Cosmic Professional Gladiator

Chapter 102: Criticism of the virtual world


Xu Jingming was still a little surprised when he saw his combat power: "Just adding a fourth-order 3% unknown marksmanship, my combat power has more than doubled?" Before today's breakthrough, his basic combat power was only More than 7,000, and the combat power is barely over 10,000.

"Breakthrough from the third level to the fourth level is really a qualitative change." Xu Jingming thought for a while, and felt that the data in the virtual world was still very accurate. When he used the Rainbow Spear Technique just now, he could even mobilize the power of every muscle bundle, and the viscera and organs Mobilizing stronger potential, the explosive strength is indeed terrifying.

Don't talk about anything else, let's talk about my own speed, when I cast the Rainbow Spear, my speed is too terrifying, much faster than Lei Yunfang's predecessor.

"The marksmanship is still 99% of the third-order, but there is an additional unknown marksmanship?" Xu Jingming looked at the personal combat power panel, a little confused, and gently clicked on the detailed introduction of 'unknown marksmanship (4th-order 3%)'.

There is indeed a detailed explanation on the panel—

Tier 4 skill, unique.

Countless people learn the same school of skills, and when they reach the fourth level, they understand differently. Because, the fourth-level skills contain personal spiritual will! Everyone's mind and will are different, and the skills created are also different, so they can be named naturally.

If Xu Jingming created seven or eight spear techniques with different spiritual wills, then the seven or eight spear techniques would be listed separately, each with its own name.

"It turns out that the key to the fourth-level skill is the will of the mind?" Xu Jingming understood after seeing the explanation, "Yes, the will of the mind must be strong enough, and the body's induction must be deep enough to penetrate the level of the 'muscle bundle'."

"The rainbow spear technique is indeed the spear technique that contains the strongest spiritual will." Xu Jingming looked at the spear technique, footwork, and shield technique that were still at the third-order limit on the panel. "You must have a strong enough spiritual will. Only then can these three gates be broken through."

"But the mind and will must match the skills." Xu Jingming has experience and understands this.

The will of the rainbow spear technique is to move forward indomitably!

Turn into light!

There is no way out!

This will is very similar to Xu Jingming's 'Shadowless Thorn', it is also a desperate pursuit of extreme speed. In addition, he used tens of thousands of moves when possessing the body, Xu Jingming practiced very smoothly, and he naturally comprehended his own Rainbow Spear Technique.

But the shield method is not suitable for the will of the mind that is indomitable and has no retreat.

What about other tricks of marksmanship? The marksmanship also has various tricks such as collapsing, splitting, picking, slashing, blocking, and holding, most of which are not suitable for the spiritual will of the "Huahong Spearmanship".

"At the beginning, my marksmanship broke through from the second level to the third level, and it took a few days for my shield and footwork to break through one after another." Xu Jingming thought. will of the mind.”


"Rainbow Spear!" Xu Jingming first named the unknown spear as Rainbow Spear.

"Let's get acquainted with my most powerful marksmanship first."

Xu Jingming started to practice.

Practicing this spear move can deeply mobilize the body, and that taste is wonderful. The pumping of the heart, the blood vessels are like rivers, and even the tiny blood vessels are like branching rivers. The rush of blood can be clearly sensed, and the perfect mobilization of the muscles, bones and muscles of the whole body, every move and every style is enjoyable.

Bureau of Life Evolution.

"Dong dong dong." There was a knock on the door, a little eager.

"Come in." Chief Zhou said calmly.

The secretary pushed the door open, unable to hide his excitement: "Director, Director, great news! Xu Jingming has created a fourth-order marksmanship!"

"Fourth-level marksmanship?" Director Zhou was surprised. Because of his personality, Director Zhou didn't like to stay in the virtual world for a long time. He preferred to work in reality, and only entered the virtual world when he was tired.

"I remember that Liu Hai just broke through to the fourth level two days ago." Chief Zhou asked, "Xu Jingming broke through today?"


The secretary nodded excitedly, "Our Xia Kingdom now has two fourth-tier masters."

"The evolution of life will become more and more unbelievable, and the difficulty will become more and more difficult." Director Zhou said, "Third-level to fourth-level is beyond the normal range of skills. You must have a strong enough spiritual will and perfectly integrate into it." , otherwise it will stay at 99% of the third order."

"Liu Hai was cultivated, and he chose the eighth-level shield knife technique, which is a very profound inheritance, including the complete inheritance of spiritual will, footwork, combat skills, physical training, etc." Director Zhou thought, " Liu Hai can have a clear path forward, but Xu Jingming chose to possess a legendary figure in the universe, and there is no complete inheritance."

The secretary said: "But Xu Jingming's improvement speed is obviously faster than Liu Hai's! Liu Hai was already at 99% of the third rank in the Pyro Cup Competition."

"Director, this is the judgment given to the two by the virtual world." The secretary handed a document to Director Zhou.

Director Zhou took over.

"Liu Hai: Be good at learning, carefully study all aspects of inheritance, and be good at summarizing, integrate into your own Tai Chi shield saber technique, and form a school of your own."

"Xu Jingming: He divided the harvest of the legend of possessing the universe into multiple categories. And he broke it down into one move. He divided each move of possessing into a separate category. The tricks are divided into 18 major categories and 73 subcategories. He is not affected by the original spear and shield techniques, but has a more tolerant mentality... He instinctively believes that the universe is vast, and Blue Star's past accumulation is compared with the universe , is just a drop in the ocean. He is learning more piously and rebuilding the marksmanship system."

"The system judges, Xu Jingming, should be influenced by his physics thinking, as if studying cosmic physics, studying the many gains of possession."

"Both of them are good at learning."

"But after Liu Hai has learned, he will discard what is not suitable for him, absorb what is suitable for him, and integrate it into his own Tai Chi system, making the Tai Chi system stronger."

"Xu Jingming studied in more detail, and decomposed it into multiple systems, and combined multiple systems to form a three-dimensional system."

A lot of judgments in the virtual world are in front of Director Zhou.

Director Zhou kept watching.

"Boss, the resources chosen by the two of them are different." The secretary said, "Liu Hai's choice is a complete set of eighth-order inheritance, including many aspects such as spiritual will. Xu Jingming's choice is to possess a legendary figure in the universe... according to According to the information we got, in the universe, most people choose the complete eighth-order inheritance to grow faster! Because the complete inheritance includes all aspects, you don’t need to explore by yourself.”

"However, those who choose to possess the legend of the universe may go further." Director Zhou sighed, "The price of the two is also the same. Our Xia Kingdom cultivates Liu Hai and Xu Jingming equally."

"They have also made the choice they want. As for how far they can go in the future, it is up to them." Director Zhou said, "Our Xia Kingdom is only a country of the Blue Star Civilization after all. We can help them in the early stage." , in the future...we will be powerless to help, because we need to take care of all the people in the country, and we need to train the second and third generation of geniuses."

"In the first generation of masters." The secretary was still very excited, "Liu Hai and Xu Jingming are really strong. When the world confronts each other, they will definitely surprise the whole world."

"Haha..." Director Zhou smiled and said, "Don't be too happy, this is just the beginning. When Xu Jingming and Liu Hai break through to the fifth level, that will be the real joy."

The secretary nodded.

The fifth level, that is a completely different meaning.


Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, it came to the evening of October 10th, Beijing time. People all over the world were excited and looking forward to it, because the "global confrontation" was about to start, and the world's top players would start fighting.

Which country's master is stronger? See you soon.