Cosma Empire

Chapter 76: Another short and weak update


The lights in Godor's manor were bright, and people came in and out from time to time. All the people belonging to Godor in the entire city of Tenel started to move. Although they did not understand Godor's orders, it did not prevent them from executing them.

Find Cord at all costs - this is the task assigned to them by Gedol. For many years, no one or thing has been able to make Gedol say the word "at any cost". Now that he has said it, all gangs Members understood the seriousness of the matter. There are people from Godore taking action everywhere they can see and in places they can't see. They will even go through the trash cans and search them themselves to see if Cord has got any information and hidden them. In the trash can.

They also opened the cover of the sewer and arranged for dozens of people to carefully inspect each pipe one by one. These people searched almost every corner of the city, but no trace of Code was found.

Looking at the woman kneeling in front of him with disheveled hair and a frightened face, Godor didn't have the slightest sympathy. He is a hero, at least he thinks so. He would rather show mercy to small animals than to people. Small animals can bite you when you're not paying attention, but people can kill you. He had a straight face and lowered his head. The flame of the cigarette suddenly brightened when he took a deep breath, making the face sitting outside the light slightly red.

He flicked the cigarette ashes, and the ashes rolled and fell to the ground. When they touched the ground, they shattered and scattered.

"Where is Cord?", he asked.

The woman in front of him is Cord's "old sweetheart". She is not Cord's girlfriend, let alone Cord's wife. She is just a skilled woman. With her excellent skills or other similar sentiments, she became the woman that Cod frequented most. Sometimes Cod would even live in her home. Many people thought that sooner or later, the two of them would become real. of living together.

Sometimes Cord would leave some private matters to this woman named "Amy". She knew a lot, so she was the first to be brought here when Cord could not be found.

Amy's lips trembled, the corners of her mouth trembled, and even the muscles on her face were twitching and trembling. Tears flowed down her eyes, washing out the makeup she had put on at night into a ditch. The low-quality makeup mixed with the tears turned into a black torrent, running wantonly in this small ditch. She wanted to cry, but she didn't dare to cry out. She knew the terror of Gedol better than others, so she didn't dare to cry out.

"I... I don't know!" She let out a trembling voice with a trembling voice, as if her unsatisfactory heart was beating rapidly. She quickly leaned down and hit her forehead with a thud on the ground, regardless of the burning sensation. Painful and briefly dizzy, she added, "I really don't know where he is. He hasn't been to my place for several days. Please, let me go."

Godor indifferently put the cigarette holder between his fingers into his mouth, took a puff, and spit out part of it, like a column of smoke. In the darkness, he tilted his head slightly, "But I heard that you were still with him three days ago. Was it because I was deceived? Or do you think I might not know something?"

Amy couldn't bear the huge pressure and cried softly. She straightened up her upper body slightly. Her hair that should have been carefully dressed covered most of her face. Because she needed to raise her eyes, there were two shallow wrinkles on her forehead. , "God testifies, I really haven't seen him these days. He was indeed with me three days ago, but I had to go to work in the evening, so he left alone... By the way, he said he would come to him, They're going out to have some fun."

"I swear, I really don't know where he went... God, I want to go home!" When she finished saying this, at least four people rushed out of the room and couldn't find Cord, so Just go find Ken. Ken is also a member of the gang, and he and Cord are both key members. They usually have a good relationship and often play together. Someone also went to Ken's home to look for Ken before, but Ken was not at home, so they didn't want to waste time so they didn't go into details.

Now it is not difficult to find out from Amy's words that Ken and Cord might be together. They had searched all the places where Cord could and could not exist. So to think about it another way, could they be somewhere in Ken's network

Gedol flicked the cigarette butt in his hand, walked to Amy and squatted down. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the makeup on her face that was stained by tears. Amy's whole body was trembling, and she didn't even dare to move. She allowed the man to gently wipe the tears on her face, but she couldn't feel the slightest bit of warmth, and instead felt cold all over.

"Why didn't you say it just now?" Godol asked in a soft voice while wiping her face: "I don't have much time, understand? Even if it's one minute or one second." As she spoke, the handkerchief in her hand slowly fell, and Amy's eyes rolled down crazily, her eyes filled with an extreme despair. The next second, Gedol's hand was on her neck, and his face became ferocious.

Plando's words put too much pressure on him. From an ordinary boy with nothing, he risked his life and dignity to have the status and everything he has today. He doesn't want to lose anything, whether it's his life or his current status. But now it is very likely that he will lose everything, just because he did not find that damn Cord, and that damn Ken, and all because the woman in front of him did not tell the truth in the first place!

The tendons on the back of his hands were constantly rolling, and his tightly pursed lips were squeezed very thin, giving people a ruthless feeling.

Amy struggled in his hands, and he also used his other hand, squeezing Amy's neck tightly. The latter wanted to force his hand open, but how could a woman working in the technology industry be a match for a gang leader? The struggle quickly turned into slapping and tearing. Gedol raised his head, squatted on the ground, straightened his arms, and tightened the tiger's mouth forcefully. The intensity and amplitude of the struggle in his hands became smaller and smaller, until there was no response at all.

He casually threw Amy on the ground, stood up and patted his somewhat messy clothes, walked back and forth a few steps, turned around, and ordered: "I remember Cord, Ken, and something else... Aiden? Yes. , it’s him, the three of them have always had a good relationship, I arranged for people to find Aiden, no matter where they are hiding, they must be found for me as soon as possible, otherwise we will be in big trouble! "


"big trouble!"

Watching his men rush out one after another, he walked into the shadows again and sat on a chair. Without any trace of urgency, he took out the cigarette case from his pocket and lit one for himself.

It was really a big trouble. As the leader of the strongest dark forces in the city, not being able to find Codd meant that he had lost control of his gang, or that he had dared to disobey the demands of those big shots. No matter what anyone else thought, he was in serious, mortal trouble.

At this time, he thought of Wood.

I took the time to code a little, at the Internet cafe next to the hospital. I'll do more after the mother and son go back.

(End of chapter)