Cosma Empire

Chapter 89: boss


"I don't think something is right." Godor walked around the room restlessly. He rubbed his eyes. He didn't know why his eyelids kept twitching. He has been thinking about a question, where are Code and Ken? He had used all his strength to look for them wherever he could, but they seemed to be missing, disappearing silently.

He followed Prondo's arrangement and found three unsatisfactory guys from the bottom of the gang. He promised that once they came out, they would be promoted to captains and give them a sum of money. He also followed Prondo's request and beat the three people into inhuman shapes. So far, no bad news has come. He and Prondo were in the same group. If he was to be unlucky, Prondo would never be able to escape. Without his cooperation, it would be impossible for Godol to get through with three specious people.

But the problem is, he always feels that something is not right, but since he can't think of so many things in his mind, he can only become more and more irritable.

He wanted to ask Wood, but thought of what Prondo said to him privately, and rejected the idea. Wood has been "eliminated". In fact, he has been eliminated since he was unable to solve the problem well. It is impossible for those people behind him to support a person who cannot even do such a small thing well. Those big shots need tools that are easy to use, not tools that bother themselves.

Godol has been able to reach this point smoothly over the years, not only because of his own efforts, but also because of the appreciation of the boss above.

At that time, he was just the lowest member of the gang. He and several equally young teenagers parked cars for the big shots outside the theater, looked at the cars and washed the horses.

It was a rainy day, and a big man walked out of the carriage. A servant opened a black umbrella for him, hiding his face tightly. He only saw the exquisite suit on the other party, the shiny leather boots on his feet, and the white scarf hanging around his neck.

The big man stepped on a puddle of water when he got off the carriage, and the turbid sewage left some stains on his exquisite and high-end leather boots. Just when others didn't know what to do, Godor had an idea. He crawled at the feet of the big man, braved the rain, lowered his head, and wiped the other man's leather boots clean with his sleeves. When he raised his head, there was only a slightly hoarse voice asking him - what is your name.

He suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, showed what he thought was the most perfect smile, and returned to him—Gedol, my name is Gedol!

The big man walked directly into the theater with a stunned expression on his face, as if this was just a boring time in his life journey that was not worth bothering to leave in his mind. Facing the strange looks from his companions, Gedol just walked back from the heavy rain to the eaves at the entrance of the theater, silently waiting for his next opportunity.

Until the ninth day, a guy wearing a windbreaker and a top hat found him and asked him a question.

"Do you dare to kill someone?"

Gedol nodded vigorously, "If you dare, stab this place with a knife, you will die in one strike!" He stretched out his finger and tapped on his chest, and the man handed him a piece of paper with two names on it, and an address and time.

Gedol, who was only thirteen years old, stole the only badly worn kitchen knife in the family that could be used for cutting vegetables. He spent the whole night sharpening the knife beside the well behind the house. The next day, he went directly to the location on the note without rest, and then quietly waited for the two people who would change his destiny.

From that day on, Godol had a backer, and that's how he achieved what he has today.

He is not a person who is good at using his brain, but he is definitely the best knife for those big shots. His boss told him that if nothing unexpected happens, he will support Godol to become the chief of the Tener Regional Police Department in the election two years later, but before that, he must let himself clean the dirt on himself. Then select a successor who is equally obedient and useful.

He is not good at using his brain, so most of the time all he needs to do is follow instructions and carry them out. After thinking about it, he decided to ask the boss for his opinion.

The inconspicuous car slowly stopped in an alley. When two patrol policemen were about to come over and tell the driver that parking was not allowed here, they saw the sign on the car and very wisely chose to remain silent and walk away silently.

Godol walked through the alley and walked two streets before walking to a house not far from the city hall and knocked on the door.

The door opened by a butler with slightly curly gray hair, wearing a very decent tuxedo and bow tie. He looked up and down at Gedol, who raised the brim of his hat, frowned slightly, and closed the door. He waited for about three minutes, and the housekeeper opened the door again, but this time the housekeeper stood slightly back, giving way to the door.

When Godore entered this inconspicuous house, he took off his hat, held it carefully in his arms, and followed the housekeeper to the garden behind the house. An old man with eyes, dressed like a farmer, was holding a pair of scissors, sticking his butt out, carefully approaching a flower pot, and cutting off a branch with the scissors in his hand. Neither the housekeeper nor Gedol spoke, let alone made any sound. They stood at the edge of the garden, quietly watching the old man who looked like a farmer working for almost an hour before he put down the scissors. .

"What's going on?" The old man took off his mud-stained gloves and washed his hands in a basin shaped like twin goddesses. "You know, you shouldn't be here."

The slightly hoarse voice was just like that night many years ago. Godor lowered his head unconsciously, put away his chest, and bent down. There was humility in his tone, "There is something I don't understand very well. Come on. Please advise."

There wasn't much of a smile on the old man's face. A person like him shouldn't have met Gedol. If Gedol hadn't helped him cut out many people who shouldn't have existed over the years, he wouldn't have been so easy. It has the status it has today. He tilted his head and looked at Gedol, "Speak out and let me listen." As he spoke, he unbuttoned his shoulders and walked towards the wooden door. Gedol quickly stepped aside and followed closely behind.

He told everything that happened in the past few days in detail. The old man who had taken off his jumpsuit was changing clothes. His movements suddenly stopped, and he slapped Gedol in the face with his backhand. The snap was heard throughout the house. There were some soft footsteps on the second floor. The old man's face softened slightly and he walked to the study, "Get in here!"

(End of chapter)