Cosma Empire

Chapter 67: Vivian


Du Lin stood outside the door, raised his hand and knocked on the door. The dull sound alerted Kevin who was packing his luggage. He straightened up with support on his waist, shook his arms a few times, walked over, and greeted Du Lin to come in.

Dulin carefully stepped through the piles of documents. He looked at the documents and some salutes on the floor, and showed a bright smile, "Congratulations, Kevin, you did what you wanted to do. This is very good." amazing!"

Kevin happily accepted Du Lin's compliment. He patted Du Lin's arm, turned around and got him a cup of coffee and placed it on the corner of the table. "I just brewed it. The temperature should be just right. You know what I'm saying I don’t drink, so...", he shrugged, "What brought you to come to me? If I remember correctly, those two big shots should be able to help you sort out most things in Tenel City, right?"

Du Lin picked up the cup and saucer, held the small ear of the cup with his other hand, picked up the coffee, smelled it at the tip of his nose, and then took a sip. He pretended to swallow the coffee in his mouth as if nothing had happened, but he quickly put the coffee back on the table. He couldn't enjoy the strange taste, "Their level is not enough. I hope to establish a relationship with a higher-level person." A channel, such as the mayor and the councillor."

Kevin looked curiously at Du Lin, and couldn't help but blurt out: "Did you get into any trouble, or are you so arrogant that you think a little-known bootlegger can talk directly to an official at the mayor's level?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not being sarcastic, but what I said is true. They are unlikely to meet you, and even if they meet you, they won't establish any friendship with you!"

What Kevin said was human nature, and he didn't mean to belittle Dulin. For a big shot at that level, Du Lin is just a little guy who doesn't even have a shit. No matter what achievements he made, before he became a tycoon in the city, his grade was still not up to that level, let alone establishing any relationship with giants like the mayor and councillors.

Dulin did not avoid this question. He directly told the truth, "Wood may have paid some price to ask Gedol to deal with me. You know, although I have some people who work under me, but compared to Gedol, I am still far from being a big boss like Dole who has dominated the East City for so many years. The problem now is that I have to find a way to prevent Godore from intervening in the affairs between me and Wood, so I can only come to you and use higher powers. People and forces at different levels came to put pressure on Godor and force him to change his plan."

Kevin put aside the manual work of sorting work documents and luggage. He walked to the chair opposite Dulin and sat down. With a half-smile but not a smile, he said exaggeratedly: "My God, you can actually put Godol in the room." "Ting, you are really not afraid of death." He couldn't help but laugh, "That guy wants to join the upper class. Maybe it's because some big shot is short of money. Nian rarely commits such acts as murder, and has been actively engaged in whitewashing himself.”

After mocking Du Lin, Kevin also began to think seriously. After a moment, he said: "I can help you establish a line with the mayor...'s wife, but how to use this line to introduce the mayor, I don't know There is no way, and there is no time, so you can only rely on yourself.”

Dulin did not force Kevin to stay. He had discussed it with Kevin before and hoped that Kevin could stay to help him, but Kevin did not agree. His pursuit is not in this small city, but in the big city full of temptations. Wanting him to stay is no longer a problem that can be solved with money. Although Dulin was very sorry about this, there was no way to keep this rising star who was smart enough to change the outcome of the law.

The two also made a seemingly naive promise. If one day Dulin entered the heart of the empire as a winner, then Kevin would immediately quit all his jobs and serve Dulin. Of course, Dulin must also provide him with a salary consistent with his status.

"The mayor's wife is named Vivian. She is a typical Ogdine upper-class hostess. She has very high taste and style. Her favorite activity on weekdays is to organize some women of the same status to arrange flowers or organize events together. Tea party. Vivian's father served as governor for one term, but later had to leave the post because of a serious illness. However, even so, his father gained sufficient status during his four-year term as governor. and support."

"It is precisely because of Vivian that the mayor successfully stood out from seven candidates and became the mayor of Turner City. In response to Vivian's requests and suggestions, the mayor often chooses to support and affirm "

"If you can get rid of that woman, any troubles you have will no longer be troubles!"

Kevin rummaged through his business card folder for a while before pulling out a business card and handing it over, "This is the business card of the director of the Delisle Art Museum. You said it was introduced by Kevin and he would meet with you. As for For the rest, I don’t have a good way to help you, you know!”

Du Lin took the business card and solemnly thanked him. He knew that the relationship between him and Kevin was ultimately based on the one thousand yuan and the love of helping Kevin step on Camille. The two can be said to be friends and can discuss some "in-depth" topics, but the relationship between the two is not good enough for Kevin to use the favor card in his hand to solve Du Lin's troubles.

Many people will say that the big shots are not humane at all. In fact, it is not that the big shots are impersonal, but that the people who say these words are not qualified enough for the big shots to say humane words to them. Until he is not qualified, Kevin will not have a further friendship with Du Lin. Unless Du Lin can prove that he has the same status and strength as Kevin, anything else will be a waste of time.

After leaving Kevin's residence, Dulin took his business card and immediately went to the Delisle Art Gallery on 8th Street.

Although Tenel is a small city, it must have everything it should have, because no matter how small the city is, it still has the big shots it should have. How to show that your status is far different from ordinary people who exude bad behavior? Elegant art is obviously the simplest and most direct way! In order to cater to the big shots in the city and to legally take money from the big shots' pockets and put it into their own pockets, the Delisle Art Museum came into being.

The mayor's wife, Vivian, organizes some ladies to hold salon parties here every Monday and Friday. The themes are basically flower arrangements or some trendy things.

This is Dulin's only chance!

(End of chapter)