Cosma Empire

Chapter 22: Buy land


Graf was a little embarrassed. The woman looked at him with wary eyes, and the man looked at him with a little hope. The problem was that he was not the one who could make the decision. So he took a step back, highlighted Du Lin's status, and said angrily: "This is our boss."

There was an obvious expression of surprise on the man's face, but his eyes became brighter. In this world where capital is king, if a young man wants to buy something expensive, there are only two possibilities.

He is a liar.

He is a young master from a wealthy family.

A young man with Graf's size and menacing appearance who could afford one would be unlikely to be a liar, and even if he were a liar, there would be nothing here to arouse his interest. Just like those businessmen who came here before to inquire about the price, the high selling price gave them away. Instead of buying this wasteland-like pasture at a premium, they might as well just buy the wasteland.

Of course, the price of wasteland is indeed cheaper, but there is a small problem here, and that is time.

Purchasing land is not a simple matter. Ever since a certain ranch tycoon's crazy land enclosure caused public outrage, the empire has become extra careful in selling land, and there are many procedures. For example, if you purchase a piece of wasteland to develop pasture or farmland, you must first go through the approval of the "Yaoxing Empire Land Use Office". From the time of submission to the approval, if there are no problems, it will take about 20 days.

Then it is necessary to obtain the votes of farmers, herdsmen and a few urban residents around the target land. Only 60% of them pass before proceeding to the next step.

No matter what you do to buy a piece of wasteland, from the initiation to the complete purchase, it is impossible to do it within two or three months. And this is why Du Lin came here even though he knew the wasteland was cheaper.

He couldn't wait that long, otherwise the three suppliers would go crazy, and he might also be prosecuted for fraud by them.

The man's expression became calmer, he lowered the latch inside the door and opened the door, "Welcome, no matter whether we are all satisfied in the end, I welcome you."

He opened the door, and Graf and two members of the hometown association were guarding the door. It would be useless for them to go in. Instead, it might affect Dulin's subsequent negotiations, so Graf was very smart to avoid such a situation. The situation arises and he doesn't go in.

Du Lin followed the man into the supplies. The woman stood aside with her arms around a girl with golden brown hair, looking at Du Lin longingly.

They have been forced into desperation by being forced into debt. In the spring of the year before last, they took 800 yuan from a man named Morris in the city and bought 60 calves and some necessities. Unexpectedly, the 800 yuan only took two years to grow. To three thousand yuan. Not long ago, they took away 60 cattle that could be sold for 2,000 yuan, but they only paid for the principal of 800 yuan, and there was still 2,200 yuan in interest.

They could no longer afford even a penny and were at the end of their rope. The other party said that if they couldn't get the money together by the end of the month, they would take action against the women in the family.

After welcoming several waves of businessmen and sending them away, the family members were already in despair, and the man was determined to die. If the other party really wants to take action, he will definitely do it. Kill one to earn another, and then go on the road together as a family.

Just when he was desperate, he unexpectedly encountered a new turning point.

"My name is Hu En." The man asked and poured a glass of low-quality fruit wine for Dulin. Generally speaking, most farmers and herdsmen in the countryside brew some low-quality wine. It doesn't matter whether it tastes good or not. This is one of the few things they do. Lots of entertainment.

Du Lin raised his hand to lift the spout of the jug, and Hu En put the jug down. He held his hands together uneasily, his fingers shaking back and forth, as if he was restless in his heart, "Actually... I know that such a price is not affordable. No one is satisfied, but this is the last thing we can sell." The haggard look in his eyes when he looked up did make people feel pity and sympathy, but Dulin is a businessman and must not be influenced by foreign things when it comes to transactions. move.

He just nodded to show that he understood. The man showed a genuine expression and said with a wry smile: "How much can you pay?"

Dulin did not name any price, but asked: "Can you tell me about the guy named Morris?"

The man is a little strange, but this may be the last chance for his family, whether it is straw or anything, he must seize it, "Maurice is a provincial (xing) elegant man who runs a delicatessen on the corner of Seventh Street. He There are some subordinates who specialize in 'helping' people who are in urgent need of money. It is said that he is a gang member, so... "

Through Hu En's explanation, Dulin felt that this guy named Morris was not too evil. It took two years to turn eight hundred yuan into three thousand yuan. Such a conscientious lender was really "helping" those who had money. Tight people. In Du Lin's dream, those financial companies were the real evil ones, and it only took two years for one hundred yuan to be turned into millions. To say that he was unlucky, it can only be said that Hu En chose the wrong investment direction.

Of course, none of this had anything to do with him. He picked up the cup and took a sip of the fruit wine, which had a slightly astringent taste and was not very tasty. Then he slowly put it down, "Mr. Hu En, I think I already understand. If I decided to buy your farm, are you sure you will give me the money?" He took out a cigarette from his arms and lit it, and said slowly: "I don't want to be involved in any trouble."

Hu En nodded vigorously, "Of course sir, I also want to end all this as soon as possible, and then return to my hometown to start a new life." Hu En's eyes bloomed with dazzling light, and he had realized at this time Doolin will most likely buy his farm, which is very good news for him. Once he gets rid of the heavy debt and has a little money in his hand, he can go to another city to be a carpenter, or he can reclaim some wasteland and become a farmer or herdsman.

Du Lin thought about it for a moment and said, "Because I sympathize with your experience, I will give you at most 1,800 yuan." At this time, Hu En's face suddenly changed. What did he want to say? At that moment, Du Lin raised his hand to stop him, "If you buy a piece of wasteland with the same area as your pasture, you will only need 1,500 yuan at most. And you should also understand that because of your neglect of management and repair, the pasture will be almost completely destroyed." It’s not much different from the wasteland.”

"I used the extra three hundred yuan in exchange for two months of approval time. Speaking of which, you have already earned it. After all, there is no job that can allow you and your family to earn three hundred yuan in two months. "

Seeing that Du Lin closed his mouth and didn't speak, Hu En immediately said: "But I owe Morris two thousand two hundred yuan, and we still need travel expenses to leave here, and we need some money to start a new life..."

Dulin laughed and shook his head, "You made a mistake, sir. The money you owe Maurice is what you owe him, not what I owe him. All I need is this farm, not for you." I will pay off the debt and give you an extra amount of money so that you can have time to start a new life." Dulin stood up and patted his trousers, "I'm just a businessman, not a philanthropist. If you want to sell this ranch for 1,800 yuan, you can come to me at 117 Queen’s Road.”

Seeing that Du Lin was about to leave, Hu En's hands slowly clenched into fists, and his arms were trembling. Seeing that Du Lin had already stepped out of the door, he stood up suddenly and shouted "Wait a minute." When Du Lin turned around with doubts, Hu En took a deep breath to make his voice less trembling, "I want to discuss this with my wife."

"No problem, then I'll wait outside the door for a while. You have five minutes."

The slowly closing door finally closed the gap, and Hu En's wife and daughter walked over from the restaurant nearby. There was sadness on the woman's face. In fact, the real reason Hu En asked to retain Du Lin was that Du Lin had already offered the highest price among those who came to inquire about the price. Before Du Lin came, the highest price was only 1,600, and many people bid between 1,200 and 1,400.

They just calculated that Hu En urgently needed a sum of money to save his family, and took advantage of the situation to buy this farm with an area of 480 acres at a very low price!

As for what to do with the remaining money after selling the land, it is not among the considerations of those businessmen.

As Dulin said, they are all businessmen, not philanthropists.

"What should I do?" The wife leaned into Hu En's arms and hugged her daughter. The huge interest rate had brought this woman to the edge of collapse. If she still can't collect enough money by the end of the month, she will choose to commit suicide to protect her chastity. Of course, she will take her daughter away with her and will not let her daughter continue to suffer in this world. Even Hu En had made a decision before Du Lin arrived.

But hope will appear inadvertently, and the family that has been desperate and ready to fight with their lives will suddenly get better. There is only a gap of 400 yuan between 1,800 yuan and 2,200 yuan. Four hundred yuan is indeed a lot, but it may not be enough. Nothing can be done.

The daughter looked at her parents with sad faces and suddenly asked, "Why can't it be sold twice?"

Before Hu En could react, he said something, but his wife reacted very quickly. She immediately squatted down, grabbed her daughter's shoulders with both hands and asked, "You just said you sold it twice? Isn't that right? I didn't." If I heard it wrong, it was sold twice?”

My daughter nodded and recounted what happened in school these past few days.

In her rural school, there was a classmate who came from a good family and liked to read comics. This classmate often sells the comics he has read to other classmates at a depreciated price, and can buy a new comic by adding some himself. Two days ago, this classmate was called away by the teacher. Later, everyone found out that he had promised to sell the comics to A, but on the way home, he lost the money from selling the comics.

The classmate who suffered a loss was unwilling to lose the money and lose the comics, so he quietly sold the comics to B...

Hu En and his wife looked at each other and were silent for a long time...

(End of chapter)