
Chapter 88: Scarlet Dawn 1


On November 3, 1948, Xu Yuqing gave birth to a baby boy.

Zhang Fengshan was overjoyed, thinking of Chairman Mao's proposal of "Down with Chiang Kai-shek and establish a new China", so he named it "Zhang Jianguo", implying that a new China is about to be born.

Just a few days ago, Xu Youlan came to Wencheng from the Central Plains Bureau to convey to him the spirit of the December meeting of the CPC Central Committee, saying that Chairman Mao personally said at the meeting: "I have no standing in the formations of the Dabie Mountains. We dare not hold this meeting. I dare not say this, dare not write this article, dare not talk about the great turning point, Chiang Kai-shek can be defeated. This article will have to wait a year or a half before writing. Because the Central Plains troops have stood firm and the victory is reliable. Now We need to hold meetings to analyze and estimate, boldly write articles, and call on the people of the whole country to prepare to overthrow Chiang Kai-shek and establish a new China within a few years."

Xu Youlan also brought a newspaper to introduce the grand occasion of Nakano Jiuzong’s entry into Zhengzhou: the PLA soldiers were wearing grass-yellow new cotton uniforms, wearing dark green new helmets seized by the enemy, and rifle bayonets gleaming. Bright, countless heavy and light machine guns glowed blue. Majestic and orderly troops crossed the street, and mighty artillery marched on the concrete avenue. With red faces and full of energy, the soldiers sang the majestic "March of the Chinese People's Liberation Army" and the "Three Major Discipline and Eight Notes" songs. The crowd was extremely excited, cast their eyes on each other with joy and admiration, and continued to respond with applause and cheers.

Last night, Zhang Fengshan heard from Xinhua News Agency’s broadcast that the Battle of Liaoshen had ended successfully. The Northeast Field Army wiped out and captured more than 470,000 Kuomintang troops at the cost of more than 30,000 casualties, and achieved an unprecedented victory. Be liberated.

Good news is coming. Zhang Fengshan thought that the development of the situation took a sharp turn. After the victory of the Liaoshen Campaign, the atmosphere of the decisive battle in the Central Plains was very strong. From the perspective of strength, our army and the Kuomintang army are no longer equal, the dawn of victory has appeared, and the new China is coming. Therefore, When Xu Yuqing asked him to name the child, he thought of the word "Jianguo" without hesitation.

Xu Yuqing smiled on her pale face and asked, "Fengshan, are you a'fisherman'?"

Zhang Fengshan asked back: "What'fisherman'?"

Xu Yuqing was a little disappointed, but not reconciled, she continued to ask: "Are you a Communist Party?"

Zhang Fengshan hurriedly covered her mouth and said, "Speak down, if others hear it, we will cause a murder. Tell you, I am not a party, just a businessman. As for me as your uncle's munitions Director, that is also considered from the perspective of doing business."

Xu Yuqing said: "You are a lie, I have already seen it, you named the child'Jianguo', which strengthened my view. Forget it, you have difficulties, I will not force you, just hope you will be at your convenience Can tell me, let the children know what kind of person their father is."

Zhang Fengshan realized that he was being too careless. The name "Jianguo" was too sensitive. Now it is the Republic of China. Could it be that another country should be built? If the agents think this way, they will doubt themselves. He remembered a story told by Dai Changchun. It was still during the Anti-Japanese War. A young soldier of the New Fourth Army wrote a letter to his newlywed wife. The content was roughly as follows: "Sanya: I am back and I am leaving soon. This is possible. I’ll never come back. In the past three years in the army, I was thinking about hitting the devil while thinking about you. At the entrance of the village, I met the iron egg. He was shocked when he saw me and said why I lived again Then it took him a long time to tell me that you are married to him. I really want to beat him up, but who is this to blame, that is the little Japan. I gave this letter to the iron egg and told him You can't give the letter to you unless you hear that I am dead. Your brother Chun." Not long after that, Tiedan also joined the New Fourth Army, and his comrades found this letter from him when he died. So I said: "I remembered a nickname called'Tie Dan', and we will call him'Tie Dan' from now on.'Jianguo' is a big name, so he will use it when he grows up and goes to school, so as not to cause trouble."

There was a huge rumbling noise from the street. Zhang Fengshan went out and saw dozens of tanks running across the street and heading north. Some fine stones were crushed to pieces.

Many onlookers commented on the tanks. Some said: "This is called an armored force. I heard that it was going to the front line of Bengbu. It seems that the government has taken out all the money." Some said: "It is said that This force is commanded by the second son of Commander-in-chief Jiang, who has stayed abroad." Some said, "It's going to fight a war, and I don't know how many people will die." Some people are superstitious, saying, "This spring is going down." There was thunder when it snowed, and the old people said that thunder hits the snow, and the dead can't handle it. Hundreds of thousands of people have died in the northeast, and now Huaibei is going to suffer."

Shui Sheng came over with a bag of rice and said to Zhang Fengshan: "Master, the money has depreciated again. One hundred yuan can only buy four or five grains of rice. One bag of money can be exchanged for one bag of rice. What kind of world is this?"

Zhang Fengshan understands that this is a precursor to the impending demise of the Jiang family. If a government levies and abandons its people, the people will naturally abandon it. "Who knows? Use it as soon as you can buy something now."

Shui Sheng nodded and said, "The same is what my young lady said."

Zhang Fengshan reported the good news to Liu Chenglong. Liu Chenglong was listening to Mei Lanfang's record and learned that Xu Yuqing had given birth to a fat boy again. He said happily: "Okay, I have another grandson."

Zhang Fengshan said: "A war is about to be fought, is there such a leisurely sentiment for the commander?"

Liu Chenglong said: "The president has put all the treasures on it, and he wants to fight a decisive battle with the Communists along the Longhai Line, so as to determine the universe in one fell swoop."

Zhang Fengshan deliberately asked: "According to the commander's judgment, the national army will win a big victory?"

Liu Chenglong laughed and said, "Of course. The Communists have mud legs, and they are still good at fighting guerrillas. However, they have to fight against the national army in large corps. There are neither generals nor talents who have drunk foreign ink. The national army’s all-American equipment, not to mention we have airplanes in the sky and tanks underneath. The President’s intention is to defeat the Communist army on the front line of Huaihai. Annihilate the communist army in order to get it done once and for all."

Zhang Fengshan smiled secretly, Liu Chenglong wanted to be beautiful, and no one knew that Lin Biao's Northeast Field Army had quietly entered the customs and surrounded the Fu Zuoyi Group Army. Hu Zongnan lost Yan'an in the northwest and was trapped immobile. At this time, talking about the annihilation of the Communist army, I am afraid it is Chiang Kai-shek's wishful thinking.

In the evening at the end of the month, Zhang Fengshan received a notice from Dai Changchun and met him in a warehouse at the dock.

Dai Changchun took out a bundle of written "Letters to the People of Anxi Towns" and said to Zhang Fengshan: "This is issued by the Political Department of the Anxi Military Region to promote our party's urban policies to the masses. This means that our party's focus It will shift from rural to urban."

Zhang Fengshan said: "Great. We will post it on the streets and alleys tonight, so that these silent bombs will disturb the enemy's sleep and completely destroy their mental defense."

The next day, the whole Wencheng boiled and people talked a lot. Some denounced the Kuomintang’s reactionary rule, some praised the Communist Party’s good policies, and some hoped Wencheng would be liberated as soon as possible.

Liu Chenglong and Hu Kongzhao panicked, and they sent people to tear up these notices while conducting a citywide raid.

Sorrowful sirens sounded everywhere. In Zhang Fengshan's view, this was the enemy's last swan song.

As the New Year's Eve was approaching, the north wind blew up, and then the snowflakes fell on the ground. For ten days, the whole world was shrouded in whiteness, as if to bury the old world.

The phone in Liu Chenglong's war room kept ringing.

Seeing Liu Cheng's drooping head, Zhang Fengshan asked with a frown, "How is the battle on the front line?"

Liu Chenglong sighed and said: "The 7th Corps is gone, General Huang Botao killed himself before the formation; now Huang Wei's 12th Corps is surrounded by two piles again. There is no food to eat and no cotton clothes to wear. The lives of all soldiers are at stake. The reinforcements Li Mi and Sun Yuanliang were blocked by the middle field and were unable to advance. The Ministry of National Defense asked my division to go for reinforcements. I am afraid they would be reimbursed long ago when we arrived. I don’t want to go and die."

Radical General Zhang Fengshan said: "Isn't the commander afraid that the Ministry of National Defense will convict him?"

Liu Chenglong said: “I heard Minister Bai’s call saying that Lao Jiang bypassed him and called General Song, the commander of the 14th Student Corps in Wuhan, and asked him to rush to rescue General Huang. He was stopped by Minister Bai at the dock. I also want to stand still, saying that Chiang’s wealth has been exhausted, and he will not be far from stepping down."

Zhang Fengshan thought that one of the reasons why the Kuomintang was going to die was the internal factional struggle. Minister Bai has the confidence to push the palace because he still has hundreds of thousands of troops in his hands.

Sure enough, on New Year's Day, Chiang Kai-shek's "New Year's Proclamation" was broadcast on the radio, stating that he would negotiate peace with the Communist Party under the conditions of preserving the legal system, the constitution, and the Kuomintang army.

On the same day, Zhang Fengshan listened to the New Year’s speech broadcasted by Xinhua People’s Broadcasting Station-"Carry the Revolution to the End", which was written by Chairman Mao himself. After listening to this, Zhang Fengshan was full of enthusiasm. He thought that the founding of New China was just around the corner.

After the New Year, Wencheng is like a small boat in the wind and rain.

There was a rumble of gunfire from afar. Dai Changchun told Zhang Fengshan that Wu Fei’s Anxi Independent Brigade had encountered a brigade of Li Mi’s regiment that had been defeated and fled south from the Huaihai battlefield in Niushanchong. The battle was fierce for an hour, killing and wounding some of the enemies, and others. The enemy fled in panic.

Zhang Fengshan understood that the Huaihai Campaign was about to end victoriously.

At the same time, Liu Chenglong is like an ant on a hot pot, panicking all day long. He kept patting the table, cursing in his mouth: "This Jiang's bald head occupies the pit and doesn't shit, why can't his mother go to the wild?"

On January 21, when Zhang Fengshan was in Liu Chenglong’s headquarters, he suddenly heard Chiang Kai-shek’s retirement statement on the radio: "Since the New Year’s Day proclamation, advocating peace, the whole country has responded with unanimous support and supported the war. Still, the goal of peace cannot be achieved, because it is decided to retire first, in order to dispel the soldiers in the war, and relieve the people from hanging upside down. According to the constitution, Vice President Li will act as president..."

Liu Chenglong danced his arms and said excitedly: "Now it's all right, Jiang bald head is off the wild, and President Li is on stage."

Zhang Fengshan said: "Commander, this is the third time that Old Jiang has left the field. I heard that he made arrangements for the political and military personnel before he left the field. Don't forget that he has made a comeback after the first two exits."

Liu Chenglong smiled and said: "There is an old Chinese saying that'there is no more than three things'. I think he is completely finished this time."

Zhang Fengshan asked: "According to the commander's opinion, can we still fight with the Communist army?"

Liu Chenglong said: "Then it depends on the outcome of the negotiations. If we get together, we can make peace. If we don't agree, we will fight. Now the international public opinion is on our side, and even the Soviets support us. Don't forget that we still have half of the country. With the Yangtze River as the boundary, the second Southern and Northern Dynasties in history will come."

On the third night, Zhang Fengshan suddenly heard a woman yelling from the window outside the window at home on the third night: "There are orchids...grass for sale". He moved in his heart and realized that Xu Youlan was here. He went to the back door of Xinsheng Bookstore under the pretext of socializing.

After the two met, Xu Youlan conveyed to Zhang Fengshan the "Instructions of the Anxi Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China" on entering the city, emphasizing that each county must form an "urban control committee" with the siege troops when entering the city.

"The prefectural committee decided: Comrade Wang Xiaohu shall be the director of the Wencheng County Temporary Control Committee."

"So, our army is going to attack Wencheng?"

Xu Youlan nodded and said: "Long before the end of the Huaihai Campaign, Chief Liu Deng had already considered the plan to cross the river. As a nail of the enemy in the north of the Yangtze River, Wencheng must be removed."

Zhang Fengshan asked to fight: "Comrade Youlan, I have been looking forward to this day for a long time. What do I need to do, please give me an order!"

Xu Youlan smiled and said: "Fengshan, your'fisherman' mission is about to end, I will give you the last task, as soon as possible to get Liu Chenglong's city defense fortifications, so as to reduce the casualties of my siege troops."

When Zhang Fengshan returned home, he saw Song Tiejun sitting in the living room, with Xu Yuqing accompanying him.

"Director Song, why are you here?" Zhang Fengshan asked, passing a cigarette.

Song Tiejun said: "I am here to say goodbye to you, and there is another task to be given to you. Once the Communists attack the city, you will blow up the power plant and you must not give it to the Communist Party in vain. Do you understand?"

Zhang Fengshan and Xu Yuqing said in unison: "Guaranteed to complete the task!"

The next day, Zhang Fengshan was discussing with Liu Chenglong about the withdrawal of Song Tiejun and others to Qing'an. Hu Kongzhao came in in a panic and reported: "Commander, the major incident is not good. Director Song and others were ambushed by the Communists in Qipanling. He refused. The surrender was killed by the Communists."

Liu Chenglong's face changed drastically, and he asked, "Is it Wang Xiaohu again?"

Hu Kongzhao said: "No, I heard the people who escaped say that the soldiers of the Communist Army claimed to be Huaye."

Liu Chenglong suddenly slumped in his chair, and said for a long time: "Go ahead and cooperate with the stationmaster Zhou to implement the'hell' plan."

After Hu Kongzhao left, Liu Chenglong said to Zhang Fengshan: "Fengshan, I should also be prepared. Tomorrow you will leave for Hong Kong by the waterway, transport all your savings over the years, and look for a house there. I will then go to Hong Kong. Your aunt, Yuqing's mother and son will join you in the past."

Zhang Fengshan nodded and said, "I will go back and prepare."

Zhang Fengshan returned home, and while instructing the aquatic life to prepare ships, he sketched out the city defense fortifications in Liu Chenglong's war room based on his impressions, and then signed the name of the "fisherman", rolled it up and hidden it in the bottom of the bowl, and sealed it with glue. Carrying a food box to the Dai Changchun Hotel.

There were three strangers in the store who were eating. When they saw Zhang Fengshan coming in, they looked at him with vigilant eyes, and then immersed themselves in the meal.

Zhang Fengshan called out, "Boss, make me a bowl of crucian carp soup."

Dai Changchun came over with a spring breeze and took the food box. Zhang Fengshan nodded at him as the handover, Dai Changchun understood, and said, "Sit down, I will get it now."

Zhang Fengshan sat down facing the three people, and suddenly felt that one of them was a bit familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere, and couldn't remember for a while. With his memory, if he meets each other, he will never forget it.

The man glanced at Zhang Fengshan, "Boss, let's have some more rice, we have to hurry." After that, the man looked out the door vigilantly with his eyes.

At this moment, Zhang Fengshan had a name in his mind, and he almost yelled out with excitement. This person is Wu Fei. Although they don’t know each other, Zhang Fengshan has seen Liu Chenglong’s wanted notice, and there is Wu Fei’s on it. portrait.

Dai Changchun came over with the rice, but Wu Fei's expression changed suddenly and he said: "There is a situation." An extra gun came out of his hand, and the black hole pointed its muzzle at Zhang Fengshan.