Cosma Empire

Chapter 11: First love


Ghosn is a wealthy man. He owns two farms in the countryside of Turnel City, and a dragon's blood tree forest farm that can be rotated to cut down. Whether it is beef or dragon's blood tree, it has good sales. He also has a dozen or so shops of his own, selling beef, among other things. Perhaps he cannot compare with the accumulation of rich people in big cities, but in Tenel City, he is a well-deserved rich man and an elite in the upper class.

Thirty-seven-year-old Ghosn has shed all his youthfulness after years of baptism and precipitation. The biggest difference between men and women is that men become more elegant as they get older, and Ghosn is such a very elegant man. He has brown hair, and his privileged life allows him to have enough time and energy to take care of his hair, just like he takes care of his own skin. Although he is thirty-seven years old, there are still no wrinkles on his face.

His deep, intelligent blue eyes always fascinate many girls. His tall nose and slightly thin lips make his facial features very three-dimensional and very charming. The most special thing is his temperament. After the ups and downs, he has reached the peak of his life. His temperament has long got rid of the instability caused by the commendatory word "bright". He always has an unchanging expression. The calm look.

Coupled with valuable suits and accessories, many women hope to become his female companion or even life partner. But it is a pity that Ghosn has not been close to any girl or woman so far. He is like a gay.

Indeed, many people have speculated about his sexual orientation. He speaks very gently, speaks clearly and slowly, and is polite. No matter who greets him, even a beggar, he will take off his clothes. Hats off in return. He also likes flowers, red tulips. No matter when, you can always see a red tulip or a few petals on his body.

So many people speculate that this charming, humorous and talkative man who doesn't like women is a gay.

In fact, people don't understand him. He likes women, but he has suffered serious emotional injuries, and he can't extricate himself even after twenty years.

When he was in poverty, he met a girl, fell in love with that girl, fell into the golden agate river flowing with love, and was immersed in a sweet love. But the good times did not last long. The girl's family was a middle-class family. The girl's family looked down on the poor boy who had nothing at that time. They refused the girl to associate with him and sent the girl to Orodo.

That is the capital of Canles Province, and it is many times more prosperous than Nair.

In order to find his love, Ghosn worked hard and made some progress two years later. He opened a store that sold not only beef but also some non-staple foods. Such a business will never lack clerks in Turnel City. Compared with other cities, poor Turnel City residents are more willing to spend their money to fill their stomachs, so Ghosn earned the first income in his life. Pot of gold.

He took a thousand yuan and went to Orodo to find the girl. What he couldn't imagine was that the girl was already married and gave birth to a girl, and at the same time, there was another child in her belly. Even in the face of such a change of heart, Ghosn did not give up. He told the girl that as long as she was willing, he would take her away and marry her. Even if it is the child in her belly, he agrees to stay and will treat the child in her belly like his own child.

But it's a pity that the only thing infatuation can buy is dashed hope.

The married girl told him that the ignorance in youth was not love, but hormonal impulse. She no longer loves him, and she also wishes him that he can find a girl he likes and start a new life.

The dejected Ghosn returned to Tener and devoted all his energy to business, as if as revenge for his previous poor life and the hardship that destroyed his love. He soon owned a ranch, a forest farm, and more than a dozen shops in Turnel City. He has experienced many girls and women, and dreams of finding his own love one day. But I don’t know why, I can no longer find the feeling I had before, the feeling that when I was happy, I felt like I owned the whole world, and when I was sad, it was like the end of the world.

Maybe that's what it takes to get something - to lose something.

Ghosn’s greatest pleasure now is to drink a little wine, chat with people, and then throw his drunken self on the bed, and then start a new day.

As always, he parked his car outside the Wild Rose Bar. This was a mid-range bar. There were not many drunken drunkards wandering around. It was also busier than those high-end bars. He liked it here. There are his friends here, people he knows.

He walked to the bar counter with ease and sat down, clenched his fists and knocked on the bar counter with his knuckles, "Have a drink!"

He didn't need to name any wine before the bartender could serve him his favorite drink. He was a regular customer here and almost every regular customer knew him.

But this time, the bartender did not bring his favorite wine immediately. Instead, he leaned over and asked, "We have new wine. It tastes good. Do you want to try it?"

"New wine?" Ghosn raised his eyebrows, "Not that kind of blending bar? You know, I don't drink that kind of stuff."

The bartender immediately patted his chest and promised, "Don't worry, I'll give you a hundred yuan if it's a blended wine!" After Ghosn nodded, the bartender asked: "First Love, and Snow Elf, would you like a drink?"

After agreeing, the bartender brought a glass first. The glass contained light blue wine, exuding a peculiar fruity aroma. Ghosn frowned a little. He didn't like fruit wine very much because it was too sweet. Although it could still make him drunk, it was too sweet after drinking. But since he had promised the bartender and wanted to taste the new wine, he picked it up and took a sip.

The moment you enter the mouth, it tastes like other alcoholic drinks. The spiciness immediately fills your mouth, stimulating your taste buds, and it is also very sweet. But soon, after he swallowed the heat, a cold feeling appeared, soothing his burning mouth and esophagus. He was a little surprised and nodded slightly at the same time. It was indeed a very special wine, but he still didn't like it. This kind of wine is more suitable for young girls to drink, especially the cold taste at the end will definitely be liked by some girls who are not good at drinking.

After watching the show for a while, he listened to the singer invited from other places sing two songs. He clapped and swallowed the last mouthful. The bartender immediately brought him a second glass of wine.

First love!

This was the name of the wine, and he snorted softly. No one will ever use love to describe wine, whether it is high or low, because love is either bitter or sweet, but it will never have spicy ingredients. Dare to use first love as the name of the wine, Ghosn would like to see if it really feels like first love.

He picked up the cup and took a sip. Time seemed to become eternity at this moment!

Inexplicably, tears filled his eyes. He recalled the joys and sorrows he felt when he and the girl first met. He recalled his excitement when he used the dollar he finally saved to buy a gift for the girl. He recalled his first birthday. The bitterness when he was rejected by a girl for the first time reminded him of the sweetness when he kissed a girl for the first time...

Everything he thought he had forgotten appeared so vividly in front of him, and scenes flashed by quickly, just like his love came to an end quickly.

A tear slipped down his eyelids and fell into the wine glass, causing a small splash.

The sour and slightly astringent taste in his mouth and the melancholy aftertaste left behind were like an arrow shot into his heart from thousands of kilometers away! He lowered his head, and the world seemed to quiet down for a moment. There was only him and his memories in this world. He drank the wine one after another, occasionally giggled, and occasionally looked bitter. The most important memories in his life were activated at this moment.

He was in pain, but at this moment, he felt inexplicably happy!

He placed the empty cup on the bar, pointed at the rim of the cup and said to the bartender, "First love, have another cup!"

This evening, many people like Ghosn were sitting blankly at the edge of the bar, one of them with his head lowered stupidly, holding a glass of wine. Sometimes there will be giggles, sometimes there will be pain, there will be laughter and tears, and there will be countless memories. They are unwilling to share with others, isolate themselves from the entire world, and are completely immersed in nostalgia and memories of the past.

There are also young girls who have finally found something they can drink in a bar. It's as sweet as the taste of love, cold and covers up the spiciness. The almost perfect taste and the smoke brought by the high degree of alcohol allow every girl to release her energy to the fullest.

On such a night, a highly fruity wine called First Love, a highly fruity wine called Snow Elf, had unknowingly captured a large number of followers.

The contract has been sent, 2 updates after the status has been changed.

(End of chapter)