Cool Goddess Special Agent

Chapter 23: Please don't bark like a mad dog


At this moment, Murong Chang finally understood that the mad dog was pointing at him, he was furious, and slammed the table to his feet.

Just before she got angry, Chu Ye had already yelled at her in a cold voice: "Murongshang, are you trying to cause trouble and fight? Don't think I'm afraid of you! But do you dare to challenge me fairly as a wizard of the wind department? , to show justice? Of course, if you want to use your status as a fifth-level wizard of the fire department to bully a first-level wizard who has just entered the school, it is not impossible, as long as you are not afraid of others mentioning Murong Chang in the future Just one word makes me laugh out my teeth."

From the moment he saw Murong Chang walk into the classroom, Chu Ye knew that the conflict between himself and her was unavoidable. Instead of being passively bullied at that time, it would be better to take the initiative to fight back at this moment.

Once in the battle with Boling Flower Fan, Chu Ye clearly knew how terrifying the strength of the fifth-level wizard was, so she deliberately set up a cover for Murong Chang. will agree.

Sure enough, Murong Chang's eyes sharpened, he raised his eyebrows disapprovingly, and said, "Okay, I will challenge you one-on-one as a wizard of the wind element, and if you lose, I will ask you to be an obedient dog for me from now on. If you are told to stand, you cannot squat, if you are told to eat shit, you cannot drink urine!"

Chu Ye smiled instead of anger, "Very well, if I lose it's up to you to deal with it, but if I win... please don't be a mad dog barking, roaring and biting in the future; Remember to take a detour. Because I never go the same way with a mad dog. Even if the mad dog has changed its appearance and becomes neither barking nor yelling nor biting, but you know, a mad dog will always be a mad dog. You can change everything but you can never change it. The nature of eating shit."

Hearing this, the little kids who were watching the show with their eyes wide open were suddenly amused and laughed out loud. What children like most is to watch the fun, and the more exciting the fun, the happier they are.

Even the teacher who had been watching the fight between the two girls couldn't help laughing out loud. Chu Ye's cursing words without profanity really won his heart. He almost applauded and yelled: Happy, happy! !

You must know that Murong Chang's aggressive and bad behavior in the school these past few years has made them such teachers ugly and difficult to deal with but helpless. When he walked all the way to the classroom just now, Murong Chang turned a blind eye to him with an arrogant expression on his face. As if he wasn't her teacher at all, but her dispensable little follower, he was so angry that his teeth itch.

"You..." Murong Chang pointed viciously at Chu Ye, so angry that he was trembling and speechless.

Such humiliating words can only come from her mouth on weekdays. Never thought that one day, she would be humiliated in public like this. For a moment, she hated Chu Ye and wanted to kill her, kill her, a crazy voice shouted in her heart.

At this time, the teacher spoke in a timely manner: "Quiet, everyone is quiet, everyone returns to their respective positions, and the class begins. If there is any personal grievance, please write a challenge letter after class, and in the school's challenge ring Conduct fair, open and impartial competitions, and do not cause troubles in the classroom, otherwise, I will report to the vice-principal to disqualify you and other Calais students, and you will never be allowed to enter the school."

These words seemed to be training Chuye and Murongshang, but they were actually helping Chuye, and suppressed the impulse in Murongshang's heart that wanted to kill at this moment.

Calais School of Wizardry has strict school rules, and students are never allowed to fight privately, no matter what the reason is.

However, in order to buffer conflicts and increase competitiveness, a challenge arena has been set up in a unique style. Anyone who wants to fight, as long as they don't hurt each other's lives, then challenge each other seriously, and the other party accepts the challenge In the case of the book, the two sides can fight openly and aboveboard in the challenge arena.