Cool Goddess Special Agent

Chapter 111: Hugh shocked everyone


"Isn't it?" The audience fell down again.

Is this woman really ignorant or fake

Shen Zhu had already turned into a bitter face.

Originally, he wanted to play a word game in front of Chu Ye, to frame her first, but he didn't want to, compared to her, he... was too tender.

"Haha..." Here, Lanxi Liuhua and Huancheng laughed out loud.

Anyway, seeing Shen Zhu's troubled and bitter face, they felt refreshed.

Just now seeing Chu Ye taking the ring from Shen Zhu's hand so easily, their hearts almost stopped beating, but they didn't want to, all of them were put together by Chu Ye so lightly.

Especially Bo Ling Canglan.

His last wishful thinking was also shattered by Chu Ye raising his eyebrows and smiling.

For this daughter who hadn't seen him for six years and suddenly came back by herself, at this moment, he didn't know what words to use to express his feelings.

A competition should come to an end at this time. With extremely entangled thoughts, Bo Ling Canglan simply announced the end of the competition, and asked all the guests to move to the lobby to have tea and dinner. There are no words.

He's really not in the mood anymore.

This year's internal competition annoyed and angered him more than any other year. Everything was out of his control. It was his best patience not to get angry and lose his temper on the spot.

After Bo Ling Canglan spoke, everyone had to get up excitedly. Over the years, they had watched so many games, but today's internal competition of the Bo Ling family was the most interesting.

Everyone couldn't help shouting in their hearts:

Fun, fun!

Unexpectedly, at this time, Bo Lingming, who had already changed into a robe, was sitting on a big chair, and was carried by two guards, and beside him was his father, who was one of the ten elders of the Bo Ling family. , Bo Lingyan, and his grandfather, Bo Lingmou, who is the head of the ten elders.

Since both hands and legs of Bo Lingming were deliberately cut by Shen Zhu, he couldn't move at all at this moment. After Bo Lingyan and Bo Lingmou beside him saluted Bo Ling Canglan on his behalf, they looked solemn Standing on the left and right of Bo Lingming, he looked like an old chicken guarding a young chicken.

Bo Lingming glared fiercely at Shen Zhuhou, and without beating around the bush, he directly said to Bo Ling Canglan, "My lord, please agree to my little nephew's request."

As soon as Bo Lingming, grandpa and grandson appeared together, the guests who were planning to leave immediately stopped gossiping.

I always feel that watching today's game is very enjoyable, but I always feel that there may be more enjoyable events that have not been staged.

No, when they heard that Bo Lingming seemed to be making some request, and the situation seemed to be about to change again, they immediately stopped one by one.

"What's the matter?" Bo Ling Canglan's eyes moved slightly.

She thought that Bo Lingming deliberately hurt Shen Zhu because of Shen Zhu, and wanted him to punish Shen Zhu.

In this way, it suits him too much.

Unexpectedly, Bo Lingming's eyes fell on Chu Ye, and then said with fiery eyes: "Please ask Patriarch to betroth Seventh Junior Sister Bo Ling Yili to my nephew!"

Hearing this, not only Bo Ling Canglan was slightly taken aback, but everyone present couldn't help being surprised.

Shen Zhu's marriage proposal to Chu Ye failed just now, which is obvious to all, unexpectedly, another proposal came so soon.

"This..." Bo Ling Canglan suddenly showed embarrassment.

You know, his seventh daughter is now Caroline's only disciple. I'm afraid that Caroline has to nod her marriage, and what he said may not count.

"Patriarch Bo Ling!" At this time, another pleasant voice rang out, Lan Xi Liuhua swayed his folding fan lightly, with his clothes fluttering, and came through the striding strides of the crowd, with his signature gentle smile on his face, However, he glanced at Bo Lingming coldly, and said, "Bo Ling Yili, the seventh miss of the Bo Ling family, had promised me with her fingertips sixteen years ago. I don’t know, your father and grandfather should be very clear.”

The implication: your wishful thinking is wrong.

Hearing this, Bo Lingming couldn't help turning his eyes red with anger.

Yes, he did have some calculations in his heart. Chu Ye is not only the seventh daughter of Bo Ling Canglan, but also the only disciple of Caroline. Who wouldn't want to marry such a woman with such talent

Moreover, she is also the woman that Bo Ling and Chen Zhu like, and as revenge, he, Bo Lingming, will get her no matter what.

Now, after being told by Lanxi Liuhua, isn’t it true that he has no more drama? In a panic, Bo Lingming immediately looked angrily at his father and grandpa beside him, “Say something, I don’t care, I just I want to marry her, I want her to be my woman!"

Bo Lingmou's three-generation single biography, seeing his beloved grandson injured in the ring, he was already heartbroken, but now seeing that his grandson can't even get a woman, the anger in his heart suddenly came up.

"Patriarch, Ming'er was seriously injured, so I don't need to pursue it, but since he likes Miss Seven so much, please ask the Patriarch to make it happen. As for marrying the finger pulp of the Xilan family, our Boling family can propose a divorce. If the Patriarch It's difficult, I can leave this matter to the old man. Could it be that our Bo Ling's family is afraid of his Lanxi's family?" Bo Lingmou's words are not unreasonable, and his demeanor is that even Bo Ling Canglan is a bit uncomfortable. Put it in your eyes.

Indeed, he, Bo Lingmou, is the head of the ten elders of the Bo Ling family, so it goes without saying that he is superior. In terms of personal strength alone, even Bo Ling Canglan, who is the head of the family, is not his opponent.

So, he has this arrogant capital.

When the matter developed to this point, many of the guests who had already left their seats sat down again in their original seats as if they were watching a play.

Faced with Bo Lingmou's strong and almost compelling language, Bo Ling Canglan's face suddenly darkened, but Bo Lingmou's status as the head of the ten elders of the family is there, and the Bo Ling family really needs it in many places. Relying on him, for a while, he can't refute his face too much.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "Elder Mou, this matter... we have to discuss it carefully..."

"What are you discussing? What is there to discuss?" With a cold reprimand, Chu Ye, who had been standing beside him coldly, took a step forward, holding his head high.

He glanced coldly at the two old faces of Bo Ling Canglan and Bo Lingmou, and snorted coldly: "Do you think I'm dead? Or do you think that I, Chu Ye, are like the other girls of the Bo Ling family, and you can do whatever you want? If you want to make a circle, you can make it round, and if you want to make it flat, you can make it flat? Then, let me tell you, it’s a big mistake! No one can say anything about my marriage in Chu Ye. I can marry whoever I want, and no one can interfere. .”

Chu Ye's voice was not loud, but it was also not low, and there was a cold and penetrating force, which was heard clearly by everyone in the arena.

Immediately, all of them showed surprise, and their eyes once again hit Chu Ye in unison.

"Naughty girl, don't be so arrogant..." Bo Ling Canglan's face became even darker when he was angered by Chu Ye's nonsense.

Bo Lingmou, who looked arrogant, felt that he was being scolded by a junior pointing at his nose, and immediately became angrier than Bo Lingcanglan, and shouted: "Miss Seven, it seems that you have been living in the country for several years. Younger, when our elders are talking, when will you, a junior like you, intervene? Parents have always had the final say on children's marriages. At that time, whether you marry or not can be up to you?"

"A joke!" Chu Ye couldn't help snorting, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world. After a burst of laughter, he looked coldly at Bo Lingmou and said with a sarcasm: "Just because of your grandson Bo Lingming Is my virtue worthy of me? Lift me up my shoes, I hate it!"

One sentence caused the audience to gasp in surprise.

Really tmd too awesome xx!

Crazy, can you be a little more crazy

In a word, Bo Lingmou was so angry that he almost fainted.

Bo Lingming was so angry that his eyeballs popped out, and he stared at Chu Ye with a disdainful expression. He clenched his fingers into fists, and his veins bulged, and immediately ruptured the old wounds that had been bandaged on his arms.

Humiliation, he, Bo Lingming, had never suffered such humiliation in his life.

His father, Bo Lingyan, was also furious. Seeing that his precious son's wound was bleeding again, he immediately healed his wound with witchcraft in his heartache.

Directly ignoring their murderous gazes, Chu Ye raised his head slightly, and the corners of his lips raised a perfect arc, revealing a deep smile, and then, a haughty and clear voice resounded through the audience: "You all Everyone thinks that children’s marriages are decided by the parents, so if the father is no longer the daughter’s father, what should we say?”

Suddenly, everyone was confused for a while.

What does it mean that this father is no longer the father of this daughter

Since this father is the father of this daughter, how can he no longer be the father of this daughter

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, Monk Zhang Er was puzzled.

However, some smarter people had vaguely thought of something, and then, horrified, their eyes were shocked, and they stared at Chu Ye in disbelief, and forgot to blink.

And Bo Ling Canglan is one of these smart people.

When he touched the resolute smile on the corner of Chu Ye's mouth, his heart skipped a beat, he flicked his sleeves angrily, and said sternly: "Ni Nu, are you crazy? There are so many people here, you think it's embarrassing to show off." Isn't that enough? Come, take Miss Seven down for me."

Upon receiving the order, two guards immediately walked towards Chuye.

"Stop!" Chu Ye swung the gun in his hand, aiming coldly at the two guards, "Whoever dares to take a step forward, I will kill him with one shot."

The expressions of the two guards changed, and they immediately stopped, not daring to take another half step forward.

Just now they have seen how powerful the gun in Chu Ye's hand is. A ninth-level wizard put up a protective wall, and she even injured Princess Wanwan.

Not to mention them who are only fourth-level fighters.

Besides, seeing the fierceness in Chu Ye's eyes, they absolutely believed that she could do what she said.

After successfully frightening the two guards, Chu Ye raised his foot and strode towards the main stage in the center of the arena.

The red robe is fluttering, and the white silk is tied around the waist.

Brown like a waterfall, dancing like silk.

She held a gun in one hand, held it behind her back, held her head high, like a nine-day phoenix, standing between the sky and the earth, so beautiful that people dare not look directly at it, and are so beautiful that people dare not breathe.

He raised his eyes, looked at Lu Shi who had been sitting in the same position with Caroline, smiled, and called, "Mother, are you ready?"

Looking at the magnificent, radiant, and imposing man in the field, all the blood in Lu Shi's body boiled at this moment.

This is her daughter, this is her daughter!

If you have a woman like this, you will have no regrets in this life!

As if infected, Lu Shi has never been so brave as she is now. She stood up without hesitation, raised her head, chest out, smiled, and walked step by step to Chu Ye on the stage. It dragged across the ground, and wherever it passed, a cool breeze blew up.

Looking at this pair of mother and daughter who suddenly shone brightly in the audience, whether it was those who didn't understand what they wanted to do, or those who understood what they wanted to do, they all stared.

Including, Bo Ling Canglan herself.

And Lanxi Liuhua, Shen Zhu, and Huancheng raised their heads slightly, staring blankly at the woman they had in mind with a 45-degree upward posture.

At this moment, she is the goddess in their hearts!

When Lu Shi stepped onto the main stage and stood beside Chu Ye, he reached out his hand and took out two sheets of thin paper as white as snow and two ink pens from his wide sleeves.

Then, put them on the desk on the main stage.

The two mothers and daughters looked at each other and smiled, each of them picked up an ink pen, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, began to swish the pen like a dance.

The audience was silent, only the sound of the pen tip scratching the paper was heard.

With a few simple strokes, the book is finished in one piece of paper.

Throwing the pen on the ground, holding the paper in the hand.

"Bo Ling Canglan, go on!" Chu Ye turned around, like lightning, two pieces of book paper, like hidden weapons, shot towards Bo Ling Canglan.

Bo Ling Canglan didn't even have time to dodge, so he had to concentrate on his fingertips, and reached out to grab the two pieces of book paper that Chu Ye shot quickly.

Then, lowering his eyebrows, he saw—

For a moment, the pupils shrank suddenly, and the muscles of the whole face trembled violently.

"Severance book?" Bo Lingmou looked at the first paper book, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Husband's book?" Bo Lingyan looked at the second paper book and opened his mouth in disbelief.

Two sheets of paper—

A severance letter, severing the relationship between father and daughter, is undoubtedly written by Chu Ye!

A divorce letter, severing the relationship between concubines, no doubt written by Lu Shi!

This move is definitely unprecedented, and there will be no one in the future. Both Bo Lingmou and Bo Lingyan belong to the group of those who are not smart, so they didn't think of the end from Chu Ye's words in advance. Seeing such a shocking thing, he immediately yelled without thinking.

As a result, everyone in the audience heard what they said.

I also understood what the content of the paper book written by Chu Ye and Lu Shi on the stage was!

In an instant, the whole scene seemed to be suddenly dropped by a super bomb, which exploded violently.






Immediately, controversy arose!

There were indignant scolding, righteous accusations, and unconventional recognition and appreciation, but they were almost inaudible when they were submerged by the tide of the former two.

It can be seen that in this world, after all, the thoughts of being too old, pedantic, and men superior to women have been deeply rooted in the bone marrow.

Holding the two letters of severing her husband, Bo Ling Canglan tightened her fingers one by one, her veins bulged one by one, and a violent and murderous aura rose from her whole body.

Shame, this is definitely the greatest shame to a man.

What's more, this man is also the head of the first wizard family, a high-ranking person who has stood at the top of the world for decades.

If he can endure such humiliation, then he is not a man!

With a sharp retraction of five fingers, the two papers of severance and divorce in his hand were turned into powder, and he shot sideways at the mother and daughter who were looking down at him from above the main stage, and said word by word. : "A rebellious daughter is unfilial, a concubine is unfaithful, death is not a pity!"

After finishing speaking, he spread his hands flat, his head raised slightly, and the incomparably powerful earth element frantically flowed between his hands.

"Earth crack and kill!" Bo Ling Canglan shouted, his voice was as cold as a ghost.

"sky… "

"ah… "


"No… "

With the different screams and calls of all the people; the extremely terrifying tenth-level witchcraft, "Earth Cracking and Killing", was ruthlessly placed on the main platform set up by Chu Ye and Lu Shi, from the ground to the top, as if A nuclear bomb exploded.

In an instant, bricks, dirt, and dust particles burst out from the ground, and a huge black mushroom exploded in midair!

"Ah..." Many of the surrounding guests who were relatively close to the main stage were affected, and all of a sudden, they screamed and became a mess.

"Chuye..." Almost at the same time, Lanxi Liuhua, Shen Zhu, and Huancheng looked at the main stage that was blown up like a volcanic eruption, their jaws were about to burst, and they cried out in pain.

From condensing the elements to making a move, it took only a split second for Bo Ling Canglan to strike, so fast that there was no room for reaction. It was almost the thought of them wanting to step forward to stop it, and the dust of Bo Ling Canglan's attack had already settled.

"Soul, I'm here!" A brisk voice resounded clearly above everyone's heads.

But it was no less than a clap of thunder on the ground, and once again bombarded everyone's fragile nerves at the moment.

The sound fell, and above the sky, two streaks of sky blue water wrapped around Chu Ye's waist, slowly bringing her down.

And above her, Caroline's crescent-white wizard robes fluttered in the wind, and her hair fluttered like a waterfall of ink. With her left hand, she held Lu Shi, whose face was pale from fright and whose body was as soft as brocade, and stood still. Standing in the sky, like a goddess, people can only admire.

No one saw exactly when Caroline shot

And how did Chu Ye and Lu Shi be rescued from the mortal situation

For a moment, the admiration for the goddess in my heart became deeper and stronger.

"Chuye..." Seeing that Chuye was perfectly fine, Lanxi Liuhua, Shen Zhu, and Huancheng rushed over excitedly.

He hugged Chu Ye fiercely.


Only God knows, their hearts stopped beating when they saw the place where Chuye stood was blown apart beyond recognition.

It seemed that what was blown up was not a small arena, but... their entire world!