Cosma Empire

Chapter 100: magic


"What are you doing? Get out of the way!" Mason pressed the pistol on his waist tightly with one hand and the police hat on his head with the other as he squeezed in the surging crowd. Occasionally, someone held a cane with malicious intent. Even if he elbowed him, he couldn't tell who it was. Never underestimate how unruly and difficult country people can be. In the eyes of nobles, simple and honest farmers only exist in the bizarre paintings of artists. The countryside is definitely not a paradise.

He finally squeezed his way into the crowd, clutching his chest. In the panic, he even lost his hat. He turned around and glared a few times. Amidst the laughter of several aunts, he took his police hat back from the hands of a little girl. , and don’t forget to say thank you.

The people in the Kosma family are very polite, which has something to do with the fact that Mr. Kosma is not very stubborn anymore, but the stereotype is still there in the eyes of the children. It is said that humans are social animals, and what affects a person is never something that happens to him or her, but the opinions and gazes from society. When people associated Mr. Kesma with the Kesma family, Mr. Kesma began to pay attention to politeness.

It's not that he wasn't polite before, it's just that compared to the masked people in the city, he did seem a bit rude. From then on, the rude Mr. Kesma disappeared and was replaced by a polite Mr. Kesma. If you don't mind the fights between family groups that sometimes happened because of the boundary stone, he did it.

There will be a role model in everyone's life. You will feel that he can do anything. You feel that he is what you want to be in the future. In the Kosma family, Mr. Kosma holds this special position. He also influenced the rest of the family, making them polite as well.

The little girl smiled with a red face, showing her slightly yellowed teeth. The pockmarks on the bridge of her nose were like countless little stars in the sky when dark clouds cracked.

Mason immediately withdrew his gaze and turned around. He put on his police hat neatly and patted the pistol on his waist. He pushed aside the last few people and walked into the center of the crowd.

He had suffered a lot in the past two months. Being a sheriff in a place like the countryside was definitely not a comfortable job. His first job after wearing the police badge was to find a lost cow for an aunt who was stronger than him. Here, cattle do not do the hard work of plowing the fields. The cheapest and most common way for people to obtain oil is to find fat from the few cattle. Therefore, cows are similar to pigs in another world. Their task is to send them to the slaughterhouse to be stabbed when they are strong and fat enough.

A missing cow is a heavy blow to a family. As the only sheriff in Alfalfa Town, Mason can only shoulder this task. Finally, he found a cow covered in mud in a quagmire that was about to dry up. Its leg was broken, probably because it fell into the quagmire because it stepped on the air. Mason exhausted all his strength and took two days to return the cow to the town. Then he watched two brothers as strong as bears from his aunt's family pick up the cow and leave one after another before he came to his senses. .

After that, it was all trivial matters, such as whose chicken stopped crowing for some reason, and the surrounding residents who had been cared for by the "time teller" asked Mason to let the "rooster" who was unwilling to speak continue to speak. Another example is that someone's goose suddenly stopped laying eggs, and people began to panic as if it was the end of the world. The only person in the town who seemed to be able to ask for help was Mason.

Another old guy drinks alcohol all day, and every time he wakes up he is preparing for his next lethargy.

If it weren't for the bad breath building up in his chest and wanting to prove that he could become the great police officer he dreamed of, Mason might have given up.

Although he wasted so much time on these trivial matters, it was undeniable that he had indeed taken a successful step. At least some people really treated him as a peace officer and supported him.

When he pushed aside the crowd, he saw a brand new car. He could also see his own reflection in the car body, which was as smooth as a layer of water. He smoothed his collar and straightened his slightly crooked hat. Then he walked towards the guy in a white suit with his back turned to him.

"Hello, I am the sheriff of this town. You don't know that parking is not allowed here..." Mason's voice stopped abruptly. His eyes widened wider and wider until the corners of his eyes hurt a little before he looked back. God came to him, "My God, Du Lin, why have you become like this?" At this time, he finally had the courage to reach out and touch the car, which was as smooth as the skin of the farmer's daughter at the east end of the town, "This Is it your car? Are you rich?"

Just as Mason was surprised by Du Lin's changes at this time, Du Lin's eyes widened when he turned around. He suddenly felt that his mind was a little confused. When did Mr. Kesma become so open-minded and actually agreed to let Mason become the sheriff?

"When did it happen?" Dulin took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to Mason. Mason looked at the filtered cigarette in his hand with some surprise, then hesitantly put it into his coat pocket. He knew that the price of such filtered cigarettes would not be that cheap. In such a rural place, sometimes the "power" brought by such a cigarette often exceeded the police badge on his chest.

Du Lin was stunned for a moment, then lit one for himself, and then slapped the cigarette box he had just opened directly on Mason's chest, "Let's go back and take a look first. Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that I'm a little Miss that stubborn old man.”

Mason hesitated for a moment, and finally put his arm around Dulin's shoulders and patted him hard, "Father will be happy!" As he said this, he looked at those who were still watching the fun with some embarrassment, and even tried to touch the car. The shell guy was angry and helpless. He couldn't really do anything to these people, so they didn't care if Mason was the Sheriff.

Du Lin patted the arm on the shoulder that Qing was pressing gently on, and looked at the two young men.

The crowd was not a burden in Dulin's eyes. The two young men who followed him to protect him took out handfuls of ten coins from the cloth pockets on the car and scattered them directly into the crowd. The farmers, aunts, young men and women who were still crowded and desperately wanted to squeeze in to see what was going on, bent down amidst the screams of surprise.

At this moment, in the center of the entire town, Dulin was like a respected king, accepting worship from all directions!

There have been too many social events recently. Sorry, there will be another big party tomorrow.

(End of chapter)