Cosma Empire

Chapter 2: Survival is not easy


Tenel City is located in the southern and western region of the empire. Compared with the grand scenery along the southeastern coast, Tenel City seems a little less prosperous. But for the people living in Turnel City, this place is paradise compared to other countryside that is full of earthy smell.

Du Lin looked at the busy streets with curious eyes. Although he had seen a more prosperous and advanced city in his dream, it was just a dream, but now it is reality. He weighed the patched backpack on his shoulders and looked around excitedly on the street. At the same time, he was also thinking about what he should do first.

Learning culture is inevitable. He doesn't know a single word of the writing on the streets, which will limit his future development. Secondly, he needs to find a job that can support himself in a short period of time. It does not require a salary or fresh water, as long as he can have a simple residence and two meals.

Walking on the streets of this strange city, he felt a little fear in his heart, but also more of a longing for the future. He felt that the sky in the city was bluer than in the countryside, and even the air was comfortable.

"Hey..., that boy over there!"

Dulin followed the sound and looked around. Next to a car that seemed a little funny to him, but was indeed the latest model in the world, a man wearing a round felt hat curled his fingers at him.

"Yes sir, what's the matter?" Dulin immediately walked over. He was not sure what this decent man who looked very rich wanted to do, but he was not new to establishing anything. I don't really care about such orders.

The man looked Du Lin up and down and tilted his head slightly. There were several boxes placed at the back of the car, which seemed to be heavy. "Help me move them to room 411 on the fourth floor."

Du Lin was stunned for a moment, but soon his face was filled with a smile. He put his backpack on his back, walked to the box, and moved it with all his strength. The box was very heavy, and there were wooden supports on the outside of the box. There seemed to be some liquid sloshing inside during the move. The man seemed surprised and pointed at the five-story building on the roadside, signaling him to hurry up.

Du Lin carried the heavy box up to the fourth floor out of breath. When he was in the countryside, he was already one of the main laborers in the family, and he usually had to do some heavy manual labor. Although these things were heavy, they were not taken seriously by him yet.

He walked upstairs and found 411 according to the numbers he learned on the coins, which should be this room. He gently kicked the door twice with his foot. After a while, the door opened a crack, and a man with a gloomy face looked at him from behind the crack in the door, his eyes a little sinister.

"It was a gentleman downstairs who asked me to bring these boxes up." Dulin explained.

The door opened a little wider, and the guy leaned out and looked around. It was quiet in the long corridor, and no one could be seen. The man opened the door just then. Du Lin noticed a detail. While opening the door, the man put his right hand behind his back and pulled it out again.

He looked at the three boxes Du Lin was holding in his arms, with a somewhat surprised expression on his face, "You are very strong!" He then made way for Du Lin to go in, "Just put the things behind the door. "

After putting down the things in accordance with his instructions, the guy roughly pushed Du Lin out of the room, and then closed the door with a bang.

Looking at the closed wooden door, Du Lin was stunned for a moment, then shrugged and went downstairs.

The gentleman downstairs did not leave. When he saw Du Lin, he didn't say anything. He took out a one-yuan note from his pocket and stuffed it into his hand. Without waiting for Du Lin to thank him, the guy drove away in his car.

Looking at the car disappearing at the end of the street, Dulin whistled. It seemed that making money in the city was not as difficult as imagined. Look, in just over an hour, I have earned one yuan, which is as much as an ordinary person's three-day income.

People always take pride in the first time of anything, even if it's a stupid thing. While thinking about the dollar I earned for the first time in my life through my own labor, I was looking for a place to live next on the roadside. In fact, what he hopes most is to find a place that customizes leather utensils. As a leatherworker, you will never go hungry. This sentence was heard from a drunkard who went to Wild Clover Town to buy wolf skins.

A wolf skin worth ten cents - Coyotes always appear in twos and threes outside the town of Wild Clover. Most of these coyotes are attracted by some livestock in the town, and they have become the most hated thing by the country people. People in the town will kill these coyotes with traps, then skin them intact and sell them to leather merchants who come every month.

According to the leather merchant, these wolf skins, which can only be sold for ten cents, can be sold for astronomical prices of more than ten yuan or even dozens of yuan after being carefully made by the leather craftsmen!

Therefore, Du Lin felt that if he wanted to change his life level as soon as possible, becoming a cobbler's apprentice was obviously the most direct and fastest way.

In fact, he doesn't know that other industries are pretty much the same as long as they are done well.

After walking around the city, his head almost turned dizzy. He had never seen such a big city, so many people, so many roads and so many houses.

And, of course, there are cars on the road.

I haven't encountered any good things like before, and as for looking for the cobbler... I haven't found one either.

With water taken from the roadside water pump and whole-wheat bread as hard as stone, Dulin completed the first step in his life and spent the night in the city.

Likewise, he also felt something called loneliness for the first time. In a bridge cave, he curled up his body and gradually fell asleep amidst the whistling wind.

I searched the entire Tenel City for several days and found three leather goods stores, but the store owners had no plans to recruit people. Dulin put his hope in other jobs, such as tailoring, carpentry, or other jobs that looked respectable. I don't know if it's because of his bad luck or some other reason, but no one is willing to recruit him. This also made him understand that there is always an unbridgeable gap between ideal and reality.

Two weeks later, he finally found a way to make money from countless failures - car washing.

All you need is a bucket of water, a piece of cheap soap, a handful of vine melon pulp that has naturally dried up and decayed, leaving only the sinews, and a towel to clean the cars on the roadside. The total cost of these things is no more than one yuan, and you can get at least five cents and ten cents for a car wash. If you wash a dozen or twenty cars a day, wouldn't you be able to make a fortune quickly? According to some experiences experienced in the dream, at this time, we will expand our operations, hire people, and form our own brand effect...

It seems to be very interesting.

On the evening of the sixteenth day after arriving in Tener, Dulin walked to the roadside carrying a bucket of water. He had observed that across the road was the Turnell Theatre, where many wealthy people drove here every day to enjoy opera and some burlesque shows. This was also the most profitable place.

When it gets dark, Tenel City seems to wake up from a deep sleep and come alive! This city was enough to shock Dulin, and it was hard for him to imagine what it was like in what people called a "big city."

Didi, the whistle brought him back from his wandering, and a new Ogham car stopped not far in front of him. A stern-looking guy wearing a windbreaker and a top hat got out of the car. He glanced at Dulin, patted his car, then took out two five-cent coins from his pocket, threw them on the ground, and stepped onto the steps of the Turner Theater without looking back.

What an arrogant person!

Du Lin shook his head slightly and walked over with the bucket. As he walked, he thought, if one day I will become a richer and decent person than him, I can't be as arrogant as him!

People, and people, should be equal!

(End of chapter)