Cool Goddess Special Agent

Chapter 47: The Awakening of Earth Element Talent


Fighting alone, Chuye has Shura from hell, who is extremely ruthless, and all of a sudden, those crazy ants have to die.

It's just that when they suddenly emerged from the ground one by one, they still brought a lot of troubles to Chu Ye. Without warning, the skirt of Chu Ye's wizard robe was torn into strips, and both of them Her legs were also badly injured in several places, so that she would leave two bloody footprints on the ground with the last step she moved.

Chu Ye didn't even blink his eyelids, the killing move in his hands was only fast but not slow, he just allocated another part of his energy to pay attention to the movement of the ground under his feet, and if there was anything strange, he would immediately step back.

In this way, both hands and brains, this battle is bound to be very tiring, but gradually, Chu Ye realized that the situation had changed slightly inconceivably.

Originally, she just used her heart to feel the movement of the ground, but gradually, she "seeed" the soil quality more and more clearly, and even "seeed" the brown stars in the soil, they scurried happily, Like fish in water, they come and go freely in the soil.

They are the earth elements!

"I am a wizard of the wind system, why can I "see" the earth element at this moment?" Chu Ye was shocked.

Of course, her "seeing" is actually a telepathy.

Since she can sense these earth elements, does it mean that she can drive and control these earth elements

Without further ado, he followed his heart and yelled: "Soil thorn!"

Level 1 Sorcery of the Earth System!

"Squeak..." With the screams of several ant locusts, several ant locusts were pierced by sharp thorns that suddenly broke through the ground, and they were firmly nailed to the ground. After a while of twisting and struggling, they died of breath.

And just after the earth-type witchcraft was successfully cast, Chu Ye's shiny silver hair turned brown inch by inch at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the same was true for his eyes. From silver to brown.

The three cyan halos on the back originally representing the third-level wind wizards also turned into a brown halo in the next second.

In other words, Chu Ye changed from a third-level wind wizard into a first-level earth wizard in an instant.

"Damn!" Chu Ye, who was always as calm as ever, couldn't help but swear at this moment.

Do you want to be so explosive

At the critical moment of the battle, you actually changed your witch system on the spur of the moment

What makes people vomit blood even more is that they were directly downgraded from level three to level one.

Still let people live

"Soil thorns! Soil thorns! Soil thorns!..." In desperation, Chu Ye stretched out his arms, and the brown earth-type witchcraft spread in all directions like ripples.

There was a sound of "Swipe! Swipe! Swipe!" Countless soil thorns broke through the ground violently.

Ant locusts on the ground were nailed to death in an instant. Of course, they were all first-order ant locusts. Second-order, third-order, and fourth-order ant locusts that were higher than first-order could not be killed instantly by first-level earth-type witchcraft soil thorns. .

It was too late for Xiaoxiao to be happy, and Chu Ye immediately felt that there were two second-order ant locusts preparing to break through the ground and launch a sneak attack in the ground under his feet.

This time, Chu Ye didn't need to retreat.

The two stabs in the soil were used in an instant, directly piercing through the ground two second-order ant locusts that had not had time to break through the ground, and the blue blood immediately soaked into the pale soil.

Just didn't die immediately.

Chu Ye's heart turned violent, and he used a sharper stab in the soil without hesitation, and directly killed the two second-order ant locusts in the ground.

Gradually soil thorns!

Level 2 earth magic.

Chu Ye was startled. She clearly felt that she had been promoted from a first-level earth wizard to a second-level earth wizard.

Who will tell her what's going on? Chu Ye couldn't help screaming silently.

Seeming to understand something vaguely, Chu Ye had a thought, and tried his best to use the "gravity slowing technique".

Level 3 earth magic.

The space seemed to be getting heavy all the time, and the attacking movements of all the ant locusts instantly slowed down.

Chu Ye was also promoted from a second-level earth wizard to a third-level earth wizard.

Overjoyed, Chu Ye immediately performed another "soil stabbing technique" on top of the "gravity slowing technique". This time, even the second- and third-level ant locusts did not escape the fate of being crucified.

"Earth spirit bondage!" Chu Ye shouted coldly, intending to use the fourth-level earth magic, but... this time failed for no reason.

Chu Ye couldn't figure out what was going on, and didn't have time to think about it, but she couldn't use the fourth-level witchcraft, so she used the third-level witchcraft and the second-level witchcraft alternately, which can also kill the ants. It will be defeated.

At this moment, Chu Ye couldn't help but be full of gratitude to Caroline. If Caroline hadn't given her all the witchcraft training methods of the four elements of wind, fire, water and earth, even if she awakened the earth today If it is a talent, it is impossible to upgrade to three levels in just a few minutes.

Could it be that Caroline had foreseen this day when she accepted her as an apprentice

Chu Ye couldn't help being startled.

It really deserves to be a strong man.