Cosmic Professional Gladiator

Chapter 22: shoot


When the agile figure flashed by, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Master Dong Xu, who was walking along the corner of the wall.

"Senior Liu Jianfeng cooperates with me to take down Dong Xu, the sly sword first." Lian Shuang's figure moved, and he jumped off the roof and rushed towards Dong Xu.

Dong Xu stood where he was, with his hands empty and his knives put away, just watching Lian Shuang rushing towards him.

The corners of Lian Shuang's mouth turned up slightly, with a sneer, his figure flickered and changed directions constantly, like a nimble cat, and after a few flickers, it rushed straight at Dong Xu.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" As soon as Dong Xu waved his hand, three streamers of light shot out.

"I saw you with a hidden weapon earlier." Lian Shuangge blocked the hidden weapon throwing knife, and had already killed Dong Xu, holding the Miao knife in both hands and slashing down angrily!

Dong Xu also held a knife in each hand in an instant, and rushed forward.

Clang, clang! ! !

Miao Dao brandished, extremely ferocious. Miao Dao is 1.6 meters long. When Lian Shuang wields it, it seems that there is a silver chain around him! If you encounter it, you will have to break your arms and legs, but Master Dong Xu, with the cooperation of two knives, is also able to block watertight, and wants to get close.

Lian Shuang wanted to keep a distance of about two meters, which was more suitable for her Miao Dao. Master Dong Xu, you need to get closer.

The footwork of the two sides changed, and they clashed with each other, with swords flying.

In another place, Mr. Liu Jianfeng was rushing towards here, only two alleys away, less than a hundred meters away from this straight line.

And about 200 meters away, the sharp archer Wang Yi only moved a few steps on the roof of the restaurant, and he had already seen the fight in that alley.

She felt the drifting drizzle, the breeze.

She hid her body under the cover of the roof, only her eyes were slightly exposed, watching the confrontation in the distance, calculating Lian Shuang's movement, and slowly drawing the bow to a full circle, the arrow was already on the string.


She straightened up in an instant, and the arrow was already out!

Where the arrow passes, a high-pressure air wave is formed!

"Dang, clang, clang." Dong Xu approached frantically, but Lian Shuang kept backing away to keep a distance, slashing out the Miao Dao again and again, threatening Dong Xu.


Lian Shuang suddenly sensed something was wrong and turned her head.

Then I saw a fuzzy shadow coming from more than ten meters away! Lian Shuang instinctively moved her body, she moved very quickly and flexibly, but that blurred shadow was terribly fast!

"Boom!" Even though she barely moved, the blurred shadow still pierced through her left chest, followed by the shadow bombardment on the stone slab ground in the distance, and a deep pit was blasted. Only some arrow shaft fragments in the deep pit could confirm that it was an arrow shaft just now. An arrow!

Lian Shuang looked up into the distance, and vaguely saw a woman holding a bow and arrow, looking here from the roof, and then disappeared on the roof.

"It's her, the sharp archer Wang Yi!"

Lian Shuang understood this, and her figure turned into nothingness and disappeared in the small town!

Lian Shuang, the heroine of Miao Dao, was the first to be killed! Died by the arrow of the sharp archer Wang Yi!

Xia Kingdom's official live broadcast room.

The host Liu Xinlian gently waved his hand to touch, and played back the process of shooting an arrow at a high altitude in the battle space.

That arrow tore through the air, the air was separated like water, the drizzle was pierced by the arrow, and the speed of the arrow was terrifying! With the speed of the arrow, against the backdrop of Lian Shuang and Master Dong Xu's fight, it became extremely slow.

When he was more than ten meters away from Lian Shuang, Lian Shuang finally felt it, and slowly raised his head to see the arrow.

But it's too late!

At a speed of more than ten meters, Lian Shuang's body twisted slightly, and the arrow pierced Lian Shuang's left chest through a distance of more than ten meters, killing him.

After that, the arrow pierced the stone slab in the distance, pierced the slate, blasted a deep hole, and the arrow shaft shattered! The arrow is pierced deep into the soil.

This arrow is both beautiful and terrifying!

"This arrow is so beautiful!" Qin Yiwen pointed excitedly, "According to the data, this arrow has a maximum speed of 432 meters per second, which is a supersonic arrow. But from the restaurant to the battle site, the distance is about Two hundred meters. The arrow still flies in the air for about half a second. Half a second... Lian Shuang is always moving! It is still raining lightly and there is a breeze! Wang Yi has completely calculated the influence of the weather, and even accurately calculated In the next half a second, Lian Shuang was sure of the position where Lian Shuang moved, so he released the arrow."

"As soon as the arrow comes out, it will be too late when Lian Shuang sees it." Qin Yiwen exclaimed.

"From what she saw to when the arrow hit her, the time was too short. It was even more terrifying than Senior Liu Jianfeng's assassination. Lian Shuang can move a little, so he has reacted very quickly." Huang Yong shook his head and said, "In ancient times, there was In a word, it is easy to hide from the open spear, but hard to defend against the hidden arrow. The most difficult thing to defend against is the hidden arrow... If it is a frontal arrow, the distance of 200 meters, 0.5 seconds, for Lian Shuang and other god-level masters, there is enough time Dodge. She can even dodge this arrow at a distance of 50 meters! But it is only a dozen meters away, too close."

"A stab in the back is hard to defend against, because when you discover it, your body has no time to dodge it." Qin Yiwen also nodded, "In ancient times, many famous generals died from a stab in the back or a cold arrow. But very few were killed by a single arrow in the front .”

"The success of this arrow is due to Wang Yi's sharp shot. Second, Lian Shuang is wearing soft leather armor with weak protection. The leather armor only weighs three to five kilograms. If it is replaced by a light body armor of fifty kilograms, it will be more difficult." Or two hundred kilograms of heavy body armor, it is impossible to shoot through the armor with one arrow."

"Light body armor can protect against arrows and swords. Heavy armor can not only protect against arrows and swords, but also against big axes and spears. Maybe only heavy weapons can be used to smash it, and it is still useful." Huang Yong He said with a smile, "Of course, in the game, all players have a common key - the position of the head."

Qin Yiwen also said: "For a sharp archer, it is very difficult to shoot the head while moving at high speed."

The live broadcast room is explaining.

In the small town, this god-level battle has become more intense.

Whoosh whoosh.

Hercules Gao Chong, Blood Ax Wang Qiao, and the Goddess of War Sun Yuting are advancing together.

"Lian Shuang was killed." Sun Yuting said solemnly, "Died by an arrow from a sharp archer!"

"The team on the opposite side is the archer who poses the greatest threat to us." Hercules Gao Chong also had fighting intent in his eyes. He was 2.19 meters tall, with extremely thick arms, like a big upright bear. Of course, this is also due to his physical transformation after practicing "Giant Bear Evolution". In reality, he was only 1.98 meters tall, and the sense of oppression was not as terrible as it is now.

Wearing heavy armor, Gao Chong held a thick long spear in his hand, and looked at Blood Ax Wang Qiao and Sun Yuting beside him: "The other party was in that restaurant before, we just go there now, the three of us pay attention to all directions at the same time, be careful of her attack." Backstabbing will do.”

Blood Ax Wang Qiao nodded.

Sun Yuting also believes in her teammates.

Teammate Gao Chong, who won the first place in the World Martial Arts Competition! Blood Ax King Qiao also won the second place in the World Martial Arts Competition. She herself has won two women's martial arts competitions in the world.

All three of them are experienced and good at fighting head-on!

"They haven't moved much, they should still be in the area of the restaurant, and I'm just watching that area!" Mr. Liu Jianfeng said in the voice of the team.

"The old man helped to watch it, we will break through them head-on." Gao Chong said.

The three of them, Blood Axe King Qiao, with a large shield in one hand and a large ax in the other, walked on the left side of the team.

Sun Yuting, the Goddess of War, walks on the right side of the team with a shield in one hand and a sword in the other.

Gao Chong walked in the middle of the team, holding a big gun.

The three of them rushed towards the restaurant so quickly.

In an inn not far from the restaurant, the archer Wang Yi was upstairs, Xu Jingming and the panda Zhang Qian were also guarding upstairs, and Wu Sai was watching downstairs. Master Dong Xu squatted carefully around the intersection of the street.

"Gao Chong and the three of them are rushing forward." Wang Yi said with a brow, "The speed is very fast! They are all wearing armor, and Sun Yuting and Wang Qiao are also wearing shields."

"Sister, are you sure?" Panda Zhang Qian asked while watching from the window.

"They have heavy armor and shields, and the three of them have rich experience." Wang Yi shook his head, "It must be at close range, preferably within 50 meters... Only by looking for an opportunity to shoot at close range can we hope to hit their vital points in the head. "

"We can't let them enter the inn. We'd better fight them in an open place and give Miss Wang Yi a chance to shoot arrows." Panda Zhang Qian said, "There are three opponents, and the most difficult one is Hercules Gao Chong. Who will go?" Stop him?"

"I am good at strength and have double shields. I will block him." Boxing champion Wu Sai said in the team voice.

"I'm facing you, Panda, you play by ear," Xu Jingming said.

"Okay, that's it." Panda Zhang Qian nodded.

At this moment, the three enemies had entered the street in front of the inn.