Cosma Empire

Chapter 38: Countermeasures


If you just look at these three people based on their clothes and appearance, you might think that they are all glamorous upper class people. Everyone wore suits made by the best tailors in the city, and shoes made for them by the most famous cobblers. There are also some fashionable or classical trinkets that decorate them like big shots. If you ignore these external things, they are just a group of bootleggers, who violate the laws of the empire and theocratic laws to sell high-alcohol.

But the power of money is so great. It can transform one person into another person. It only takes a small amount of money.

The room was not big. Wood, who was sitting near the door, looked to be in his forties. His shiny hair was meticulously combed back. Even as his head shook, not even a single strand of hair appeared. Untouched. His eyebrows are very thick and short at the same time, like a tuft of triangular hair on his two eyes. There is a deep and fierce light in his narrow eyes. No one in the entire city of Tenel does not know this. he.

People "respectfully" called him "Woodcutter Wood". When he was nineteen years old, he took an ax and chopped three homeless people who tried to rob him into dozens of pieces. Within ten years, he became the master of Tenel City. To this day, there are still some people who brag about all the things he has done in the past that are worthy of showing off in order to flatter him. This is a very interesting guy. Ever since he became the "Shangren", he has always felt that he is different from other similar people whom he has looked down upon. He always flaunts his identity and status and cherishes face very much. , always looks gentle and elegant no matter what the occasion.

People may not be able to imagine that Wood looked gloomy at this time, how could he be as gentle as he showed outside

The silence in the room made him uncomfortable, and even his breathing became heavier. He tore off his collar and tapped his knuckles on the table twice, "Gentlemen, we should come up with countermeasures. We can't let this remain unknown. Guys, ruining our career!”

There were two bottles of wine on the table, Snow Elf and First Love. Each of them had two glasses in front of them, and all three of them tasted them. It has to be said that compared to the cold and fructose taste of Snow Elf, they also like the slightly bitter and mellow taste of First Love which does not affect the taste. Generally speaking, these new high-grade private wines are slightly better than the wines they are distributing, both in terms of taste and quality.

"Have you checked according to these labels?" The speaker was only in his thirties, with a fair face, a bit handsome, thick eyebrows and big eyes, which was very in line with the aesthetics of today's society. His flaxen hair made him look... Relatively gentle and elegant, this is also the advantage of mixed blood, and they can always make breakthroughs in appearance.

If Du Lin were here, he would be surprised by the person in front of him. It was this person who made Du Lin the easiest dollar in his life.

His name was Ernst, and he had his own wine cellar and brewing business. On the surface, he produces and sells low-alcohol wine, but in fact he has been continuously producing high-alcohol wine. Because it is a family business, the relationships that need to be established have already been established, and his father is even a guest of the mayor. So even if the other two people wanted to kill him, they had to admit that they didn't have the guts to do it.

Wood picked up the bottle and glanced at the label on the back of the bottle, and sneered, "I immediately asked some federal suppliers, and they had never heard of the Light of Tomorrow Brewery, nor had they drunk it. Such wine.”

This was the purpose of Dulin's original request for three suppliers to change their labels and production companies. Therefore, he set up a series of suspicions and couldn't find the so-called superior company even if he tried to find them.

Ernst nodded noncommittally and tilted his head to look at the other person, "What about the station? Such a large amount of goods distributed means that the other party has a lot of inventory. If you want to bring in so much foreign wine, you have to charter a bus from the passenger station. , or just pull it over from the station, there will always be some clues. "

The person he was looking at was the third person on the table, an old man named Karul. The old man had silver hair and looked kind-hearted, but everyone who knew him knew how many bad things he had done and how many people he had killed in his life. The reason why he can still sit here is because he is ruthless enough. As long as someone dares to testify in court as a witness, he will ensure that the other person's family is killed.

It is precisely because of this guy's ruthlessness and decisiveness that in the end even if he was prosecuted by the prosecutor, there would be an embarrassing situation where no one would testify.

Of course, the reason why he can live so arrogantly to this day is because he is willing to give up. He has money, and he also has a famous saying, "If you can't prove the value of money, why bother with money?"

He proved that what he said was right. Everyone from the mayor to the police chief and even a nobleman were his friends. He used money to open the doors of these people's homes and became their friends, proving the value of money.

Karul touched his fluffy silver hair. He was somewhat bald, so he needed a perm. "Only a batch of low-alcohol wine has arrived at the station recently, and there has been no high-alcohol wine."

The other two people suddenly stared at each other. In the eyes of these people, low-alcohol wine is low-alcohol wine, and high-alcohol wine is high-alcohol wine. The two are completely different existences. Most low-alcohol wines are brewed from various fruits, so they are cheap. It is precisely because of this low price that low-alcohol wines have many problems. For example, it is not clear enough, and you can still feel the graininess of the pulp during the drinking process.

There is also often a bit of sourness, the sourness of rotten fruit, which affects the pleasure of drinking. But because its price is low enough to be accepted by workers at the lowest level, sales are pretty good.

High-strength wine is different. When brewing high-strength wine, you need to incorporate dragon blood wood slag, and you can't just get some slag. Dragon blood trees that are at least three years old must be used as the material. After natural drying, the bark is removed, and after being cut, it is suffocated in a cellar with a temperature exceeding 300 degrees. After the temperature in the cellar naturally cools down to normal temperature, the wood will turn blood red. Then, the blood-red dragon's blood wood is made into wood residue bit by bit using a special machine, and then mixed with a series of things such as spices and put into the compound brewing materials.

These dragon blood wood residues can help purify the original pulp. Depending on the amount of input, the alcohol content after the pulp is released will be higher. These dragon blood trees are disposable materials and are relatively expensive, which is also the reason why the price of alcoholic beverages remains high. Even if all countries have large-scale dragon blood tree farms, it is still not enough to face the huge alcoholic beverage market in the world.

Therefore, in the minds of these people, low-alcohol wine is low-alcohol wine, and high-alcohol wine is high-alcohol wine. Low-alcohol wine cannot become high-alcohol wine, but high-alcohol wine can become low-alcohol wine after being mixed with water.

If we can't find the new players that have violated their interests at the source, we can only use stupid methods.

"I remember that the boss of Wild Rose is your nephew?" Ernst looked at Wood, who twitched his face and nodded reluctantly.

He did not admit that Colt was his nephew, but he had to admit this relationship. Colt was a distant relative of his wife. He didn't know where he heard that Wood was now a big shot, and he immediately rushed over to recognize him. I don’t know what kind of sweet words he used to persuade his wife, so he got a nephew. When his wife asked him how to arrange Colt's life, he thought for a long time and decided to lend Colt some money and let him open a bar.

Wood was a moonshiner himself, so he knew very well how terrifying the profitability of the bar was. Colt followed his advice and opened the bar. According to this, even if the relationship between the two is not good, it shouldn't be too bad, but the problem lies in Colt's character of being greedy for cheap.

Once Colt's bar ran out of alcohol, he would call Wood's wife. Wood's wife felt that everyone was one of her own, and Colt was her junior and natal family member, so she should take care of her as a matter of course. They would arrange for someone to deliver the wine, but they wouldn't mention the money. Back and forth, Colt sold Wood's moonshine for free, which almost made the guy angry. Whenever he asked someone to stop sending him drinks, his wife would complain about him, saying that she was reluctant to part with drinks for one or two thousand yuan, which made him have to go against his will and continue to have people send drinks to Cole for free. Special sale.

Of course, he also achieved a certain standard. He only had 3,000 yuan in free private wine every month. Any more would have to be paid according to the market price.

But this kid would rather spend money to buy wine from Ernst or Karul than from him. He also said that he wanted to diversify his business to avoid rigidity and duplication.

If it weren't for the fear of his wife being sad, Wood would have killed that guy with an ax right away.

So when Ernst proposed to follow the supply line back to the source, Wood didn't look very good. He had always looked down on people like Colt, but he didn't expect that he would still seek help from him. Of course, Wood also knew very well that this was a big deal and there was no room for his temper.

As for why we didn’t find other bars, that’s because all the bars in Turnel City, except those controlled by gangs, are also controlled by the families of big shots. No one will agree to their requests to avoid being involved in the war. middle.

Colt was the only choice, the only choice.

(End of chapter)