Cosma Empire

Chapter 92: Silence


On this day, a strange thing happened at the Ternell Regional Police Station. In the usually unsolved cases, people turned themselves in one after another. These guys, who were covered in tattoos and looked like they were not good-natured people, almost overflowed the police station. Although their methods were different, one thing was the same, that is, their goal was to go to jail.

After asking his little police officer to close the door, Prondeau handed a cigarette to Godol and lit it for him. The two of them smoked silently, without any desire to speak. Perhaps it was the empathy for Godol that made Plando feel a little depressed. Can Godol surrender and admit some of his crimes? Was it because of his own conscience or awakening? It is absolutely impossible. When he reaches the position of Godol, even if everyone knows that he is guilty, he will become innocent.

The reason is simple. He has too many subordinates who are willing to take the blame for him, just like Morris, who has gone to heaven to embrace the angels. It is actually a very honorable thing to take the blame for the gang leader. For some members, it is also the best way to leave the gang. Chance. Prondo believes that as soon as Godol opens his mouth, people will line up to compete for this only spot. But he still came in person and confessed his crime in person. He had to bow his head because the person behind him told him to bow his head.

"How many more people do you plan to send?" After flicking the ashes from his cigarette, Prondeau looked at the gang members who were still gathering outside through the window on the fourth floor, and rubbed his forehead with a headache. So far, more than 60 people have surrendered. This number is really exaggerated. The regional prison is very large, or it can be said to be very small. If so many people are admitted at once, there is no doubt that he is the most powerful person in the prison except the king.

Gedol sneered, "One hundred people."

There were only a hundred people, which he felt was still a little less. If more manpower was not needed to maintain the order and deterrence of the gang, he even had the idea of packing up his gang and taking them to prison together. This is also the only way he can face the cruel ending, let many members protect him, at least he can't die in prison inexplicably.

He had the thought of leaving Tenel City, the thought of escaping from this damn cage, but he ultimately rejected it. It took him so many years to get to this point. If he started over in another place, how long would he have to wait? As the boss said, twenty years is really not a short period of time, but at the same time it is only a moment. He didn't want to fight from scratch step by step, so he wanted to take a gamble.

When Prondeau was about to say something, a somewhat familiar figure appeared outside the police station door. He threw the cigarette butt in his hand, turned around and walked to Gedol, patted him on the shoulder, "I Go down and come back later.”

Gedol didn't say anything. He just wanted to be alone and quiet now.

Plando pushed the door open and walked quickly to the old man downstairs. After saying hello, he bent slightly and stood beside the old man. The old man pointed to the corner next to him, and the two of them walked over one after the other.

Someone glanced at the two of them curiously, and quickly looked away. The two were talking, but no one knew what they were talking about.

"Yes... yes, I understand... yes, I know how to do it." He carefully lowered his head next to the butler who was wearing a wig and had no expression on his face. A happy expression. You must know that not long ago, if he had not figured out all this, it was very likely that he and Godol would be ruined. At the same time, he also had a trace of doubt hidden in his heart. No matter what the person who made this plan wanted to do, did it make sense for him to attack Godol

Just like now, the boss above Godor just discarded the chess piece. What can the person behind the plan do

This butler is the butler of Boss Gedol. He has only one purpose here, and that is to tell Prondor in a very stern tone that Tenel City is still under effective control and there are no dark forces. , let alone the existence of large-scale dark forces.

What does it mean

Based on Plando's experience as police chief over the years, this was the boss telling him that he wanted to "do business business." Politics is a very fascinating game, because every qualified politician knows how to use the vaguest language to fully express what he means without leaving any clues in the hands of others. What does official business mean? In fact, to put it bluntly, it means silence, but you can't say such words openly and leave any evidence, so obviously it makes sense to use the word "official business" and the surrounding context as an aid at this time.

The sudden trap made the big man feel the crisis, so he decisively eliminated all factors that he thought might cause him to fail. Godol is just one of them, definitely not the only one. People are never the ones who can keep secrets, so in order to let some secrets completely rot and be left in history, it is the most correct choice to let all those who know the secrets become the secrets themselves.

There was a lively expression on the butler's rigid face. He bowed slightly and left. After Plando watched the big shot butler leave, he smiled bitterly and shook his head. For little people like them, those big shots who were unattainable were casual. One sentence is very likely to change their life's destiny. Prondo is a smart man, so he knows how he should handle this matter.

He also understood that Gedol must have a lot of great evidence and testimony. As long as he got these things, even the boss above Gedol would not be able to use drastic measures against him. But these evidences and testimonies will not only bring him no benefit, but will turn him into a "dangerous person." A police chief who likes to pry into secrets is not a good police chief. Playing dumb and doing his job seriously in the middle and lower class society is the only way to survive.

Prondo turned his back to everyone, took out his pistol and took a look at the magazine, then straightened his clothes and returned to the police station.

Counting from the time he stepped into the police station, less than ten minutes later, Godol stood by the window. Then he suddenly lost his balance and fell from the window.

Being more than ten meters above the ground will not cause death, unless the head falls to the ground first.

(End of chapter)