Cool Goddess Special Agent

Chapter 125


"Empress, as the mother of a country, how can you speak so vulgarly? I don't believe who is the dog, and who is the one who was bitten by the dog. You don't know what to do?" Chu Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, not knowing. Slowly.

After that, he walked up to Shan Wanwan with a smile on his face, but there was no smile in his eyes, and said: "It is said that time has a medicine called: breaking the precepts, colorless, tasteless and invisible, if people take it , there will be no abnormality, but if this person dares to touch the slightest bit of meat after taking this medicine, his whole body will turn black immediately, and he will die from the poison within three seconds! For this vicious and vicious medicine , Princess Wanwan should be the most researched, right?"

Hearing this, Shan Wanwan's face instantly turned ashen.

The people next to him looked puzzled, but those who were smarter vaguely guessed something, and were shocked.

But, no one dared to say it.

As for Emperor Cheng, his face was already dark, his hands were behind his back, his thin lips were tightly pursed, and his eyes were filled with deep disappointment and pain.

Clever as Empress Murong Wu, upon hearing this, she already understood the end of the whole incident, but she didn't expect that when she got angry, she would even involve her own daughter, and she screamed in her heart at a loss.

Hastily pulled Shan Wanwan behind her, Murong Wu said calmly: "What's the mess, Wanwan lives in a deep palace, how could there be such a rare poisonous drug as 'broken precepts', you want You should look at this place even if you talk nonsense, the holy place of the palace, the dignified princess, how can you allow yourself to be framed and wronged?"

Although Murong Chang's death made her feel sorry, but her niece is not as good as her own daughter!

"Planted? Wronged?" Chu Ye sneered. He had seen someone who opened his eyes and told nonsense, but he had never seen someone who could speak nonsense so confidently like Queen Murong Wu. If he wanted to get away with it, there was no way.

This time, if I don't knock you down once, are you still allowed to continue to harm yourself

With a cold smile, Chu Ye turned around, faced everyone, and said in a loud voice: "Everyone should remember that when Emperor Cheng gave me the gold card and the imperial wine, Princess Wanwan once stopped me halfway. In fact, she flicked the glass of royal wine in her cuff seemingly unintentionally but intentionally. As for what was hidden in her sleeve, it was already self-evident.

It's a pity that Cheng Yaojin broke out halfway, but Murong Chang snatched the glass of poisoned wine that was supposed to be mine. Or was it a trick from the heavens, and she swallowed a mouthful of her own blood by coincidence, committing the fatal taboo of the poison of 'relapse'. "

Speaking of this, Chu Ye paused, then turned his head sharply and shot at Shan Wanwan with his eyes like lightning, and said in a voice as cold as ice, "Shan Wanwan, do you think this is Murong Chang's bad luck, or is it God's will? Doomed to die in my place, at your hand?"

In fact, what Chu Ye wanted to say was that heaven has eyes, but with so many people here, it is too obvious to gloat, which is not good at all.

Shan Wanwan, who had been exposed in public, felt her legs go limp and almost fell down, finally a look of fear appeared on her face.

The reason why she dared to poison in front of everyone was entirely because the banquet was over, and she expected that Chu Ye would not eat again, so naturally she would not die of poisoning in the palace. When she died, no one could suspect her.

Yes, she never calculated that Murong Chang would snatch Chu Ye's wine away.

Just take it away, and drink it all.

Well, there is still room for turning things around, she can invite Murong Chang to her palace after the banquet, and then quietly drink the antidote and the tea for her.

Unexpectedly, Murong Chang challenged Chu Ye again.

Things were unexpected again and again, Shan Wanwan's heart was already trembling with shock, she only hoped that Murong Chang would not be injured in the battle, and that she would not swallow her own blood when she was injured.

You know, human blood is also meaty.

It's a pity that once everything goes off track, it will go off again and again. The thing she was most worried about finally happened.

Moreover, Chu Ye exposed all her crimes without missing a word.

Faced with Chu Ye's cold and forceful questioning, Shan Wanwan, who had already been hit by this series of changes, subconsciously waved her hands violently and shouted: "No, I didn't kill her, it was her. It was she who swallowed her own blood, she died by her own hand, the poison was me... "

"Wanwan!" Seeing that Shan Wanwan didn't want to call himself in a panic, Murong Wu immediately interrupted Shan Wanwan's unfinished sentence with a low voice, and then stared at Chu Ye with burning eyes, saying: "Everything you said , It’s all your imagination, without any evidence, it’s not enough to believe.”

Judging by his posture, he actually refused to admit to another move.

Chu Ye laughed, mockingly, "The queen wants evidence, right? It's easy, just ask someone to search your precious daughter's body, and everything will be clear!"

The poison of "breaking the precepts" is extremely precious because of its peculiar and vicious toxicity, and Shan Wanwan is definitely reluctant to use it up all at once. Moreover, as long as she has hidden this poison in her body, there will always be clues.

As soon as these words came out, as expected, Shan Wanwan's complexion changed drastically again, and suddenly she was as white as paper.

Because, she did have the poison of "breaking the precept" left in her sleeves.

Now even Queen Murong Wu has nothing to say.

If you don't search, you have a guilty conscience.

Do a search, everything will come to light.

There is really no way forward or backward.

For a moment, Empress Murong Wu, who had never met an opponent in the harem for more than 20 years, looked at Chu Ye, who was only 17 years old, with a real desire to kill.

"Wanwan, father just ask once, are you really poisoned?" At this time, Emperor Cheng looked at Shan Wanwan with a deep expression, his eyes were unfathomable, and his face was expressionless.

There is a reason why he has loved Shan Wanwan unconditionally these years. It can be said that he is making up for the guilt in his heart, but it does not mean that Shan Wanwan can do such things that insult the royal statement.

This kind of Emperor Cheng made Shan Wanwan very familiar. In his memory, his father was always obedient to her, and he would give her whatever she wanted. No matter how capricious or rude she was, his father would just laugh it off.

But at this moment, she could deeply feel Chengdi's... disgust for her.

Yes, disgust.

"Father, I...I didn't..." She suddenly didn't dare to admit it, she had a wrong feeling that as long as she confessed, Father would not recognize her as a daughter.

Shan Xiuxie, who had been standing beside Emperor Cheng, sighed softly, and before Emperor Cheng got angry, he walked towards Shan Wanwan, stretched out his right hand, and said calmly, "Take it out!"

"Take... what?" Shan Wanwan held on, deliberately pretending not to understand.

"The poison of 'breaking the precept'." Shan Xiuxie frowned.

"Brother Xie... don't even you believe in Wanwan?" Shan Wanwan was still trying to use family affection to gain innocence.

"It's not that I don't believe you, but... I understand you." Shan Xiuxie looked at Shan Wanwan disappointed.

No one knows better than him that since childhood, Shan Wanwan loves to play with poisons. If the emperor doesn't give it to her, she will find her mother, and if her mother doesn't give her, she will find her grandfather (Murong Wan) outside the palace.

He is not a pedantic person, so at the beginning, he didn't stop her. He only thought that she was doing poison for fun. After all, life in the palace was too boring, but he didn't think that she had frequently poisoned people over the years.

Well, he admits that he is not a believer in men and women, and even said that he is also very ruthless, so he can still let Shan Wanwan's behavior go.

But today, Shan Wanwan put the poison on Chu Ye.

Anyone can do it, except Chu Ye.

He can forgive anyone who uses it, but he will not forgive when it is used on Chu Ye.

Maybe others will think that his love for Chu Ye came too fast and too suddenly, but like a person who drinks water, he knows whether he is warm or cold. For twenty years, he has been in the palace, where it is cold everywhere, and everything makes him feel hypocritical.

Only when he is with Chu Ye can he feel the truth.

Really feel your own heartbeat, the heartbeat of being alive.

She is reckless, she is sincere, she promises a lot to her friends, sometimes, she will be very violent, but he just enjoys the moment when she kicks him unceremoniously.

Don't say that he has a tendency to be abused, because, in his eyes, this is the truth, that's how people get along with each other, talk as you want, and beat as you want.

Unlike this palace, it's too cold, too fake, too hypocritical.

"Brother Xie..." How could Shan Wanwan know what Shan Xiuxie was thinking at this moment? Looking back, no matter what she did wrong, this fellow brother never reprimanded her. She was still looking forward to Shan Xiuxie's meeting help her.

As everyone knows, everything has a bottom line.

Besides, sometimes not asking or blaming is tantamount to indulgence and...not caring in disguise.

In the imperial palace, there are too few people who are truly affectionate.

No, seeing that the matter of Shan Wanwan's poisoning is a foregone conclusion, and there is no possibility of overthrowing it, Empress Murong Wu will not say a word at this moment.

I'm afraid that even I will be involved in it.

Although a daughter is important, she will marry someone else's family after all. In the final analysis, what is more important than her own descendant!

Shan Xiuxie was too lazy to talk nonsense with Shan Wanwan anymore, grabbed Shan Wanwan's left arm, opened her wide sleeve, and found a small jade bottle in the sleeve.

As soon as the hand was raised, the imperial doctor was summoned to make an appraisal.

After a short while, the result came out.

It is indeed the poison of relapse.

All of a sudden, the truth came to light.

"My mother saved me, my mother saved me, I... I didn't mean it, my cousin drank that glass of wine by herself, her death is none of my business..." Shan Wanwan knew that there was no possibility of denying it, so she could only hug her. Empress Murong Wu, who lived beside her, asked for help in pain.

But in words, there is still no repentance.

Hearing this, Emperor Cheng became even angrier. He flicked his sleeves and said in a deep voice: "The Dianliang tribe on the western border is begging for a marriage with our Eastern Kingdom today for its leader. Come here, take Princess Wanwan down, and marry the Dianliang tribe today. leader."

The Dianliang tribe is a minority ethnic group in the western border of the Eastern Kingdom. It is remote and backward, poor and poor. It is said that even millet cannot grow. The people there are even more brutal and violent. He is used to fighting, and he only returned to the Eastern Kingdom in the past two years.

In previous years, when they asked for marriages with their relatives, Emperor Cheng only selected a few attractive court ladies and named them princesses or lords, but this time, they actually sent a princess over.

It can be seen how disappointed Shan Wanwan made this time.

"No..." Shan Wanwan screamed, struggled desperately to get away from the two guards who came to escort her down, and crawled to Emperor Cheng, hugged Emperor Cheng's legs, and cried bitterly: " Father, I am your daughter, how can you be so cruel, I will not go to the Dianliang tribe, I will not go, Father, please, I will not go..."

Emperor Cheng looked up at the sky, raised his hand, and summoned several guards, "Take the princess down, dress up, and leave today."

In the deep eyes, there is deep pain and reluctance, but there is no wavering in the slightest.

It was Murong Chang who poisoned Shan Wanwan to death. Although Murong Wan was Shan Wanwan's grandfather, he was also Murong Chang's grandfather. No need to guess, since Murong Chang, who grew up by his side, wanted to kiss him. He will definitely use this matter as an excuse to ask him to give the Murong family a higher level of power and status.

The power of the Murong family in the court was already too great, and he didn't want it to grow any longer.

The only way is to punish Shan Wanwan severely and silence Murong Wan.

It can be said that Shan Wanwan was sacrificed by politics.

When several guards held Shan Wanwan firmly, no matter how much Shan Wanwan struggled and screamed, she could not escape the fate of being taken down.

Immediately she cried even harder.

"Father, don't, don't, queen mother, save me, save me, brother, brother, you can't treat me like this, woo woo, I don't want to go to the Dianliang tribe, I don't want to leave the imperial capital..."

No matter how hard-hearted Empress Murong Wu was, she couldn't stand it now, she hurriedly took two steps towards Emperor Cheng, and begged in a voice: "Your Majesty..."

"The queen doesn't need to talk too much." Unexpectedly, Emperor Cheng didn't intend to give her a chance to speak. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Look at the good daughter you have taught. From today, you will shut the door for three months and meditate on yourself." However, without my permission, you are not allowed to go out half a step."

Empress Murong raised her head fiercely, unexpectedly this matter would affect her, she opened her mouth to defend herself, but in the end she wisely chose to shut up.

At this moment, there are too many mistakes to say, it is better not to say it!

Shan Wanwan, who had been dragged for tens of meters, saw that her last hope was gone, and knowing that she was doomed today, she burst out laughing in despair, and shouted sharply: "Chuye, you bitch! , you will die, I will not let you go..."

During the scolding, he was dragged farther and farther, and he was dragged away from everyone's sight when he turned a corner.

It's just that the last word "you" actually made Emperor Cheng, Empress, and Shan Xiuxie also hate it.

The complexions of all the people present changed. During today's banquet, they witnessed a court inside story. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse!

At a banquet, Yi Chengdi walked away without saying a word, and finally, the party ended.

Two guards came forward and carried Murong Chang's body away, Chu Ye stood beside him and watched them all the way, although Murong Chang deserved to die, but he didn't deserve to die like this.

I'm afraid that Murong Chang will not know who killed him until he died, it's pitiful!

"Why, you want him to die before he dies, but now you can't bear to let him die?" Caroline smiled and walked to Chu Ye.

"Cut!" Chu Ye suddenly rolled his eyes, "It's not that I don't want to, it's that I regret that I didn't kill her myself."