Cool Goddess Special Agent

Chapter 119: Royal feast


Chu Ye stepped forward, facing the "victim" families who wanted to ask for an explanation, raised his lips with a disapproving smile, and said, "Why don't you ask your daughters or younger sisters in person? Wouldn't it be more direct? ?”

Hearing this, everyone was stunned. How could the wounder dare to ask them to ask the victim so confidently? Could it be that they were wrong

Suddenly, everyone couldn't help being a little shaken.

But those "victim" families seemed to have been reminded, and they really shouted at the girls who were struggling to climb ashore: "Why did you jump into the river? Tell the truth, the emperor and queen are here, and I will give you justice." .You don't need to worry about anything else."

This is so right, it is obvious that he is quoting a confession.

The girls looked happy and opened their mouths to say something, but when they met Chu Ye's threatening eyes, they immediately swallowed the words.

They were really afraid of Chu Ye's supernatural power, not to mention that they had nothing to do before, and even Murong Chang chose to shut up. If they continue to entangle this matter, it will only make their image worse. In the hearts of the emperor, queen and prince, it was greatly discounted.

This is not what they want to see. They came here today entirely for the crown princess. They have already made a mistake once, and they will never make a second mistake.

Thinking about it, the girls looked at each other for a while, met their eyes, then nodded secretly, and chose not to answer.

Immediately angered their fathers or brothers who were anxious on the shore, but there was nothing they could do.

"Father, since none of them deny it, it seems that what Chu Ye said is true. So, let the ladies who fell into the water go and change, and the banquet should begin." Shan, who is the prince It is very time for Xiuxie to speak out at this time.

Undoubtedly, it hit Emperor Cheng's mind.

"Okay, come here, take all the ladies to change into clean clothes." With a wave of his wide dragon sleeves, Emperor Cheng smiled brightly, and said again: "Set the table and spread the meal, and set up a feast."

A farce, stop here!

"Yes!" With an order, all the maids who performed their duties immediately took the order and left.

In just a moment, low tables, mats, all kinds of delicacies, snacks and mellow wines were set up one by one, and at the end there were court musicians playing beautiful music for everyone.

Everyone began to take their seats, the court officials were on the left, the family power was on the right, and their children sat at the deputy table behind them.

However, the seat where Caroline was sitting shocked Man Zuo—it was sitting side by side with Emperor Cheng.

You must know that the empress is naturally the one who sits with the emperor, that is to say, the empress Murong Wu is supposed to be seated here, but the person sitting at this moment is... Caroline.

But no one dared to say anything more, because this was what Emperor Cheng meant.

Even Empress Murong Wu herself always had a smile on her face, without even a single complaint, but when she lowered her head, the cruel look in the depths of her eyes flashed away.

At the same time, everyone also discovered that at this moment, the red and gold skirt on Caroline's body was even more colorful than the vermilion phoenix robe that only queens were allowed to wear on Murong Wu's body. But also bright and bright.

For a while, everyone seemed to realize something, but for a while, they couldn't sort it out, and the doubts in their hearts became heavier and heavier.

As for Chu Ye, thanks to Caroline, she is sitting very close to the front at the moment, opposite to that dead monster Shan Xiuxie and Shan Wanwan, and on the left and right are Lan Xi Liuhua and Shen Zhu.

Because Chu Ye put all his eyes on Shan Xiuxie before, and because Lanxi Liuhua and Shen Zhu came on behalf of the Lanxi family and the Boling family, they stood in front of everyone from the moment they entered the garden. So, unintentionally, Chu Ye didn't see them at the first time.

"Chu Ye!" After seeing him for two days, Shen Zhu never looked away from Chu Ye from the very beginning, seeing Chu Ye sitting next to him at this moment, thousands of words turned into this gentle call at this moment.

"Shen Zhu, how are you doing there these two days?" Chu Ye was also concerned about him, "Did Bo Ling Canglan make things difficult for you?"

"No!" Shen Zhu shook his head.

Those many pairs of eyes watching, old and cunning like waves Ling Canglan, he would not do anything to him blatantly.

It's just that only Shen Zhu understands the bitterness in it. Although Bo Ling Canglan doesn't deny his identity as the young master, he never lets him touch the real power center of the Bo Ling family. .

However, Shen Zhu was not in a hurry.

The world is unpredictable, and what many things owe is just an opportunity.

When the opportunity comes, there are some things that he can't help but wave Ling Canglan from letting go.

"That's good. In short, you have to be careful in everything in the Boling family from now on."

Chu Ye was a little relieved, seeing Shen Zhu's self-confidence and arrogance, Chu Ye knew that Shen Zhu was already capable of handling some things by himself.

Lanxi Liuhua also raised his glass to Shen Zhu through Chu Ye in the middle, and said sincerely: "If you encounter any difficulties, you can send someone to send me a letter, if you can help, I will definitely try my best to help the Lanxi family you."

"Thank you! In the future, I will definitely report back."

Shen Zhu is not hypocritical, right now he doesn't have the capital to refuse, although Lanxi Liuhua is his rival in love, but at the same time, he is also a brother.

Raise your glass in the same way, touch Lanxi Liuhua in the air, then hold your head up and drink it down.

Looking at the bold agreement between the two, Chu Ye couldn't help but smile slightly, seeing that they could get along peacefully, she was naturally happy.

Under the crabapple tree full of flowers, a royal garden feast began, and the morning breeze blew away the fragrance of the flowers in the garden.

But they each have their own thoughts.

Not long after that, the situation came to a head. One person hurriedly proposed to let his daughter perform on stage, hoping to be the first to appear on the stage, hoping to make the prince preconceived. Sister, I'm afraid of falling behind.

For a moment, all the girls tried their best to show their most beautiful and strongest side. It has to be said that these ladies from the rich families of officials still have some ink and skills.



play the piano.

write poetry.



One is more colorful and exciting than the other, and one is more dazzling than the other, making people dazzled and overwhelmed.

Attracting Emperor Cheng, he applauded and applauded several times. For a while, a banquet was so lively and joyful, so pleasing to the eye!

When all the girls finished performing one by one, Murong Chang made his finale appearance under deliberate arrangement.

What she performed was a majestic and soft sword dance.

Wearing a gorgeous palace dress, the skirt flutters as she dances, and the sword shines brightly.

Coupled with her deliberately blessed wind element, she looks particularly elegant.

The whole performance looks like Lingbo fairy on the clouds, dancing with swords in the world of mortals, it is too beautiful to behold.

It really surprised the audience.

After dancing to the song, Murong Chang returned to his seat in satisfaction.

"Ruwu should only exist in the sky, how many times can you hear it in the world. The dance is so beautiful, so beautiful!" Shan Wanwan was the one who took the lead in praising.

She looked at Murong Chang happily, cheered and applauded, then turned to look at Emperor Cheng, and said coquettishly: "Father, Cousin Chang dances really well, you must reward her well."

Shan Wanwan and Shan Xiuxie are born of the same mother, and they are both the biological daughters of Empress Murong Wu, so Murong Chang is Shan Xiuxie's cousin, so naturally, she is also Shan Wanwan's cousin.

Chong Ni glanced at him, the most beloved little princess, Chengdi laughed loudly, nodded and said: "It's really a good dance. Come and see!"

As soon as the order was given, a palace lady respectfully brought the rewards prepared in advance to the table where Murong Chang was sitting.

Murong Chang got up, thanked the emperor for his kindness, and then lifted the bright yellow silk covering the reward. It was a thousand taels of gold, plus a cup... a priceless glazed luminous cup filled with imperial fine nectar and jade liquid wine.

As the name suggests, only the emperor is eligible to drink this kind of imperial wine. Even if other people are pregnant with this wine, they cannot drink it without the emperor's permission. Otherwise, they are deceiving the emperor.

This is like the ancient nanmu, which is a special timber for the royal family. If someone uses it without authorization, he will be convicted for exceeding the etiquette system.

The Queen's Qiongye Yuye wine has the same principle.

Now, Murong Chang actually got a cup of imperial fine nectar and jade liquid wine, the meaning of which is definitely dozens of times, even hundreds of times, a thousand times more important than that thousand taels of gold.

When Murong Chang was excited, he slowly picked up the glazed luminous glass and tasted the wine that only emperors could drink, and everyone beside him was also staring at her with the same excitement, without blinking. blink.

That appearance seemed to be more nervous than Murong Chang himself who was drinking.

Imperial fine nectar and jade liquid wine, this is the real fine nectar and jade liquid that they have dreamed of for eight lifetimes...

Only Chu Ye, her gaze never left from the beginning to the end...the golden thousand taels of gold neatly arranged.

Gold, a thousand taels of gold, a real thousand taels of gold, the more Chu Ye looked... his eyes became redder.

Although Chu Ye seized Mrs. Zanhua's family property last time, compared to her previous wealth, it was nothing more than a drop in the bucket.

Now, seeing that Murong Chang got a thousand taels of gold reward from Emperor Cheng so easily, Chu Ye, who originally only planned to watch the show as an outsider, suddenly felt ready to move!

And here, Shan Wanwan didn't know what kind of illness she had today, after asking for a reward from Emperor Cheng for Murong Chang, she turned to Shan Xiuxie with a bright smile.

Acting like a baby, he took Shan Xiuxie's arm, shook it in his arms, and said in a coquettish voice: "Brother Xie, look at how powerful the reward from the father is, and you can't fall behind, or else, you will kill me." Give the other half of the dragon and phoenix jade pendant to Cousin Shang!"

Shan Xiuxie has had a dragon and phoenix jade pendant since he was a child, and if he divides it into two parts, the dragon and phoenix will be divided into half, and the combination will be a complete dragon and phoenix jade pendant. It was made by Emperor Cheng for him when he was a child, and it is specially used to choose his concubine for him one day.

That is to say, which woman Shan Xiuxie sent the other half of the dragon and phoenix jade pendant to, that woman is the crown princess, the future queen, and the mother of a country!