Cool Goddess Special Agent

Chapter 93


Looking at Chu Ye who was falling rapidly, Xiaoyin really wanted to catch up, even if he couldn't save his master, at least he would be a pad for his body so that he wouldn't fall to his death.

However, due to the size of its body at the moment, the speed of its fall was far less than that of Chu Ye.

But it didn't dare to make its body bigger. The whole hole is only about 1 meter wide. If it made its body bigger, it would definitely not be able to get under Chu Ye's body. Then it would be on top and Chu Ye would be on the bottom.

It is already obvious who is the meat pad.

And the hole was only about a hundred meters deep, and within a few blinks, it was about to hit the ground. Just when Xiaoyin was so anxious that his eyes were about to burst, he saw a crescent-colored figure sliding down from the top of his head against the wall of the hole like lightning. .

In an instant, he surpassed Xiaoyin.

When Chu Ye was about to hit the ground fiercely, he supported Chu Ye's body, and then spun around on the spot, landing Chu Ye safely on the ground.

"Roar!" Seeing that Chu Ye landed safely, Xiao Yin roared angrily at Caroline, who was catching Chu Ye, out of joy.

She was the one who pushed the master, and she was the one who saved the master. What was she thinking

And Caroline looked at Chu Ye, who just screamed at the beginning and then kept looking normal, even though she was about to fall into mud, she didn't change half, and said in disbelief: "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Fear, who is not afraid of death." Chu Ye raised his lips and smiled, "But I know you will not let me die, since I know the result, why should I panic about the process?"

Caroline was stunned for a moment, Chu Ye's words hit the nail on the head, she really wanted to rectify Chu Ye a little bit, she always looked like an old god, she was a little upset, but She didn't want people to see through her thoughts earlier, but she was proud of not showing panic.

"Well, you can see everything clearly. I really wonder if you are 16 years old." Caroline laughed and shook her head. As she spoke, she took out a night pearl as big as a baby's fist from her sleeve. Immediately, the dark underground was immediately illuminated by the faint light emitted by the night pearl.

"Follow me." Caroline led the way with the illumination of the night pearl.

In fact, with her cultivation base, she could have night vision with both eyes, but considering that Chu Ye could not do this, she took out the Ye Mingzhu out of nowhere.

There is a passage ahead, which divides into two forks. Caroline led Chu Ye into the left one.

Immediately, a spacious stone house came into view. There were actually two large magic circles inside the stone house. The lines were complicated, and hundreds of monster core crystals were regularly placed around it. From the color and volume, each monster core crystal was at least Above the eighth level, its cumbersome, gorgeous, and extravagant level is almost even worse than the star-absorbing magic circle that Chuye saw in Mrs. Hairpin's deep cave.


"What kind of magic circle is this?" In Chu Ye's impression, he knew nothing about the two magic circles in front of him.

"Spirit-absorbing magic circle." Caroline said with a slightly proud smile: "It can automatically absorb the spiritual energy around it, and condense it in the circle. If people stay in it for a long time to practice, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. This kind of magic circle has already It has been lost, including me, there will definitely not be more than five people in the entire Eastern Kingdom who know how to deploy this formation."

Chu Ye's face finally changed. He looked at the two spirit-absorbing magic circles in shock. They were only one word different from the star-absorbing magic circles, but their functions and effects were completely different.

One harms others, the other helps others.

The witchcraft is really broad and profound, so that the witchcraft circle that originated from the witchcraft is so unfathomable.

"You mean, you want me to practice here from now on?" Chu Ye's heart began to pound.

"That's right." Caroline nodded, and said with a slightly reproachful tone: "Yesterday, when you came back from the Nine Heavens Pagoda, I saw at first sight that you had reached level six and had awakened the talent of the earth element. Knowing that the knowledge in the school classroom is no longer suitable for you, and you have caused me a lot of troubles to go back to school, so I simply ignored your future courses.

In order not to delay your practice, I rushed to work overnight last night and made these two spirit-absorbing wizard formations, one is wind-type and the other is earth-type. From now on, you can practice the two formations alternately, so that any The witchcraft of all departments can get a balanced development. "

Hearing this, Chu Ye couldn't help being moved.

Unexpectedly, Caroline was so concerned about her affairs.

"Master!" This was the first time Chu Ye willingly called Caroline a master.

Caroline smiled, she could hear the sincerity in Chu Ye's voice, she smiled softly, it was the standard beauty smile with only eight white teeth showing, "Practice hard, I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, with a movement of the graceful figure, it melted into a stream of light and disappeared in place.

I can see Chu Ye's envy.

One day, she will become so powerful too.

"Xiaoyin, let's go in together." Looking at the two large-scale spirit-absorbing magic circles in front of him, Chu Ye took the lead in stepping into the wind-type spirit-absorbing magic circle.

"Yes, master!" Xiaoyin immediately followed happily.

Although he is already a god tiger, he was locked up under the star-absorbing magic circle by the old ghost Palin for ten years. Not only did his mental power suffer great damage, but his strong body was also devoured a lot. Now, thanks to its master, it has such a good training environment, can it not be excited

As soon as he entered the wind-type spirit-absorbing magic circle, Chu Ye immediately felt that the wind element inside the circle was much thicker than the outside. As the spirit-absorbing magic circle continued to absorb, the wind element inside the circle would only become more dense.

Sit down and feel with your heart, Chu Ye slowly entered the state of meditation.

The same is true for Little Silver, the difference is that at the same time, it also allocates part of its mind to absorb the spiritual power in the soul orb that Chu Ye returned to it.

Time flies by unknowingly during practice.

At six o'clock in the evening, Caroline's voice sounded from above, "It's time, you can come up."

Although the spirit-absorbing magic circle is a good thing, it is too domineering. People can't stay in it for more than 12 hours at a time.

Otherwise, things will only go against each other.

Chu Ye went out as he said, and rode Xiaoyin out of the basement. After saying goodbye to Caroline, he left the gate of Carles Academy.

No, there was a little man waiting for her outside the school gate, and when he saw Chu Ye coming out, he jumped up and greeted her immediately.

"Sister Chuye, I've been waiting for you until the flowers are gone!" Little Meteor put on a bitter face, raised his head in dissatisfaction and stared at Chuye angrily, returning to his upstart look Little boy dress up.

Seeing him like this, Chu Ye couldn't help laughing, and ravaged his smooth hair, "I didn't ask you to wait for me!"

"Ah, don't mess with my hairstyle, I'm going on a date later, I have to maintain a perfect image." Little Meteor suddenly screamed dissatisfied, patted Chu Ye's hand away, and then fell from his arms again. He took out a pink envelope from his pocket, stuffed it into Chu Ye's hand, and said, "My brother asked me to give it to you. The mission is completed. I have to get away. My girl is still waiting for me!"

After speaking, without waiting for Chu Ye to respond, he let go of his feet and ran away.

Following the direction he was running, Chuye saw Xiaozhuzhu in a beautiful princess dress waving at him, then Little Meteor ran over, and the two walked into a cotton candy shop hand in hand.

Chu Ye couldn't help laughing.

And I can't help but sigh, I never thought that in this world, children are so precocious and perverted, but they know how to pick up girls at a young age of five or six.

Bowing his head, he opened the pink envelope in his hand, and several beautiful characters in flying and phoenix dances came into view: Seven o'clock in the evening, Fu Ya Lou Hou Qing, see you there or be square.

Chu Ye recognized at a glance that it was indeed from Lanxi Liuhua.

"What's the matter? What can't be said in person, and you have to ask someone to send a letter, so it's such a big turn?" Chu Ye complained softly, but his subordinates carefully put away the letter in their hands, with a trace of smile on their face. A sweet smile.

It's a date!

Next to him, Xiao Yin raised his head and looked up at Chu Ye, dumbfounded.

The tenderness of that smile is so beautiful, so beautiful!

Fu Ya Building is the most famous high-end restaurant in Biancheng. From the architecture to the decoration, from the food to the service, everything is perfect. Even the waiters are all handsome men and women, very eye-catching. It can be said to be famous in the entire Eastern Capital. Noisy for a while.

This has also created the sky-high consumption price of Fu Ya Building.

I heard that even if you drink a glass of water in it, you have to spend ten gold coins, but this does not affect its business, but it makes those rich, powerful, high-ranking nobles and powerful wizards to be able to use it in Fufu. It is an honor for Yalou to have a meal.

And Lanxi Liuhua chose the Fuya Building as the date location, which shows that he really spent a lot of money.

Seeing that it was nearly an hour away from seven o'clock, Chu Ye thought for a while, and decided to go home and change into a more beautiful dress. Since it was a date, the woman had the responsibility to dress herself more beautifully than usual, while Lan Xiliu Hua Ming knew that she would leave school on time at six o'clock, but set the time at seven o'clock, obviously he was giving her time to dress up.

That being the case, how could she live up to it

All the way home in a good mood, I saw a figure waiting at the door of the house from a distance, but it was not Lu Shi, but a personal maid beside Lu Shi.

Chu Ye's heart tightened suddenly, did something happen at home? Otherwise, Lu Shi, who is leaning on the door and looking forward to his son's return, will never let them replace him.

Quickly stepped up and walked up, "What's wrong? Where's my mother?"

The maid immediately replied wittily: "Miss, nothing major happened, but Young Master Shen Zhu had a little accident and the adults were helping him with the medicine, so that's why I asked the servant to wait here for the miss to come home."

Chu Ye heaved a sigh of relief immediately, and while walking into the courtyard, he asked, "What little accident could happen to Shen Zhu, did he fall or did he fall?"

This kid never let her worry.

"Not at all..." The girl wanted to say but wanted to laugh, and said, "Miss, let's see for myself."

Chu Ye became more suspicious immediately, did this kid make some kind of oolong incident

Even the maid couldn't help laughing at him.

Walking straight into the hall, one can see Lu Shi bent over and applying potion on the heavy bamboo carefully. Chu Ye looked at it and exclaimed: "My God!"

Hearing Chu Ye's voice, Shen Zhu, who had been closing his eyes and letting Lu apply the potion, knew that Chu Ye was back. He quickly raised his right hand, covered his face with his wide sleeve, and said anxiously: "Chu Ye, why are you back?" Without saying a word..."

Chu Ye reached out and patted off the long sleeves that covered his face, and said angrily, "I've seen everything that blocks you, and said, what's going on, how did your skin become like this?"

When she left in the morning, Shen Zhu's skin was still pink, tender, smooth and smooth, but at this moment... it was covered with crimson prickly heat, densely packed, and it looked like she couldn't hide it. Unrecognizable and appalling.

"I... I just basked in the sun for a while..." Shen Zhu said weakly without confidence.

"It's been in the sun for a while, it's obviously been in the sun for a whole day." Lu Shi next to him unceremoniously exposed his lie, and reported to Chu Ye: "As soon as you leave Lili this morning, this kid will lose his life." Trace, I also said that he stayed at home for too long these days and went out to relax. As a result... who knows that he actually lay on the roof and basked in the sun for a day. He originally wanted to tan his skin, but he didn't want to be tanned I have already got a lot of prickly heat all over my body, alas, I don’t know if it will leave scars on my face in the future.”

Hearing this, Chu Ye finally got angry, and said angrily: "Chen Zhu, haste makes waste. You can get your skin tanned if you want, but take your time. If you are so eager for success, you may be exposed to the sun." skin cancer."

"I know I was wrong, and I won't dare to do it again. Chu Ye, don't be angry with me." Shen Zhu immediately lowered his head obediently, and quickly recognized his mistake.

Although he didn't understand what Chu Ye meant by skin cancer, but at the moment, he didn't have the guts to ask.

He was afraid of Chu Ye's angry appearance.

Seeing his cute little appearance, Chu Ye could not reprimand him again, so he shook his head helplessly.

"Oops!" At this time, Lu Shi suddenly exclaimed, "I'm too busy to apply medicine to Shen Zhu, I haven't even prepared dinner tonight, come to Lili, you continue to apply medicine to Shen Zhu, I'll go to Zhang Luo Let's go to dinner." As he said that, he stuffed the medicine in his hand into Chu Ye's hand.

In fact, Chu Ye hired several professional cooks for Lu Shi, but as long as Chu Ye was at home, Lu Shi would insist on cooking himself.

"Since you haven't cooked, let's go out to eat together, to save trouble." Chu Ye secretly said sorry to Lan Xi Liuhua in his heart, it seems that dating alone is impossible.

"Going out to eat? That's not worth it. It's okay. I can cook quickly."

"It's really unnecessary, someone invites you, we just need to open our mouths to eat." Chu Ye pulled Lu Shi back.

Lu Shi let out a sigh, and after thinking about it, he knew who the guest was. She had better not get involved with the young man's date, and was about to refuse.

But she didn't want to blend in, some people did.

"I want to go too, I want to go too..." Lu Shi wanted it, and Shen Zhu naturally wanted it too, so he just wanted to be a big light bulb.

Lu Shi knew that he wanted to stir up trouble, and was about to persuade him to stay, but suddenly another voice came from the door: "There's me, too, and I'm going too."