
Chapter 90: Scarlet Dawn 3


Jiang Jingyu interrupted and said: "Political Commissar Wu, this Doctor Xu is Zhang Fengshan's lover. They were married for seven years and had two children."

As Wu Fei untied the rope for Zhang Fengshan, he sighed: "Yes, you can hide it from your wife, and you were treated as a spy. The hidden work is perfect."

Zhang Fengshan said: "After the victory of the War of Resistance, Old Wei confessed that I would continue to lurch. After his sacrifice, Comrade Youlan became my upline. Some time ago, she went to Wencheng and gave me the last task, saying that he got the city defense fortifications picture, "Fisherman. 'The mission is over."

Xu Yuqing will be suspicious, "Anyway, you are responsible for the death of Comrade Fang Ming."

Zhang Fengshan introduced Song Tiejun's "Nine Deaths and a Lifetime" method once, and everyone felt incredible after hearing it.

Wu Fei said: "Comrade Yuqing, you must be prepared to sacrifice when you are in the revolution. Comrade Fang Ming did this to cover Comrade Fengshan. It embodies the noble qualities of an outstanding Communist Party member who is united and united before others. It is worth learning from all of us. of."

At this moment, an old man came in, took a look at Zhang Fengshan, and asked, "Are you Yansheng?"

Zhang Fengshan also recognized him, and moved forward to hold his hand and said, "Teacher, why are you here?"

The old man is Zhu Dapeng. He said: "Since Hu Zongnan occupied Yan'an, I have followed Liu Deng's army to Zhongyuan."

A security guard behind the old man said: "This is Director Zhu of the Political Department of the Central China Bureau."

Zhang Fengshan reported to the old leaders of his situation since he went to work in Wencheng.

Zhu Dapeng listened and nodded with satisfaction, and said: "The carpenter beats the carpenter, the Hanlin supervisor cuts the Hanlin, you are a'secret' doing a good job, and even your wife can't tell it. I will give you full marks."

Xu Yuqing blushed and said, "Fengshan, I'm sorry."

Zhang Fengshan said: "Yuqing, it's me who wants to say I'm sorry, but I am doing this for your safety."

That night, Zhang Fengshan and Xu Yuqing cuddled together, and they had endless whispers.

Xu Yuqing asked: "If I don't stop, are you really going to Hong Kong?"

Zhang Fengshan said: "Of course not, I planned it a long time ago, but it was a step ahead."

Xu Yuqing said: "Fengshan, I'm so happy, we are from the same camp."

Zhang Fengshan amused: "If I were really a spy, would you shoot?"

Xu Yuqing nodded and said, "I will. Do you remember what I said back then? Either you die or I die. There is only one ending, but if I kill you by myself, I will not live, we both Life is not at the same point of death at the same time."

Zhang Fengshan said: "Don't say bad things, we both have to live well, and we have to contribute to the building of New China."

The next day, Zhang Fengshan asked to join the work as soon as possible.

Wu Fei said: "Comrade Fengshan, I have discussed with Minister Zhu and appointed you as secretary of the Wencheng County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China. Wencheng has not yet been liberated and we need a lot of work."

"How does Xu Yuqing arrange?"

"Stay in the military hospital for the time being. When Wencheng is liberated, she will be responsible for preparing for the construction of the People's Hospital."

Wu Fei and Zhang Fengshan and his entourage bid farewell to Zhu Dapeng and came to Longwan. Wang Xiaohu greeted them at the intersection.

Zhang Fengshan said: "Sure enough, he is a member of the generals."

Wang Xiaohu said: "Captain Zhang is also well-deserved."

Wu Fei said: "Comrade Xiaohu, Comrade Fengshan is just a fisherman."

Wang Xiaohu was in awe and said: "Comrade Special Commissioner, Xiaohu has been looking for you for more than ten years, and I finally met today. I can also comfort Secretary Hong and Comrade Fang Ming for the spirit of heaven."

Zhang Fengshan's family was placed in the Long Family Ancestral Hall, where Feng Jiao, Feng Jie, and Feng Zhi were also there.

Xu Yuqing asked: "Why are you here?"

Feng Jiao said, "My brother asked Aunt Xu to bring us over a week ago."

Feng Zhi became an eldest child and said wittyly: "Aunt Xu dressed up as my dad. Only when I got here did I know that she was a female. It was so fun."

Zhang Fengshan said: "Let's play, I will discuss with Political Commissar Wu and Captain Wang on how to liberate Wencheng?"

Wu Fei, Wang Xiaohu, and Ye Yuexia were waiting for him at the station of the original Xuebing Corps.

Ye Yuexia saw Zhang Fengshan and asked: "Fengshan, how is my mother?"

Zhang Fengshan said: "Yuexia, let's change the sorrow, my aunt is gone."

Ye Yuexia's eyes suddenly turned red, but fortunately she was mentally prepared. "How did she die?"

Zhang Fengshan recounted the situation that Fang Jiqing forced the old man to write a letter of persuasion and that the old man died after being tortured alive.

Wang Xiaohu said angrily: "This Fang Jiqing was beaten to death as a bargain for him. After Wencheng is liberated, I will slaughter him."

Wu Fei said: "Blood debt is paid back. Anyone who has the blood of the people on their hands will surely be judged by the people."

Ye Yuexia wiped the corners of her eyes and said, "I just know it. Let's talk about business."

Wu Fei saw that she was very strong, so he said: "I went to the Central China Bureau for a meeting this time. Commander Liu Bocheng said when summing up the battle of Huaihai that although we won the victory, the price was very high. 130,000 athletes died in the battle. Most of them are young adults. How many mothers have lost their sons, how many wives have lost their husbands, and how many children have lost their fathers. He is sorry for them. Peking has been peacefully liberated and has set an example for the peaceful liberation of other cities. We can not fight. Fighting not to fight will not only save the city from destruction and life, but also our army from injury and death. I also went to the prisoner-of-war camp to find the captive General Wade, the former deputy commander of the Kuomintang 64th Army. He and Liu Chenglong is a fellow villager, so he asked him to come forward and write a surrender letter to Liu Chenglong." He said and took the letter out of his pocket.

Zhang Fengshan took it over and took a look, only to see that the letter stated—

Jackie Chan's brother Tai Junjian: The first battle in Xuzhou, with eyes full of corpses, was a hell among adults. Now that the People's Liberation Army has one million troops heading south, the national liberation is just around the corner. I really can’t help but have great anxiety for my brother. The general situation is over. In order to reduce the deaths of soldiers and civilians, my brother should not hesitate to lead an uprising and return to the people. My generation will be very old, and how many more years can we live. We have gone the wrong way in the past, and now we can make up for everything in the past in a blink of an eye. When this is an important time that can benefit mankind and benefit the country, for the country, for the sake of our compatriots, for the sake of individuals and future children, my brother should act decisively and embrace the people. The situation is urgent, and I can't say enough to look south. I hope my brother will take care, especially looking forward to hearing the good news soon.

Wade Pen

"Political commissar, Liu Chenglong and I are relatives, and we are willing to go and persuade them to surrender."

Wu Fei shook his head and said, "Fengshan, you have hijacked Liu Chenglong's property and his wife. He must hate you deeply. I can't let you take this risk."

Zhang Fengshan said: "Tiger poison does not eat children, or let Yuqing try it. After all, she is Liu Chenglong's niece, Liu Chenglong will not treat her like anything."

Ye Yuexia said: "No, the child is still in the infancy. Don't leave the mother in one day, let me go."

Wang Xiaohu said: "It is most suitable for me to go. Negotiations pay attention to the principle of reciprocity. If the level of the person we go to is too low, Liu Chenglong will think that our side is not sincere."

Wu Fei pondered for a while, and said: "First send a person who is not ours to take General Wei's letter to test it. If he is sincere, we will arrange for someone to talk to him at that time."

But he said that after Liu Chenglong received the letter, he threw it to Zhou Jin before he finished reading it, saying: "Those who are greedy for life and afraid of death, it is worth noting that such a letter is not read."

Zhou Jin finished reading and said, "The commander is really the pillar of the party-state. I must report to Director Mao so that he can speak more nicely in front of the president."

Liu Chenglong has learned from the population that Zhang Fengshan is in Longwan, his wife has become a hostage, and all his belongings have been confiscated. He feels that the future is bleak and said: "You tell Director Mao that Liu will become a benevolent person if he fails to succeed. Coexist and die."

Zhou Jin said: "Okay, Zhou Jin is not talented. I would like to follow the commander through all kinds of fire and water, and will not hesitate!"

That night, the headquarters was decorated with lights and festivities. Liu Chenglong was holding Lan Yu, Zhou Jin was holding Li Yuzhu, and other officers also brought prostitutes and even abducted female students, drinking and dancing, drunk and dreamed of death.

Zhou Jin took a wine bottle and made a drink with Liu Chenglong, and said, "Commander, do you hate Zhang Fengshan? If you hadn't stopped him, I would have killed him."

Liu Chenglong said: "I regret it now. If I see him again, I must kill him personally to relieve my hatred."

Zhou Jin said: "I have a plan to let the commander get his wish."

Liu Chenglong suddenly became interested, "Let's listen."

Zhou Jin said: "Don't the Communists persuade you to surrender? We can pretend to agree and ask them to send Zhang Fengshan and Wang Xiaohu to negotiate. As long as the two of them come, we can do whatever we want."

Liu Chenglong clapped his hands and said, "It's wonderful, it's really wonderful, that's it."

The next day, Xu Dakai brought Liu Chenglong’s autograph to Longwan and handed it to Wu Fei, saying: “Commander Liu is willing to follow the example of General Fu to deliver the letter. I hope that your ministry will immediately Send Zhang Fengshan and Wang Xiaohu two leaders to negotiate."

Wu Fei notified Zhang Fengshan and Wang Xiaohu to come to discuss, and said: "Why did Liu Chenglong appoint you two? I suspect this is a trap."

Zhang Fengshan said: "He has been obedient to me before, and besides, I am his relative, he may think he can trust him."

Wang Xiaohu said: "I am the person in charge of the Anxi Detachment. He probably thinks that the reorganization of the army requires me to make a decision."

Wu Fei said: "I'm afraid that there will be fraud, but for the sake of safety, let him send a representative to talk to us."

Zhang Fengshan said: "The political commissar, as the saying goes,'If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get a tiger's son.' The army is about to cross the river. If they send representatives to talk, I don't know how long it will take to get together? He knocked on the gong and the drum directly."

Wang Xiaohu said: "Yes, Fengshan is right. Please make the decision as soon as possible by the political commissar."

Seeing this, Wu Fei had no choice but to say: "In this way, I will personally buy him a letter, Xiao Yi is great."

Zhang Fengshan and Wang Xiaohu brought Wu Fei's autograph letter to Liu Chenglong's headquarters and presented the letter.

General Liu: My army of one million Chen Bing Jiangbei will soon cross the Yangtze River and liberate all of China. Wencheng has been surrounded by our army, and liberation is a matter of time. There are only two roads before the general. Surrender is a way to survive, and resistance is a dead end. The matter has burned your eyebrows, don't allow yourself to hesitate, please make your own decision quickly.

The general’s wife has been properly settled and the property remains intact. As long as the general is willing to settle it peacefully, I would like to guarantee the general’s safety.

Our party has established a leniency policy, and our army has implemented both the eight-article announcement of the covenant and the handling precedents of General Fu Zuoyi. There is no need for any suspicion.

We hereby send two comrades, Zhang Fengshan, secretary of the Wencheng County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Wang Xiaohu, captain of the Anxi Detachment, to come for an interview. Please ensure the safety of the two.

Hope to toast with the general in Wencheng to celebrate.

Wu Fei, Political Commissar of Anxi Military Region

After reading it, Liu Chenglong laughed and tore Wu Fei's letter to pieces.

Zhang Fengshan was taken aback and said, "Didn't the commander let us negotiate?"

Zhou Jin appeared from the back room and sneered: "Commander Liu is here to let you die. Come, let me arrest them!"

Dozens of soldiers with live ammunition burst into the house and surrounded Zhang Fengshan and Wang Xiaohu.

Liu Chenglong said: "Zhang Fengshan ah Zhang Fengshan, you hide so deeply, you have been fooled by you for so many years, I never thought that you would have a chance today."

Zhang Fengshan said: "Commander, you have to think twice before you act. If you kill us, you will be completely eliminated."

Wang Xiaohu had no fear on his face and said: "Our army has surrounded Wencheng Tuantuan. If you are not afraid of death, just do it. Twenty years later, I will be a good man again."

Liu Chenglong said: "Back then, the Communist Party cut off my parents' way back, but now you cut off my way back. What's the point of my life?"

Zhang Fengshan persuaded: "You can't say that. The road is at your own feet. As long as you correct evil and turn your back to the right, the people will welcome you."

Liu Chenglong sneered and said, "Do you think I will believe your words?"

Zhou Jin was a little impatient, and said, "Commander, what are you talking about with him? If you didn't say you killed him personally, I would have done it a long time ago and let them be a company for Dai Changchun."

The gunfire rang, and Zhang Fengshan and Wang Xiaohu fell in a pool of blood.

The bad news spread, the mountains and rivers sobbed, and the sun and the moon were in sorrow.

Wu Fei ordered to attack the city. Our army turned grief into strength. All of them attacked the county like tigers. Wencheng was liberated for the second time. Zhou Jin was captured alive, and then the law was taken. Only Liu Chenglong was missing.

More than a month later, the Battle of Crossing the Yangtze River started, and millions of heroes crossed the river, completely destroying the reactionary rule of the Kuomintang.

On the morning of October 1, 1949, in front of the completed Martyrs Monument, Ye Yuexia led a group of children to recite poetry.

Your body.

Not only laid the foundation for victory.

It has raised our eyes even more.

You lie here silently.

But your great image of immortal spirit.

It is the wealth we will never enjoy.

You take the desolation and depth of a monument.

Prove to time.

A generation down and standing posture.

The moment when you were creeping blood.

You handed your heart back to Mother Earth intact.

You don’t know how many such hearts there are.

Converge into a huge melt stream.

Only then did a glowing red China erupted.

In our hearts.

You will be immortal.

Behind the monument is the cemetery of martyrs, where named martyrs such as Zhang Fengshan, Wang Xiaohu, Hong Changrong, Fang Ming, etc., are resting there, as well as some unknown martyrs.

Xu Yuqing took her two children, Feng Jiao, Feng Jie, and Feng Zhi to pay homage to Zhang Fengshan's tomb.

When Chairman Mao’s sonorous voice "The Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China is established today" came on the radio, Xu Yuqing uttered a sad voice: "Fengshan, have you heard that? New China is formed!"

One day more than thirty years later, a white-flowered, old-fashioned man, supported by a young man, came to the tombs of Zhang Fengshan and Xu Yuqing. He was kneeling and wrinkled with tears on his face. An ambiguous sentence was spit out: "Fengshan, Yuqing, my lonely elder... I am here to pay you..."

This old man is Liu Chenglong, who returned to this land after wandering for decades. The young man who accompanied him was named Zhang Jianguo, the deputy head of the Wencheng County People's Government.

Zhang Fengshan's deeds are widely circulated in Wencheng, and a poet wrote a poem summarizing his legendary life.

Born in troubled times, the iron horse and glacier are for salvation.

The heroic sentiment drives away the Japanese pirates, and is thrilling to fight the enemy stubbornly.

Holding the loyalty to open the road, relying on the hard bones to overcome the difficulties.

The bloody wind should have a limit, and there will be free flowers everywhere in the world.