Cool Goddess Special Agent

Chapter 234: Thousands of years at a glance


It's night, the moonlight is like water!

Chu Ye was dressed in black, alone, like a ghost, the Seventy-two Peaks flashed out!

The seventy-two peaks of Lijia are towering into the clouds, green and steep, surrounded by clouds and fog. The seventy-two peaks are connected as one, like a winding dragon, surrounding the Lijia Palace in the middle, forming a complex. A natural "wind barrier".

In this way, every peak is about the same distance from the palace. Chu Ye, dressed in black and with black hair like night, carefully flew close to the palace while clinging to the ground.

The Lijia Castle is larger than the imperial palace in the lower realm, and its structure is mysterious. During this period, some important attics can be moved and changed at will under the control of the underground hidden compartment, making it difficult for outsiders to figure out.

Looking at the 100-meter-high city wall, Chu Ye couldn't help frowning. He could only fly up at such a height, but the rules of Lijia, unless Li family members and the peak master or those people are leading them, they are not allowed to fly into the sky without permission, otherwise Immediately, he would be executed on the spot by the air law enforcement team.

Chu Ye looked up at the moonlit night sky again, but he couldn’t see anyone at all. Chu Ye wouldn’t naively think that there was no one above the sky. She couldn’t see anyone. It only showed one reason. His third-level god strength can't even find its trace.

Since he couldn't fly, he could only climb up quietly, making up his mind, Chu Ye stuck to the ground and quickly approached the high wall of Lijia Palace.

"Who is it? Stop, move forward one meter, shoot and kill!" At this moment, a tall man in black vajra armor suddenly descended from the sky, suspended ten meters above Chu Ye's head, with six dazzling swords at his feet. Star Sword shows that he is a sixth-level god.

Chu Ye stopped immediately, stepped back a few meters, and looked up at the sixth-level god who suddenly blocked her way.

"Who are you? Which disciple under the peak? Which cave do you live in?" The tall man in black diamond armor asked coldly again.

"Chu Ye, a disciple of Seventy-two Peaks, lives in Cave No. 77." Chu Ye replied truthfully.

I have heard from Li Qiushui that the members of the air law enforcement team are all wearing uniform black diamond armor. There is no doubt that the tall man in front of him is a member of the air law enforcement team. wild lie.

The tall man let out a soft voice in surprise, "You actually live in cave No. 77, what's the proof?"

Seventy-two peaks are the last peaks away from home. There are not many people or things that can be valued, but this No. 77 cave is the most valuable existence of the seventy-two peaks.

Among the seventy-two peaks away from home, the higher the ranking, the better and superior the treatment. It is very unfair in this regard, but one thing is the most fair among the seventy-two peaks The most important thing is that each peak will have a cave made of spiritual jade, from the first peak to the seventy-second peak, a total of seventy-two, specially designed to cultivate true geniuses with peerless talents.

And the woman in front of her who wanted to break into the palace at night actually lived in No. 77, which meant that she was an immortal genius cultivated by the Seventy-two Peaks, which made the tall man look at her differently.

"This is the key to the No. 77 cave. I don't have any other proofs." Chu Ye spread out his palms to the man in the sky, on which lay the jade key of the No. 77 cave.

This key was researched by Li Jia with ingenuity, it is very special, so the authenticity can be seen at a glance, the man took a closer look, his expression became slightly calm, and he said: "You are a disciple of the Seventy-two Peaks, come to the palace to do it. What, don’t you know that, except for the Peak Master, no one else is allowed to come without a summons? Otherwise, they will be punished as flying high in the sky.”

That is capital punishment.

"So there is such a rule, I really don't know." Chu Ye said with a look of surprise, at this time she could only pretend to be confused.

Seeing that Chuye really didn't seem to know, the tall man softened his tone, and said, "Now that I know, go back wherever you came from, and don't get close to the palace for 300 meters, otherwise, other law enforcement members won't I am so kind to remind you."

"Yes!" Chu Ye couldn't help returning a grateful smile. It seems that if this person hadn't stopped her, she would have entered within 300 meters of the palace. At this time, she might have been killed by some unknown law enforcement team member. up.

The tall man nodded, and with a whoosh, he turned into a black streak and disappeared into the night sky.

Looking at the direction where the man disappeared, Chu Ye stood still in a daze, what to do, what to do, he couldn't even get close to the castle within 300 meters of his home, so why go to the castle to find 001

Chu Ye sighed, in the final analysis, it was all because he was not strong enough.

At this time, Chu Ye should turn around and go back, but looking at the magnificent palace shrouded in the moonlight, thinking that 001 is inside at this time, Chu Ye's feet refused to obey, and he started to walk along the palace of Lijia. Walk slowly around the surrounding walls 300 meters away.

The law enforcement team members hiding in the night sky couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay. This woman neither went in nor left, what was she doing wandering around outside the palace like this

But Chu Ye didn't advance a meter or retreat a meter, and only kept a safe distance of 300 meters away. For a while, they couldn't come back to ask questions, so they had to concentrate on paying attention to Chu Ye's every move , as long as she made any intentions, they would immediately kill her on the spot.

Although it is a pity that such a beautiful woman was killed, but this is their job and their responsibility, if they neglect their duties, they will be the ones who will lose their lives.

The Lijia Palace is too big, Chuye walked around the 300-meter perimeter for an hour, and only walked half a circle.

Suddenly, Chu Ye faintly heard the sound of the jade flute, which was not very clear at first, but as Chu Ye walked forward, the sound of the jade flute gradually became clearer and clearer.

Such a night and such a moon are the favorite of some elegant people. At this time, it is not surprising or surprising to whistle at night, but when the tune played by this jade flute is not something that can exist in this world at all style, so what

Chu Ye only felt that at this moment, the blood in her whole body boiled up, and all the cells in her body became crazily active. At this moment, her heart jumped up and down, so fast that she almost couldn't breathe.

"001, is that you?" Chu Ye looked towards the source of the sound, no longer in the mood to walk slowly, and quickly flew towards the source of the sound while sticking to the ground.

Of course, it was still 300 meters away from the castle.

Seeing Chuye speeding up suddenly, the law enforcement team members in the sky didn't know what happened for a while, and immediately followed them in the sky with a serious face.

As it got closer, the sound of the jade flute became clearer and clearer.

Finally, Chu Ye saw a tree, a towering tree with a height of 200 meters. The tree grew inside the castle, but because it was too tall and higher than the 100-meter-high wall of the palace, so, Even though Chu Ye was standing outside the palace, he could still see the big tree and the peerless and independent slender figure on the big tree.

The man was dressed in black clothes like black ink, the yushu was slender, and his hair was as long as a waterfall. He was casually tied behind his waist with a piece of red silk satin. He lightly weighed his toes and landed on a green leaf standing at the top of the towering tree. Above, at this moment, he is holding the flute with both hands, playing softly, like a song like weeping, melodious and moving.

The night wind blew, his clothes fluttered and his ink hair flew.

Under the moonlight, although he could only see his side face, he was already astonished.

Chu Ye stood far away from the palace, raised his head slightly, looked at the handsome man on the tree, listened to the melodious and sad flute sound in his ear, raised his lips slightly, Chu Ye smiled.

This smile made all the law enforcement team members who were paying attention to her in the sky pale with embarrassment.

"When you held my hand tightly, I decided to go with you. No matter how many setbacks I experience, I will never shrink back. When the river flows backwards, I will still be by your side, and I will accompany you until the end of time. Even if one day, God He and the earth will be separated, and will never leave and never give up, and want to be with you."

Looking at the peerless and independent man on the tree, Chu Ye lightly opened his lips, and sang softly with the man's melodious flute in his clear and beautiful voice.

"For you, I can, because I love you, I can only love you. In the samsara of life, you are the only memory that cannot be forgotten. Only when I have truly loved, can I truly live. I love you, and I will never let go!"

This flute played "I Can Only Love You", and Chu Ye sang the lyrics of "I Can Only Love You"!

The sound of the flute stopped abruptly, and the man on the tree who was playing the flute to the moon suddenly turned around, his star-like eyes looked at Chu Ye who was standing outside the palace.

Even though they are hundreds of meters away, at the moment when their eyes meet, they all see their own reflection in each other's eyes.

Gazing, one glance for thousands of years, the world is silent.

After a long time, the man put the jade flute to his lips again, and began to play it lightly. With his slender legs, he strode in mid-air and walked towards Chu Ye.

Chu Ye smiled, stood where he was, and sang softly to the man's music again——

The promise that never fades lasts longer than eternity, has been painful, cried and hated, and never wants to give up.

Don't ask me for a reason, love is all I have, you will not become waiting in this life and the next life.

Even if the whole world wants to fight against you, it will still hold you tightly and not shed a single tear.

I can do it for you, because I love you, I can only love you, as long as I am willing for you, I don’t feel sorry for sacrificing everything.

If you have truly loved, you have truly lived. If you love you, you will never ask for anything else!

As soon as the song finished, the sound of the flute stopped, and the singing stopped. The handsome man stood in front of Chu Ye. Chu Ye's eyelashes trembled slightly, and his eyes were like water.

"How about..." Chu Ye smiled slightly, "Let's kiss!"

"Good suggestion." The man smiled slightly.

Lips meet and sparks fly.

As if waiting for a thousand years, just for this moment.

What started as a shallow kiss and a light kiss turned into a forceful kiss and a crazy kiss, hugging each other tightly, and their hair entangled.

In the sky, all the law enforcement team members were stunned, their mouths opened into big O shapes!