Cool Goddess Special Agent

Chapter 86: Short protection is also a technical activity


"What is it?" Seeing Chuye's expression, Lanxi Liuhua couldn't help being curious. No one knows Chu Ye better than him. In this world, there are not many things that can move Chu Ye.

Chu Ye was silent for a long time before replying softly: "Wind element... elemental spirit."

No wonder Xiaodong's reaction was so strange when she said she wanted two elemental spirits. It turned out that he himself had elemental spirits.

Looking at the jade bottle in her hand, Chu Ye frowned deeply. She finally got two elemental spirits as she wished, but...she couldn't be happy.

Elemental elves, how precious, anyone who gets them will keep them for themselves, let alone give them to friends who have nothing to do with him, but Xiaodong took them out because... he is dying, so he keeps it useless.

Hearing this, Lanxi Liuhua was shocked and sighed again, how desperate must a person be to pass on such a rare treasure to others

Silence, neither of the two spoke again.

Half an hour later, after several emergency rescues, Anfen'er and Bu Moli had turned the corner. It's just that the injuries on their bodies may require a month or two of recuperation. All the teachers and students of Rice set off.

All of them are returning home like an arrow.

After stepping into the exclusive space teleportation array of Calais Academy, after a few hours of ignorance, he was accurately teleported to the space teleportation array in Calais Academy.

Although they had only been away for ten days, when everyone saw everything they were familiar with, they felt as if they had passed away. The life in the Nine Heavens Pagoda was not lived by human beings.

To everyone's surprise, their goddess—Vice Principal Caroline—was waiting outside the space teleportation array. She was dressed in a simple white wizard robe. Can not party things.

"Hello, Principal!" Almost at the same time, all the people bowed and lowered their heads.

Caroline, who has been the number one beauty in the Eastern Kingdom for 20 years, is so beautiful that ordinary people dare to face her.

"Well, everyone is lucky." Caroline flicked her wide sleeves, indicating that they don't need to salute. The youthful youth at that moment made all the boys present lose their hearts.

The consul teacher walked forward a few steps, and respectfully gave a brief overview of the adventures of the students going to the Nine Heavens Pagoda. However, when it came to Anfen'er and Bu Moli who were unconscious in their hands, they were very detailed. How Chu Ye punched and kicked the two girls, where they hit, even the fierce expression and eyes at that time, he explained clearly every word.

Although there is no embellishment, the depiction is more vivid than that seen on the spot.

It can be seen how deep his dissatisfaction with Chu Ye is in his heart

Chu Ye couldn't help rolling his eyes, this teacher can become a storyteller, I'm afraid a real storyteller may not have his eloquence.

Caroline, on the other hand, kept listening quietly with a beautiful smile. After the eloquent consul teacher finally shut up, she asked leisurely, "Is it finished?"

"Uh..." The consular teacher obviously didn't expect that Caroline's first reaction would be so dull.

Shouldn't she be furious, and then angrily scold that Chu Ye, and then say that she misunderstood the wrong person and accepted the wrong apprentice, and then expelled Chu Ye from Calais to show his justice as the vice principal, by the way It also terminated her master-student relationship with Chu Ye.

You must know that he has a grandson who is also studying in Calais, and he is very talented. He is looking forward to the stars and the moon, thinking that Caroline will accept his grandson as an apprentice!

Ignoring the stunned expression of the consul teacher, Caroline continued to smile gracefully towards the students, but the words she said made people dare not disobey, "An Fen'er and Bu Moli are not in the right mind to frame their companions. This kind of villainous behavior is not worthy of being a student of Calais, and from now on, the student status of the two of them will be revoked, and they will not be able to step into Calais again in this life."

"Hiss..." Everyone couldn't help taking a deep breath. They never thought that Caroline's felony against the second daughter would be so serious.

You must know that the status of the Calais Wizarding Academy in the wizarding world is absolutely lofty. Therefore, any wizard students who are expelled by Calais will definitely become other wizards in this life and in their long career as wizards. In the eyes of wizards, no matter how high their future achievements are, the expulsion from Calais will always become a stain in their lives.

Can't wipe it off.

This is also why Murong Chang's hatred for Chu Ye is so deep that he did not hesitate to use all means to chase him to the Nine Heavens Pagoda and kill Chu Ye as soon as possible.

"Vice-principal..." The consular teacher obviously disagreed with Caroline's approach, and wanted to argue a few words when he took a step forward.

But Caroline didn't seem to see him, she turned around and looked at Chu Ye, who was standing indifferently, and then faced all the students, announcing: "Although An Fen'er and Bu Moli made mistakes first, but Chu Ye's attack is too harsh, and such a violent temper is really not suitable for getting along with the students, from now on, Chu Ye no longer has to go to the classroom to teach."

This is ambiguous, what do you mean "no need to go to the classroom anymore?"

Is it expulsion

Or do you mean something else

What's more, when beating An Fen'er and Bu Moli violently, everyone saw the strength of the sixth-level wizard Chu Ye showed. In Calais, he can graduate as long as he reaches the fifth level. Chu Ye naturally does not need to attend class.

From this point of view, Caroline's "punishment" is not called punishment!

"Vice-principal, what you said..." the consular teacher was the first again, wanting to clarify.

But before he could say anything, Caroline turned around suddenly, staring directly at him with her quiet eyes. Although there was still a smile on her face, there was no smile in her eyes.

The consul teacher hurriedly lowered his head and didn't dare to say more.

It's a pity that he has successfully provoked Caroline's anger.

Who is Caroline

The most beautiful woman in the East

The number one powerhouse in the Eastern Kingdom

None of this is wrong.

But when her beauty was not spread, when her strength was not strong, she still had a title: the number one witch.

Maybe years of being easy to deal with people has made people forget her title.

"Mr. Behringer, I heard that the announcer in the radio room is sick today, and it seems that he will be sick for a while. Today, I saw that Mr. Behringer is so eloquent. Why don't you take the place?"

A word determines the future.

BEHRINGER is the full name of this consular teacher.

"Vice-principal, this..." Behringer raised his head sharply, looking at Caroline in disbelief, and asked him to be a small announcer in the radio room, a majestic ninth-level wizard

Even an ordinary person can do a small job like broadcasting well, and Caroline clearly demoted him.

"Why, do you have an opinion?" Caroline's voice suddenly became a little colder.

"No... no objection." Behringer was already sweating profusely, but in the end he didn't dare to say a word anymore.

In addition to Caroline's identity as the vice principal, Caroline's strength as the number one powerhouse in the Eastern Kingdom made him even more intimidated.

I just hope that this interim is really just an interim.

Seeing that along the way, the elders always taught this lesson, er, the consular teacher, Behringer, finally became dumb and ate coptis, all the students present couldn't help covering their mouths and snickering, even the young teachers who went with them. .

You know, they are not less angry with this old guy.

"Okay, let's leave everyone. You are allowed one day off, go home and rest, and come to class on time tomorrow. As for An Fen'er and Bu Moli, please come and send them back to their respective families immediately. If their families ask , just convey my original words. Also, Chu Ye, follow me."

After Caroline spoke, everything was settled by her, she turned around and left with a flick of her sleeves.

Chu Ye followed immediately, and before leaving, he told Lan Xi Liuhua to send Ming Yuexin to the small courtyard where her mother lived, and wait for her to come back.

Lanxi Liuhua vaguely guessed Chu Ye's intention.

Mingyue Xin shrank and was hidden in her sleeve all the time, so that no one has discovered her broken left arm. Although she knew it well, she still couldn't help feeling uneasy. The elemental spirits are so precious, Chu Ye really I am willing to use it on her.

If she really used the elemental spirit on her body, does that mean that she...

Mingyue Xin didn't dare to think about it anymore, the scorching heat on her face made her heart jump up thumping even if she couldn't help it.

By the way, Chu Ye followed Caroline all the way into her principal's office.

"In just ten days, it seems that you have gained a lot." Caroline sat down on her principal's chair and looked at Chu Ye with a smile.

"Thanks to you, I almost couldn't come back." Chu Ye also found a chair and sat down.

Caroline made a soft sound, blinked and tightened, and said with a teasing smile, "Have you experienced anything interesting? Let's hear it. I happen to be free right now."

"But I'm not free." Chu Ye pulled up his tattered clothes and shook them in front of Caroline's eyes, "Look at my current condition, please, please speak quickly, I'm still in a hurry to go home What!" She really wanted to talk about the things in the Nine Heavens Pagoda one by one, she was afraid that it would take several hours, she wanted to go home quickly, and then use the elemental spirit to help Shen Zhu and Mingyue Xin recover.

And I don't know why, facing Caroline Chuye, I can't always feel awe, maybe because there are some things in Caroline that are very similar to her.

For example: short-term protection.

Caroline's shortcomings just now are obvious to all, and no one can tell what's wrong with her.

So, sometimes, short-term protection is also a technical job.

Another example: beautiful.

Both of them are such magnificent and peerless women, Caroline's beauty is unsurpassed, noble and incomparable, while Chu Ye's beauty, as her soul gradually penetrates into the body of the original "Bo Ling Yi Li" , the original beauty of icy muscles and bones, teeth like shellfish, vast like creamy fat, and face like a weak daughter in Shunhua's boudoir, now is more of an arrogant and wild beauty, seductive and captivating.

Therefore, it is better to say that they are sisters rather than masters and apprentices. Chu Ye can only treat Caroline with sisterly friendship.