable, we will be the first to bear the brunt of the donkey. Therefore, business is the key. Now the legal currency is becoming less and less valuable, one hundred. Yuan could buy one fish last year, but only one egg this year. If next year, I’m afraid not even one fried dough stick will be enough. You have to step up to convert into gold bars. With hard currency, you won’t panic."

One day after the New Year, Wang Xiaohu led the pistol team to set up an ambush in Xin'andu, attacked a military vehicle passing by, and killed several people wearing generals.

After Liu Chenglong heard the news, his face was pale and at a loss.

Zhang Fengshan asked if he was uncomfortable

Liu Chenglong Liang said: "Something big happened. The Tiger Team killed the commander of the Huaitai Division and six general-level officers. The Central Committee and the committee were shocked. The committee cabled Zhengzhou Yingying Director Liu and quickly withdrew the commander of the 72nd Division. Let me take over as the commander of the First Qing Suppression District. I will speed up the search and suppression of the remnants of the Li bandit in Hubei, Henan and Anhui without any mistake!"

Zhang Fengshan knew that Wang Xiaohu was killed by the Kuomintang lieutenant general and some generals. He secretly applauded, but he said: "He Xi is promoted!"

Liu Chenglong said irritably: "What are you talking about now? This is to put Lao Tzu on the fire. If you can't get rid of this stubborn bandit, maybe Lao Tzu's head will move."

Liu Chenglong offered a reward of 5,000 yuan for the capture of Wu Fei and Wang Xiaohu, while implementing a more rigorous clearance plan, and tactically implemented "comb tactics." In the following two months, the Kuomintang soldiers, local security regiments, county police, district police, township police, and small security teams flocked to all corners and villages of Wenxi like locusts, once again frantically searching for the revolutionary masses. , Family members of cadres, local party and government cadres, the wounded and sick of the New Fourth Army, and the soldiers who left behind, a large number of people were arrested, killed, and buried alive.

The test of life and death is faced again, and the choice is so difficult to grasp and control. After being arrested, many cadres and separated fighters took the road of rebellion and became secret agents and spies of the small security team. It was also difficult for people to tell whether they had rebelled. This brought great resistance to the work of the guerrillas. It also caused huge losses. Another group of guerrillas were informed, arrested, and assassinated. The heads of guerrillas were hung on the towers of Dong Zuomen. Some caves with hidden materials and the wounded were buried by the enemy. The situation is becoming more and more complicated and severe.