Cosma Empire

Chapter 1339: That's right, the conspiracy is in my hands


The confidentiality system is not a mechanism that only exists in modern times. The confidentiality system has existed since the birth of human civilization. Especially after public ownership evolved into private ownership, the confidentiality system became very popular.

From the most basic and harmless thing of keeping secrets about the wealth you own, to keeping secrets about how you earn the money, everyone has to tell a lot of lies in their life, and at the same time, they also have to keep or cannot bear some secrets.

According to the New Party's provisions related to intra-party disciplinary review, only when it is fully confirmed that the person being reported has not violated any rules and regulations, part of the content of the report can be disclosed to him in a limited manner, and the personal information and personal information of the reporter must not be involved. Investigate the details.

Before it is confirmed whether a certain member is truly innocent, he will be labeled as suspicious.

There is no doubt that after the Minister of Finance was reported, the Ministry of Internal Affairs thought it was a malicious frame-up and false accusation and did not deal with it. However, an accusation is an accusation. Regardless of whether it seems to be a false accusation or frame-up, the existence of the report file is real.

Without the signature of the relevant presidium members, the Minister of Finance is always suspicious, and he should not know the specific information about himself being reported, or even know that he has been reported.

Whether this is a rule or a dead rule, there is no way to change it, so no matter what the Minister of the Interior thinks in his heart, he must shake his head.

"No, Mr. Vice Chairman, I have not disclosed the content of the report to anyone, including the Minister of Finance." He answered decisively. He should not hesitate to do this kind of thing, and he should not show his guilt and guilt. Hesitation can be fatal.

Du Lin nodded with satisfaction, then looked at the Minister of Finance. He raised the document in his hand and said, "Minister of Finance, can you tell me what you have done in the past two weeks? ?”

The guy named by Du Lin wiped the sweat from his face. His handkerchief had already become wet with sweat. It was better to say that he was wiping the sweat than evenly distributing the sweat on his entire face.

The slight nervousness and increased blood pressure made his face look unhealthy and rosy, and the whites of his eyes were also bloodshot. He hesitated and didn't know what to say. It wasn't that he was so stupid that he couldn't even lie, but He believed that since Dulin had asked these questions, he must have been prepared to be counterattacked.

He didn't know if Du Lin would immediately spot a lie he made up, and he didn't know how to get through today's unpleasant meeting. His mind was in a state of confusion.

"I...", he opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't say anything.

Du Lin looked at him unhurriedly. He had done enough homework before he planned to touch these people. Most of the top officials in these departments were indeed from noble families, but nobles and nobles were not all the same. Yes, there must also be distinctions between high and low.

From the lowest baron to the highest-ranking prince, the span is as wide as the gap between commoners and nobles.

These people in the top ranks of the new party used to come from small and medium-sized nobles. There was no big noble like Mags, let alone a hereditary noble like Odega.

In other words, they were not actually that strong, and this was exactly Maggs' decision at the time, and Dulin could understand it.

If the top officials of finance, internal affairs or other important departments are handed over to people whose family background and social status are not inferior to Mags, Mags will inevitably focus part of his energy on internal struggles.

These key tasks are controlled by people who are on an equal footing with Mags. Why should they obey Mags's orders and decisions like servants

Therefore, those with real aristocratic backgrounds, such as Harry and Holmes, could not hold high-level positions in the party, and were released by Mags early on to compete with the old party for turf.

As long as these people do not take control of important departments of the New Party and use it to seek their own interests, Magers' control of the New Party will never be out of control, and the New Party will always be a tool in his hands.

It is precisely because of this that Du Lin will not hesitate to punch the top leaders of the New Party. These people are dogs raised by Mags, but they are not what Du Lin wants. Now that Mags has left, they will also Must leave.

This has nothing to do with whether they made a mistake or not. At their level and status, even if they make a mistake, it is basically nothing as long as it is not a mistake of principle.

Just like the things that these people used power for personal gain during the Mags era, could Mags not know about it? He must know that, but these things are not enough to cause huge harm to him and the entire New Party, and he does not want to find some new ones. People come to replace these people and let them go without even lifting them up.

The good old days have come to an end. After Dulin takes power, he will definitely replace his people in large numbers. Some people speculate that his first move should be the Secretariat, but these people have guessed wrong. He wants to It was not the secretary who was moved, but the entire non-presidium leadership!

Even if these people have not made mistakes, they cannot continue to stay in their current positions. This has nothing to do with right or wrong, it is entirely a matter of stance.

"I didn't do anything, Mr. Vice Chairman." The Minister of Finance answered Dulin's question with a very vague answer, staring at the huge pressure.

Didn't do anything, which can also be read as "didn't do anything too special" or "as usual", Dulin shook his head, with some disappointment on his face, and said softly, "You lied!"

Without waiting for the Minister of Finance to explain, Dulin immediately said, "In the past two weeks, you have been busy dealing with the content of this report regarding your violation of discipline."

"Just now the Minister of the Interior said that he did not disclose the contents of the report to you, so I want to know who disclosed these contents to you and informed you that the things you have done have been reported and asked you to go Remedy?”

Du Lin's punch immediately aroused the interest of other people participating in the meeting. The collision between politicians is very interesting, whether it is with a learning attitude, a spectator attitude, or Is it some other psychology, they all started to concentrate.

The Minister of Finance looked at Du Lin for a long time. At this time, he had calmed down somewhat. He took a deep breath, raised his head to meet Du Lin's gaze, and said loudly, "No one disclosed these things to me. I don’t know what happened, I just felt uneasy to make up for the mistakes I had made.”

"Your Excellency Vice Chairman, ministers, and members present, God has said that regret and making up for past mistakes will not let the stain of mistakes stay on us forever. I did this purely out of regret for my own stupidity. I am deeply regretful for my actions. I want to make up for this. Please tell me, don’t I have the right to correct my previous mistakes?”

In the brief silence before, he had calmed down a little, and at the same time he realized that Dulin's gun was no longer pointing at him. The gun was not pointed at him, which made him feel that the familiar feeling was coming back. As long as he bit both sides, If the contents of the report are not leaked, Dulin's plan will fail.

This time they were not prepared to be very passive. When these issues are discussed next time, they will be fully prepared to deal with Dulin's offensive.

Other onlookers were more or less confused. Everyone had gotten to this level. How could Dulin make such a mistake

He took out these things and specified the goal without communicating with other presidium members. If he does not get the support of other presidium members and alarms the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the same time, he will inevitably face problems if he wants to do this next time. A losing situation.

Unless... He doesn't want to take down the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Everything he has done so far is just to intimidate the top brass and establish his authority

But if you think about it this way, something is wrong. Is the effect gained by doing this... too ordinary

No matter what others think, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Interior among those involved have also calmed down. No matter what Dulin said today, their status and interests will not be shaken immediately.

The senior executives in the first row also communicated with each other through their eyes and subtle expressions on their faces, and soon their expressions became calm again.

Regardless of what Du Lin plans to do, wait until after this meeting is over.

The Minister of Finance's counterattack was spot on. Even if Du Lin were to bite him to death, there would be no good way to pry open his shell. But Du Lin was always Du Lin, and his brain circuitry would never be the same as that of others. Too same.

He shrugged his shoulders, casually threw the file in his hand on the table, and leaned back on the chair. He took a sip of the slightly cooled coffee from the teacup, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "I asked The purpose of this matter is not to antagonize anyone or become an enemy, but I need to understand some real content so that I can help you."

When he mentioned "help", some people in the first row showed sarcasm unsurprisingly. They knew that Du Lin was lying, and Du Lin himself would not deny it.

Just when these people thought that Du Lin was going to let the matter end like this, he spoke again.

"Maybe you don't know that the informant who listed this document has disappeared. His family and friends have called the police. Before he disappeared, he left a file and a letter with his friends. He told His friends, if he disappears suddenly, please call the police and explain that his disappearance must be related to what was said in the envelope."

"Now the police station and the investigation bureau have opened a case for investigation. Because politicians are involved, the Imperial National Security Council has also intervened in the matter..." Dulin had a disgusting smile on his face, "I have always meant well. I want to clarify these issues and help some of you, but obviously you don’t appreciate it, so I will naturally not do these annoying things again.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the door to the stepped conference room was pushed open. Seven suspected official figures, either agents or spies, wearing formal attire and sunglasses, filed in and walked in front of the Minister of Finance. Their identities were then revealed. verify.

"Hello, I am a senior agent from the Imperial City Investigation Bureau. We suspect that you are involved in a premeditated murder case. The Imperial High Court has approved your arrest. Please come with us..." The senior agent took out the gun from his waist. A pair of dazzling silver handcuffs shocked everyone in the conference room.

There is no doubt that this must have been planned by Director Du Lin or even personally. Everyone knows that he has great differences and conflicts with these senior managers in the party. In the past year or so, everyone has clearly understood at this point.

But they never thought that Du Lin would use such means to achieve his goals, and he would be so decisive and ruthless!

It is true that according to the laws and charter of the empire, no agency can open a case to investigate an official with a specific position, but party cadres are not considered official officials.

He can be said to be a senior politician in the political field, a high-level cadre of the New Party with great influence, but he is not a formal official official of the empire, so naturally the charter provisions are used to protect serving officials and prevent terrorist politics. It won't have any effect on him.

He looked blankly at the arrest warrant in front of him, at the names of the two signatures of the judge at the signature, and at the people around him, his ears buzzing.

His expression turned bad quickly, and he glared at Du Lin, "You can't do this!" This sentence was full of hatred and overwhelming anger, but Du Lin just shook his head and smiled without saying a word.

The top officers of other departments in the first row stood up and planned to intercede. At this time, a young man who came to arrest the Finance Minister suddenly pulled out a gun, pointed it at these people, and said loudly, "Sir, I suspect they are trying to violently resist the law and obstruct our exercise of power. Should we fight back?”

Suddenly there was a lot of laughter in the ladder conference room. There is no doubt that if the onlookers were still thinking about whether this was Du Lin's handwriting before, then there is no need to think about it now, it must be Du Lin's design.

The effect of this sentence was so overwhelming that even those who originally planned to build relationships and intercede stood there with ugly faces and embarrassment, neither moving nor moving.

If a small agent shot them to death, at most he would lose his job due to misjudgment, but if they died, they would really die. How could the entire new party and even the entire empire's political circles come up with such a surprising idea? There is only one person who is unreasonable and unreasonable.

That guy is sitting in the middle of this room!

That's Dulin!

They didn't dare to bet, they didn't dare to bet whether this young man really dared to shoot, and they didn't dare to bet whether Du Lin really planned to catch them all.

Just now they thought Du Lin had made a stupid plan, but now they had nothing to say. Facts had proved more than once that Du Lin was the father of conspiracy.

(End of chapter)

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