Cool Goddess Special Agent

Chapter 3: Xingshi asked the crime


Chu Ye put away the copper coins. This was the first money she earned in this other world, although the amount was very small.

Searching again for the memories of Bo Ling Yili in his mind, Chu Ye came to the house of "Grandpa" Lu Bu.

It happened that "Lu Xiyu" was yawning and wanted to close the door.

Lu Xiyu is the only granddaughter of Lu Bu. She is ordinary in appearance, dark in complexion, and slightly fat. She is a typical country girl.

"Wait a minute!" Chu Ye stopped, and at the same time stepped up and walked over.

Hearing the sound, Lu Xiyu raised her head and saw that it was "Bo Ling Yili" who came back from the outside. She immediately became disgusted, and without saying a word, she increased the force in her hand and slammed the door shut, but she hadn't had time to lock the door...



Accompanied by the loud sound of the door being kicked open, there was a scream from Lu Xiyu.

Chu Ye stepped into the courtyard door, condescendingly looked at Lu Xiyu who fell two meters away when the door was suddenly kicked open, narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked in a cold voice, "Are you deaf?" How dare you speak to her? Turn a blind eye.

"You..." Lu Xiyu stared in disbelief at this "Bo Ling Yili" who would not dare to resist no matter how much she bullied her, two streams of blood flowed from her nose which was hit hard by the door, "Ah... Blood… "

Chu Ye didn't look at her any more, he raised his foot and walked past her.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xiyu got up from the ground suddenly, screaming and pounced on Chu Ye: "You worthless trash, lose money, stop for me, and see if I don't beat you to death today..."

Chu Ye turned around sharply, his sharp eyes shot coldly at Lu Xiyu who was rushing behind him, his whole body was boiling with murder.

Lu Xiyu was shocked all over, all the movements of claws and teeth were stunned by Chu Ye's eyes for an instant, and all the clamoring voices were stuck in her throat in the next second, and she dared not move.

The corners of Chu Ye's mouth rose slightly, and he gave a mocking smile, then turned around and walked away.

It wasn't until Chu Ye's figure disappeared that Lu Xiyu suddenly woke up, and then she hugged her head and screamed: "Ah..."

She was actually bullied by that unwanted "trash"

How can it be, how can it be, she was the one who bullied her before.

Also, the moment before that "trash" left, the smile on her face was so dazzling, how dare she laugh at her

"Ah!" Lu Xiyu screamed again: "Grandpa, father, mother, come out quickly, that freeloader bullies me, ah..."

Even Chu Ye, who had already reached the woodshed in the backyard, could still hear Lu Xiyu screaming at high decibels, and smiled coldly, not caring.

Chu Ye stretched out his hand and was about to push the woodshed away, but at this time, the woodshed happened to be opened from the inside.

A beautiful young woman dressed in a beige coarse cloth dress, with snow-like skin and jade-like face, at least five points similar to Bo Ling Yili, suddenly appeared in front of Chu Ye.

It was Boling Yili's mother: Lu Shi.

"Lili, you're finally back." When Lu Shi saw Chu Ye, he hugged him excitedly, tears streaming down his face, "Lili, where did you go today? Mother has been looking for you for a long time, and I thought you were out." What's the matter? You really scared my mother to death. If something happened to you, how would my mother live alone... "

"I..." Chu Ye was not used to being hugged so intimately. He gently pushed Lu Shi away and said with a smile, "I went out for a walk and lost my way, so... I came back late."

Lu Shi didn't doubt it, and reprimanded him a few more times, then wiped away his tears, and lovingly led Chu Ye into the woodshed.

Because, the firewood house of the Lu family is the place where Bo Ling Yili's mother and son lived together for six years.

Lu Shi took out a small package of bulging things from the bedside, and opened it. Inside were two rough wheat buns.

"I haven't come home all day, you're hungry, come on, eat quickly." Lu Shi looked at Chu Ye lovingly.

"Yeah." Chu Ye took the hard steamed buns and started to eat slowly, looking at Lu Shi who kept smiling at her, Chu Ye suddenly felt that this woman was very pitiful.

Even though she was so beautiful, she was not favored by her husband, and was driven back to her natal family by her husband because she gave birth to a daughter who was called a "trash" because she could not become a "wizard".

But when she returned to her natal family, she was also neglected, and now even her dependent daughter was killed by someone. This is the most miserable life in the world.

Chu Ye, who has always been cold-blooded, suddenly felt sympathy at this moment, and even had the idea of wanting to protect Lu Shi from now on, perhaps because her body at this time was made by the gentle woman in front of her. Give it, it's not unreasonable to be connected by flesh and blood.

At this time, a fierce and sharp female voice suddenly sounded outside the door: "Lu Shi, come out for me."

"Sister-in-law?" Lu Shi frowned slightly. Over the years, she has been annoyed by her sister-in-law. It was almost a conditioned reflex, and Lu Shi immediately opened the door of the firewood room and walked out.

Chu Ye wiped out the steamed buns in his hand three times, five times and two times, and followed.

Outside the firewood room, it can be said that there is a "huge lineup", and everyone in the Lu family is gathered outside.

Lu Bu, his son Lu Da, his daughter-in-law Fang, his granddaughter Lu Xiyu, and two watchdogs.

"Father, brother, sister-in-law, Xiyu." Lu Shi called out one by one in a low voice, she has been coming here all these years.

Fang pointed at Lu Shi, and said sharply: "Look at the good daughter you taught, how dare you beat my Xiyu? For six years, we have worked so hard to support you two for free, and now your wings are hard Huh? Dare to step on our heads?" Every time she said a word, she tapped Lu Shi's forehead vigorously with her fingers, her expression and movements were extremely insulting.

And Lu Bu and Lu Da watched their daughter (sister) being bullied like this, not only did not step forward to stop them, but instead smirked at the side with a face of approval, as for Lu Xiyu, of course, squinted at Chu Ye with a provocative face , eyes full of pride.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." The docile Lu Shi didn't even dare to ask his daughter whether the matter was true or not, so he kept bending over to apologize, because she had no right to say no when she was dependent on others.

"You have three minutes to take away your claws." Chu Ye walked in front of Fang leisurely with his hands on his shoulders.

Lu Bu, Lu Da, Fang Shi, and Lu Xiyu were all taken aback for a moment, staring at Chu Ye in astonishment, thinking that there was something wrong with their ears.

In my impression, Bo Ling Yili never saw them and shivered like a mouse seeing a cat, let alone dared to speak to them with this tone and attitude.

Chu Ye ignored their strange gazes and counted to himself: "One, two..."