Cosma Empire

Chapter 8: union


"Dulin!" Mr. Crean stood in the corridor outside the office on the second floor and leaned forward and shouted. When Dulin turned around and looked at him, he tilted his head and pointed at another item with The person who came to the conference room for a meeting said, "Come up here."

Dulin put down what he was doing and glanced at Graf. Graf patted him on the shoulder just after unloading the goods. "Don't be nervous. If nothing else, someone from the union should be here."

Although in Graf's view, dealing with union members was just a trivial matter, Dulin had to face such a huge organization as a union for the first time, and the smile on his face still became a little stiffer because of nervousness. He slapped his cheeks and took a few deep breaths, "Don't worry, I won't be nervous."

Graf shrugged his shoulders. He could only help himself with this kind of thing. He could not help Dulin relieve his inexplicable nervousness.

In fact, trade unions are still very important assistance groups for workers. Most of the time, workers do not need to use trade unions, but once they need to use trade unions, they can play a very critical role. For example, when dealing with capitalists, without the help of trade unions, workers are likely to suffer, especially in terms of salary. The hateful capitalists always hope to save more money through exploitation, but it is precisely because of the unions and the Minimum Wage Protection Act sponsored by the unions that the capitalists cannot exploit workers too harshly.

When workers' rights and interests are violated by capitalists, trade unions will also stand up to support workers.

A famous sociologist and big capitalist in the Yaoxing Empire once said in a newspaper: If a worker is a rabbit, then a group of workers are vicious dogs. We can shave rabbits in exchange for money, but we also need to avoid vicious dogs to protect ourselves.

This statement immediately caused a huge stir in society as soon as it was published, and a massive demonstration broke out to oppose the sociologist's inappropriate remarks. Under pressure from all sides, the sociologist had no choice but to publish his apology in the newspaper. Originally, the matter should have ended here, but luckily, this guy then made a new comment with only a few words - I lost to the vicious dog!

The angry workers became violent this time. They beat up the sociologist, stripped him of his clothes, and tied him to the railing outside the third-floor platform of the Empire State Building, which shocked the country... .

Du Lin adjusted his clothes, knocked on the door of the conference room, and after hearing a "come in", he opened the door and entered.

There were three people sitting at the conference table, two men and one woman. The woman looked to be in her thirties and was wearing a very delicate suit. However, the lines on her face were a bit hard and she lacked some feminine tenderness. The other two men were also wearing crisp suits, and their hair was so shiny that even a fly couldn't stand on it. Du Lin smiled awkwardly. He looked outside the door and saw that he had not entered the wrong room.

But these three people in front of me... If they were workers' representatives, Du Lin was the first to not believe it.

If workers all dressed like this, how rich would the working class be

The older man smiled and nodded to Du Lin, then looked through the information on the table in front of him and asked, "Are you Du Lin?" He blinked and quickly introduced himself. He stood up and said, "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Frank, and I am a representative of the workers' union. The gentleman next to me is Apduyi, who has the same identity as me. As for this lady..."

When he looked at the woman, she nodded to Dulin expressionlessly, "My name is Serena, and I am the legal advisor of the workers' union."

Frank took over the conversation at this time and continued: "We are here today to invite you to join on behalf of the workers' union. The workers' union is a big family belonging to the working class. In the face of the cruel exploitation of the capitalists, we can only work together if we unite closely." Fighting for and protecting our rights and interests. It has been 22 years since the establishment of the workers' union. In the past 22 years, we have solved more than 17,000 disputes and protected the workers' brothers. for the rights of the workers’ brothers.”

At this time, Serena suddenly interrupted and asked: "Excuse me." She pointed at Dulin's right hand with a pen, "I noticed that there is a bandage on your right hand, and there is some blood on the bandage. This is why you are here. Were you injured at work?”

Before Du Lin could react, he was stunned for a moment, "Ah? Ah! Yes, it was an injury sustained during this period."

Serena nodded, not knowing exactly what her nod meant, "After you were injured, did the station manager Mr. Crean take you to bandage for treatment, pay the medical bills, and give you a certain amount of workers' compensation?" ?”

Dulin scratched his head and said, "I did this accidentally and it has nothing to do with Mr. Crean."

Serena stood up all of a sudden, slammed the pen on the table hard, and became more serious, "No, young man, you made a mistake. No matter whether you injured yourself or not, as long as you are working, This is a work-related injury, and Mr. Crean should be held responsible for this!" She looked at Apdui, "Go and get Mr. Crean!"

Frank looked at the nervous Du Lin, stood up and walked over, pressed Du Lin's shoulder and asked him to sit next to him, "It doesn't matter, we should let you understand that everything we do is not for someone's selfish gain. And doesn’t this just show that the workers’ union can protect our rights?” He patted Du Lin on the shoulder again, “Just sit back and watch, don’t talk.”

It didn't take long for Updui to walk into the conference room with Mr. Crean. When facing Serena, a female lawyer who is relatively well-known within the union, Mr. Crean took the lead in nodding, "You Okay, Ms. Serena.”

Serena still had a straight face, without any emotion. When Crean walked aside and sat down, Serena said, "Mr. Crean, do you know about Dulin's injury at work?"

Klein was stunned for a moment. He really didn't know. As the station director and manager, he had a lot of things to deal with every day. Who was in the mood to understand the living conditions of the workers one by one? If Du Lin didn't say anything, he definitely didn't know. It was precisely because he didn't know that he fell into passivity at this moment.

His solemn expression looked a bit intimidating. He glanced at Du Lin and the bandages on Du Lin's hands, and immediately felt his teeth become sore. As a manager and exploiter, what he hates most is dealing with union people, because you never know what ridiculous and ridiculous reasons these disgusting guys will say in the next second, which makes a capitalist like him very uncomfortable. He took out an inexplicable sum of money.

Mr. Crean shook his head and said truthfully, "I don't know. Dulin didn't tell me, and I don't know much about it."

"Then do you know what consequences you, as the employer, should bear if a worker is injured during work?" Serena opened the notebook and wrote something casually with a pen, then looked up at Crean, "For example Medical expenses, nutritional expenses and paid leave for work-related injuries?”

Crean was silent. Not only did he know it, he was very clear about it. It is actually very common for porters to be injured at the station. Some workers obviously have no strength, but they are reluctant to give up the commission. They always force their tired bodies. The result is often that they cannot bear the heavy objects and hurt themselves. At this time, he needs to come out to get money to eliminate disasters. In fact, it's not a lot of money. For a hand injury like Du Lin's, the medical expenses are at most three yuan, and the nutritional expenses and other expenses add up to no more than six yuan.

But the problem is that six yuan is money. These union people came at the wrong time. If they came back in a few days, wouldn't there be so many things

Serena's tone suddenly rose, "What? Mr. Crean, are you unwilling to pay the fee? If so, we may sue to Turnell Court."

Crean immediately raised his hand, "No, no, I'll give you six dollars, right? I'll give him a day off tomorrow!"

He immediately gave in. It was really not worth fighting a lawsuit for six dollars. Just hiring a lawyer would cost more than ten dollars. It would be better to just give him six dollars and save a little. He immediately offered to pay the fees and give Doolin three days' vacation, which immediately silenced Serena.

After Upduy asked Mr. Crean to leave, Frank smiled and said: "Look, this is the power of the union! One of the main purposes of our coming here today is to hope that you can join the workers' union. Once you become As a member of the workers' union, you can enjoy a lot of rights and benefits. Things like today are just trivial things. The power we have is beyond your imagination. The most important thing is that no matter what happens to you , the fees we pay for getting you fair treatment will be paid by the union, and you don’t need to pay even a penny.”

"Of course, to enjoy such benefits and treatment, you also need to perform and pay. For example, you need to pay 50% annual membership dues, participate in unified activities of the union when necessary, and some work arrangements and guidance. If you can accept these three demands, then I will represent the workers’ union and welcome you to join.”

Dulin thought these people were pretty good, and after Graf told him about the benefits of joining a union, he immediately agreed. Then Mr. Crean sent six dollars, and Dulin gave Frank fifty cents as this year's membership fee.

Frank told him that he hoped that he could go to the headquarters of the Workers' Union in Turner City within a week, register his personal information, create a file, store it, and inform the country.

When Dulin returned to the platform, Graf leaned over and said, "How about it, are they not scary?"

Dulin nodded, "You're right, they are all good people, and they helped me get six yuan from Mr. Crean."

"Six dollars?" Graf glanced at the bandage on Dulin's hand and slapped his forehead, "Wait a minute, Mr. Crean also owes me six dollars!"

(End of chapter)