Cosma Empire

Chapter 56: Take action


"They're out!"

Outside the guard box in Maixiang Garden, a young police officer in civilian clothes looked at a group of people coming out of Wood Villa and shrank his head.

He was asked by Plando to guard here. If he saw a large-scale mobilization of Wood's people, he would immediately report it to the police station and report to Plando.

This young police officer's face showed no trace of the panic or nervousness he felt when facing the outbreak of a gang war. It was completely filled with the excitement and yearning of a young man. He is also a young man, and he also has the restlessness and restlessness of young people, and he also yearns to do something through his own strength. He is not much different from those gang members who wander around the streets doing nothing. If so, it may be that his family conditions are good, which at least allows him to have a decent job after leaving school and does not need to hit the wall everywhere.

The police is indeed a decent job, but it is not necessarily a job that can satisfy young people. This job is suitable for the elderly to take care of themselves, but it is not suitable for young people who are still full of curiosity about the world and full of fantasies about their own lives.

Three... no, four cars drove out of Maixiang Garden quickly. The young police officer looked at the car filled with people and clenched his fists hard. He immediately pushed his unlocked bicycle and prepared to catch up. However, the veteran police officer who was partnering with him held down his arm. He struggled but did not move away.

The old police officer shook his head and persuaded: "Listen to me, don't go there. You are a policeman and you are more dangerous than others."

The young policeman said in turn: "Because I am a policeman, I must go there. You go back to the station and tell the chief that Wood may have taken someone to seek revenge. I have followed him." As he said this, he opened the door. He grabbed the old police officer's hand and rushed out on his bicycle.

The old police officer called a few words from behind, but he didn't even look back, leaving only his back and the name still echoing.


The old police officer shook his head and could only push the other bicycle in the direction of the police station and pedal the bicycle vigorously, hoping to return to that safe place as soon as possible.

The news was quickly fed back to the Turner City Police Department. Prondo also knew the news. Faced with Wood's revenge, he had very few choices to make. Either lead everyone to stop this battle of revenge - maybe he can let Wood leave, but this is only temporary. After today, Wood will still lead people to Queen Street again to look for Dulin. And there is another risk here. If Dulin runs away because of his interference, the debt will eventually be settled on his head.

It would be fine if Wood catches Dulin or something happens in the future. Once Dulin escapes completely, Wood, who has nowhere to vent, will definitely target himself.

He never believed that he, the police chief, was inviolable. Even the Prime Minister of the Empire had been assassinated twice. How could he, a small local police chief, dare to say that he was not afraid of any threats

As for pretending not to know anything, you will still be in trouble.

Gang war has always been a very sensitive word, especially for those politicians, who hope that the areas they rule will always be peaceful and prosperous. If something happens to wake them up, these smiling politicians will never be smiling in their hearts. As the main person in charge of public security in Turner City, Prondo must be the first to be questioned, and may also be removed from his post for investigation.

On the one hand, he might offend and be threatened by the tycoon, but on the other hand, he would lose his official hat and the chair under his butt. He only thought for a moment before making a decision.

If he wants to intervene in this matter, not to mention mediation or anything, he should be restrained. No matter who asked him at that time, he didn't have much responsibility. After all, he tried his best. However, the equipment of the Turner City Regional Police Station was backward and the police officers were old. Even though he tried his best, he still had no responsibility. Method.

It's not his fault!

Thinking of this, he immediately asked his secretary to notify the police officers in the police station to put on their equipment and weapons and prepare to go out. Speaking of this, he remembered another troublesome thing. Two police officers on night patrol disappeared inexplicably some time ago. The families of the missing police officers came to the police station to make trouble for several days before he persuaded them to go back and wait for news. I don't know if these two dead ghosts were tricked to death, or if they did something shameful and ran away secretly, leaving the mess to him.

When all the police officers who could be on duty were ready to go out, a police sergeant in his thirties asked: "Chief, should we go by bike or start driving?"

Plando rolled his eyes, "Of course I'll walk over there!"

Some old police officers who were still a little nervous immediately relaxed after hearing these words and walked over

no problem!

From 11th Street to Queen Street, it takes about fifteen minutes if you walk faster, or half an hour if you walk slower. From the time we got the news from the police station, Wood's people are probably already on Queen Street, right? By the time they walked over, the battle would have been over and the corpses would have gone cold. They were just there to go out and collect the corpses, which would be considered an explanation.

Just as these people thought, four cars packed with people parked downstairs of Dulin Industry. Looking at the lifeless house, Wood's eyelids jumped.

"Are you sure they are all inside?" He glanced at Robben who pushed the door out of the driver's seat, "but I think there should be no one inside."

Robben also looked at the building located on the corner of the street. Through the huge glass windows on the first floor, he could see the newly renovated furnishings inside, but there was no one in sight. The curtains are drawn on the second and third floors, so you can't see what's going on inside. He hesitated a little and looked around. At this time, a man wearing a high-collar windbreaker and a rounded felt hat, who wrapped himself tightly, walked out of the alley on the side.

"Is anyone still inside?" Robben asked.

The man nodded, took the last puff of his cigarette, threw the butt of the cigarette on the ground, raised his foot and crushed it, "I saw Du Lin go in with my own eyes, and he hasn't come out yet, they must still be inside. "

Robben looked at Wood. Wood waved his hand and without even saying a word, two men with sticks in their hands smashed the window on the first floor and opened the door from the inside. At least twenty people rushed in, each holding either a stick or a machete, and two of them had pistols in their hands.

After these people searched the first floor without finding anyone, they rushed down the stairs to the second floor like wolves. At this time, Dulin's people fought back.

Several severed stone pillars were thrown down from the second floor, and immediately hit the fastest ones. Their heads were smashed, or their legs and feet were broken. Suddenly, there was a continuous wailing sound.

In this kind of battle, the best place to defend and the most difficult to attack is the stairs, because the stairs are narrow after all, and only two people can pass at the same time. But the place leading up to the stairs is very open and can accommodate more people. When the majority attacks the minority, it always takes some advantage. This is the reason why sieges in the cold weapon era need to be filled with human lives, because the attacking party always uses less to defeat more.

The person walking at the end of the crowd rushed up and saw a figure flashing on the second floor. Regardless of whether there was anyone there, he raised his hand and fired two shots. The bullets ate into the wood and sent sawdust flying away. While the opponent was shrinking his head, someone had already rushed forward.

The sound of shouting and killing came from the room, and occasionally there were sporadic gunshots. After a while, three more cars came quickly from the intersection. As soon as the car door opened, there was another group of people. These people came specially from other places after hearing that Wood was coming for revenge. They all carried sticks and machetes in their hands, said hello and rushed upstairs. They hope to kill Dulin and Graf more than others. They are all Jim and Jiji's subordinates, and they eagerly hope to use the lives of Dulin or Graf to wash away the shame of their boss.

Just when there was the slightest movement on the third floor, Robben felt something shake at the bottom of his sight.

Humans are also animals, and they are also more sensitive to dynamic things. When he looked at the place where his attention was attracted, his eyes narrowed, and the hairs all over his body stood up instantly, and his scalp became numb. !

(End of chapter)