Cool Goddess Special Agent

Chapter 64: You are playing with fire


"Don't let go!" Chu Ye entangled him even tighter, imitating his tone of playing a rogue before, and said: "If I die, I will drag you together."

Because the two hugged into a ball, they fell fast but not slow.

The two were ready to hit the ground at any time, but who knows, after a quarter of an hour, the two were still in the void, falling continuously.

"What's going on, is this really a bottomless black hole?" the enchanting man said in pain, of course most of his pain came from Chu Ye.

You have to know what a test it is to be entangled with a woman with a very good figure like Chu Ye, and on the other hand, you have to worry about being thrown into a meatloaf anytime, anywhere, so at this moment, he can be said to be mentally and physically exhausted. I am suffering!

"It's so naive. Even a three-year-old child knows that this kind of problem is impossible." Chu Ye's voice was flat, without a trace of panic or panic.

She is like this, the more dangerous she is, the more calm she is, the calm is terrifying.

"What? You say I'm naive?" There was a hint of danger in the enchanting voice, and then a wicked smile rose from the corner of his mouth in the darkness.

The arm around Chu Ye's waist slammed hard, pressing Chu Ye fiercely towards his strong and elastic body, and between his legs, the hard thing that had been tortured by Chu Ye was scorching hot. Pushing against Chu Ye's flat belly.

Then, she exhaled Rulan into Chu Ye's ear, "Woman, be careful what you say, otherwise, it's easy to get offended."

Unexpectedly, the expected screaming and panic did not appear, and the voice of the woman in front of him was even more silky and charming, "Monster, you have to know that you are playing with fire now, and you pissed me off, I will learn from Mrs. Hairpin" Fucking you, and... it seems to be in the air, which is more exciting."

"Hey!" A crow flew overhead.

The enchanting man was instantly stunned.

"Are... are you a woman?" The enchanting man surrendered for the first time in his life.

Chu Ye smiled, smugly.

Xiao Mian, playing tricks in front of her, thinking about what kind of man she has never seen in her previous life, and the man's thing does not have any sense of mystery to her. Between the words of the two, the downward trend is still continuing.

Another quarter of an hour passed.

The two of them felt that the cold air coming from below was getting stronger, and it seemed that they were about to hit the ground.

"The falling is so fast, I'm afraid there is no help if there is someone behind me, let's join hands." The enchanting man said seriously.

For some reason, he suddenly changed his mind.

"Okay." Chu Ye agreed, even if she put him on his back and survived, who can say that there is no other danger in the cave

It's better to live together, one more person, one more strength.

"Pfft!" The evil man waved his left hand, and a flame shot out, immediately illuminating a range of tens of meters around. Although it was only a flash in the pan, it was enough to let them see the situation in front of them clearly.

This abyss is absolutely natural, formed naturally by the earth, the stone walls are smooth without any traces of construction, and because of the humidity and cold, it is covered with thick moss, so that the sides are not slippery, and it is also very ugly and weird .

"I seem to see the ground." Chu Ye said solemnly, and without hesitation, he cast one tornado after another on himself and the evil man.

Tornadoes and whirlwinds rolled the two of them over and over, making them dizzy and staring at their eyes, but they immediately eased their falling momentum.

A few minutes later, the two landed safely.

Of course, it was the enchanting man who was severely crushed below.

"Why didn't you resist?" Chu Ye got up, and couldn't help but wonder in his heart, why did this enchanting man suddenly become kind, just now he was clearly able to resist, but he obediently became his own flesh pad.

"Because..." the enchanting man also got up, patted the dirty mud on his body, and blinked his right eye, "I suddenly realized that it's really cool to be pressed down by you."

"Hey!" Chu Ye's head was covered with black lines this time.

This dead monster...

Simply ignore him and look around.

Different from the darkness before, because there are many luminous stones inlaid on both sides of the stone wall by caring people, a kind of open stone that can emit a faint light in the dark, so the faint light is lingering around, which saves Chu and Ye a lot. thing.

At this time, the two were in a small passageway with a width of three to four meters. They were about to look for a way out, but they were blocked by piles of white things in front of them.

Chu Ye took a closer look, and it turned out to be... a group of startled white skeletons.

A little estimate, there are no less than a hundred.

In other words, nearly a hundred people died here.

No need to guess, it must be Mrs. Hairpin's "masterpiece".

"This old woman really deserves to die." Or was he a capricious and enchanting man, at this moment, looking at the white corpses in front of him, he couldn't help feeling angry.

"Look behind you again." Chu Ye was shocked in his heart, but his face remained calm. He had seen too many dead people in his previous life. .

Hearing this, the evil man turned around, only to see a man lying on the back corner with his head tilted. Under the dim light, his face was as white as paper and his skin was black and blue. He could tell he had been dead for several days.

It's just that it's damp and cold here, so that the corpses haven't smelled and rotted yet.

"Looking at his clothes, he should have been Mrs. Hairpin's male favourite." Chu Ye rubbed his chin and analyzed. It is very likely that the man made some mistake and was thrown down by Mrs. Hairpin's anger. When cracking the wooden door with "Forbidden Zone" written on it, Mrs. Zanhua's male pets would run away in such a panic.

It turned out that they were already startled.

Judging by the Tathagata, among the piles of bones, I am afraid that many of them were once Mrs. Hairpin's male favourites.

What a pity.

"Let's go." Chu Ye avoided the bones and walked out of the three-meter-wide passage.

In the next second, what jumps and eyes is a cave that is wider than Mrs. Hairpin's palace.

In the cave, there is nothing but one thing.

With just one glance, both Chu Ye and the evil man stared wide-eyed in shock, and stood in place, as if they were petrified in an instant.