Cool Goddess Special Agent

Chapter 17: Is your sexual orientation normal?


In short, this wind element witchcraft circle was abolished silently.

No one noticed that in the vice principal's office on the top floor of the tallest building in Calais, a stunning woman stood with her hands behind her back, facing the admissions office in the school gate. It has a bit more noble beauty that is out of dust and vulgarity.

At this time, her black eyes were following Chu Ye who was walking on the ground, and there was suppressed joy and excitement in her eyes.

Others didn't see clearly why the dazzling blue light just disappeared suddenly, but she could see clearly—the wind elements in the entire witchcraft circle got into Chu Ye's body in an instant.

This was not surprising to Chuye, because when she sensed the wind elements in Lujiazhuang for the first time, those wind elements automatically got into her body, and this time it was just the same as last time.

But in the eyes of the woman, it was already a shocking event.

You know, the special ability of the elemental wizard is to summon and control the elements in the air, but when it comes to Chuye, it becomes absorption and devouring.

These are two completely opposite concepts.

How many years has it been since I met such a peerless genius

Just now, when she saw Murong Chang who possessed the Holy Body, the woman didn't even feel a little moved (because she herself is an extremely rare owner of the "Immortal Physique" that combines wind, water, and earth), but at this moment she But he smiled slightly, and the brake was alluring.

"The divine body... finally appeared in this world!" The woman murmured in a low voice, and Ru Ye's eyes became more and more black as ink.

What's the first thing you do when you enroll

Needless to say, of course, is to pay tuition.

However, the charging standard of Calais made Chu Ye, who always regarded money as dung, couldn't help but swear, shit, it turned out to be... 999 gold coins, such a huge amount is only a semester's tuition.

After paying the tuition, Chu Ye was so poor that he only had one gold coin left.

Playing with the last gold coin in his hand, Chu Ye's brains turned sharply. If he has no money in aristocratic schools, it is a joke in the eyes of others.

But where to get the money is a big problem.

Since today he just went through the admission procedures and walked around, so after paying the tuition and knowing the class and dormitory he was assigned to, Chu Ye left the Calais Wizard Academy without hesitation.

"Chu Ye!" Stepping out of the door of Carles, a woman's soft call came from the left.

Chu Ye turned his head to look, his calm eyes were neither surprised nor pleased, "Is there something wrong?"

Ming Yuexin, who was walking towards her with a smile on her face, was suddenly a little embarrassed, and shook her head: "It's nothing."

Chu Ye let out a low voice, and then walked straight forward without a single extra polite word.

It's not that Chu Ye can't understand the deliberate approach and goodwill in Ming Yuexin's eyes, but she has always been alone and does her own way, never needing friends, both in her previous life and in this life.

"Wait for me." With a naughty smile on Ming Yuexin's delicate and charming face, she caught up with Chu Ye again, "Are you going home?"


"Where is that going?"

"Not ready yet."

"Well, why don't we go shopping?"

"No money."

"Uh... Then, I'll lend you."

"don't want."


"Do not want."

"Why don't you want it?"

"No why?"

"Why no why?"

"..." Chu Ye couldn't take it anymore and stopped, and Ming Yue Xin also stopped immediately.

"Miss, are you bored? But I'm not bored, I still have a lot of things to do. Please, don't follow me anymore." Chu Ye shook off this sentence seriously and raised his foot to leave.

Unexpectedly, Ming Yuexin wanted to follow her again without saying a word.

Frustrated, Chu Ye stopped again. Why didn't he realize that this little girl is such a follower who likes to cling to strangers when he was queuing up

Turning around slowly, Chu Ye folded his hands on his shoulders, squinted his eyes slightly and looked Ming Yuexin up and down with light eyes, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Ask you a private question."

Looking at the smirk at the corner of Chu Ye's mouth, Ming Yuexin's heart trembled violently, and subconsciously exhorted: "What's the problem?"

"Is your sexual orientation normal?"

"Huh?" Mingyue opened her beautiful eyes in confusion, and then asked the baby curiously, "What is sexual orientation?"

Chu Ye seemed to have figured out that she would ask this question, and the smirk on his face became even worse, and he explained with rare patience: "The so-called sexual orientation is also called "sexual preference", or "sexual orientation", or "sexual orientation" The categories of sexual orientation are: heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual... "

No matter how stupid Ming Yuexin was, she understood Chu Ye's meaning, and immediately, her small face became more and more reddened, and finally it was so red that it was bleeding.

"Do you understand me when I explain it this way?" Chu Ye ignored his embarrassing expression of wanting to find a crack in the ground and continued to take medicine, "If you still don't understand, I don't mind explaining in more detail, especially I can show you what homosexuality is. Of course, this requires your cooperation, beauty... "

"Ah..." Finally, Mingyue Xin couldn't listen anymore. After all, she was an innocent girl. She held her ears and stomped her feet and screamed, "You...don't be shy. Who wants to be gay with you? People... people already have sex with you. The person I like, ignore you..."

After speaking, he ran away like an escape.

In the middle of the run, she turned her head, and saw that Chu Ye was still looking at her, she was so frightened that she ran even faster, and almost fell down several times.

"Hehehe!" Looking at Ming Yuexin who fled in a panic and came to this other world, Chu Ye smiled sincerely for the first time.

But then Ming Yuexin's last sentence came to mind: I already have someone I like, and the person she likes refers to... Lanxi Liuhua

Thinking of the smile on this face slowly fading away, maybe even she didn't realize it...

Wandering in the bustling streets of Biancheng, Chu Ye was once again troubled by money.

Even so, Chu Ye never regretted not recognizing Bo Ling Canglan.

Yes, with Chuye's current talent, if he returns to Bo Ling's house, he will naturally get Bo Ling Canglan's attention. It's just a matter of saying how much money she wants, but at the same time, there are gains and losses.

At that time, what she will lose is the freedom to do whatever she wants in life now.

Just like Bo Ling Shen Zhu, he was adopted by Bo Ling Canglan as his adopted son because of his outstanding talent. Behind the enviable scenery are all kinds of suffocating restrictions and inaccuracies.

Otherwise, with Bo Ling and Shen Zhu's love for Chu Ye, how could it be possible that he wouldn't show up at Calais Wizard Academy to guide Chu Ye today

Needless to say, he must have been grounded by Bo Ling Canglan or Bo Ling Feiwu.