Cosmic Professional Gladiator

Chapter 33: six days later


Six days later, in the canyon of the virtual world.

On the muddy mountain road, Xu Jingming was lying on the road with his whole body dirty, panting weakly, and there were bloodstains on his body. He reached out and lightly tapped the personal panel, and his body recovered to its peak state. Only then did he stand up full of energy. Picking up a pair of tattered shields again, stretching out his hand to lightly touch them, the clothes on his body became clean, and the bumps on the surface of the shields also disappeared, making them brand new.

"It's really difficult. Is it so difficult to resist an opponent with a basic combat power of 800?" Xu Jingming held a shield in both hands, "Again!"


A large number of dense figures appeared in the canyon.

There are a hundred brave bandits, each armed with spears, big axes or heavy hammers. These three types of weapons, big axes and heavy hammers, are more powerful and destructive, while spears are faster and more difficult to deal with.


One hundred brave gangsters, each with a basic combat power of 800, swarmed up from all directions.

Even these virtual bandits don't have high combat intelligence. It doesn't take much wisdom, just besieged like this, it would be very difficult for Xu Jingming to resist.

"Whoosh." Xu Jingming moved immediately, he must not stand still in place foolishly, he had to rely on his body skills as much as possible to create a favorable environment.

But a hundred people came from all around! No matter how much he hid, more than a dozen bandits rushed in front of him soon.


Xu Jingming held a shield in each hand. His shield technique was very clever, like two spider webs, which made those attacks useless, and even used his strength to make the gangsters stagger awkwardly.

His agility is also very dexterous, wandering among the gangsters, so that there are as few gangsters as possible who attack him each time.

"Hoohoo!!" When Xu Jingming was blocking three large axes and two sledgehammers at the same time, there were also three long spears stabbing from the gap behind. The sound of the long spears tearing the air made Xu Jingming's scalp numb.

Xu Jingming instinctively dodged the three long spears.


"kill him!"

A group of gangsters were crazy, and I had to face a bunch of big axes, sledgehammers, and spears almost all the time. Naturally, I was a little embarrassed, so I could only dodge left and right, trying to use my strength to fight.

"According to what Master said, the will of the mind is integrated into every part of the body, and it can be sensed everywhere." Xu Jingming thought, "Compared with Master, my body method is so cumbersome. My shield method is also not good enough." It’s so fast, and the unloading and borrowing are not so perfect, obviously the control of the body is not enough.”

"I have to be faster and more flexible."

"The shield moves faster!" Xu Jingming tried his best to mobilize his body, imagining that his body was like water, and his mind and thoughts could sense every part of his body, trying to mobilize every part of his body.


A spear pierced Xu Jingming's shoulder from the side. Xu Jingming's right arm went limp, and the shield he was holding couldn't resist. The sledgehammer and ax hit the shield, and also hit Xu Jingming's body. Xu Jingming fell down without any further struggle.

Because all the gangsters around have dissipated, according to the setting, as long as these gangsters attack him, the gangsters will disperse.

"Failed again."

Xu Jingming lay in the mud, recalling the confrontation just now, thinking about his shield use skills.

After lying down for a long time, Xu Jingming reached out to touch the personal combat power panel.

Player: Xu Jingming

Genetic evolution method: "Anaconda Evolution Method" (Intermediate 75%) (practice time 721 days, cannot be improved)

Body: 127

Skills: marksmanship (88% of the second level), footwork (62% of the second level), shield technique (83% of the second level)

Basic Combat Power: 1651

Actual combat bonus: 23%

Combat power: 2030

"The virtual world has been open for seven days, and the evolution method still hasn't reached a high level. The progress of the shield method and the spear method is relatively slow. But the footwork, the improvement is faster." Xu Jingming thought, "Maybe it is the footwork, which is relatively weak in the first place. .”

He broke his leg at the age of 20. The long-term leg injury made it impossible to practice many footwork skills.

Today's high-intensity training in the martial arts field in the virtual world, the siege of a hundred bandits, still greatly improves the footwork. Even if an ordinary person with no foundation has been besieged by a hundred people, besieged hundreds or thousands of times, his body skills will improve a lot.

"It's almost seven o'clock? It's time for dinner." When Xu Jingming checked the personal panel, he noticed the time, and immediately tapped it lightly to exit the virtual world game.


After dinner, in the living room.

Xu Jingming and Li Miaomiao were sitting on the sofa, eating fruit after dinner, and watching the program on the light curtain.

"You are a god-level master, and you can spend up to sixteen hours a day in the virtual world, but I can spend up to ten hours." Li Miaomiao muttered while eating grapes, "You can spend more time with me, don't always be immersed in the virtual world."

"Didn't you come to accompany you?" Xu Jingming said with a smile, "And I believe that with Miao Miao's talent, you will definitely reach the Sun level in a short time. Then the online time in the virtual world can reach twelve hours."

"Sunday class? It's too difficult."

Li Miaomiao said helplessly, "I practice body and sword so hard every day. But since I reached Silver Moon Level 20, I won one game and lost two games! It's too difficult for me!"

"Silver Moon rank can reach the full level with only 30 stars, which is still very fast." Xu Jingming said, "And your basic combat power has not yet reached the threshold of the Sun rank, so don't worry, I will teach you for half an hour every day, trust me Within a month, the basic combat power must reach 400."

"Within a month?" Li Miaomiao made a bitter face.

"If you work hard, half a month will be enough." Xu Jingming said with a smile, "Practical combat skills are trained in the virtual world, and the progress is still very fast in the early stage."

When you reach your own realm, progress becomes very slow.

"By the way, today, Lei Yunfang finally participated in the god-level battle." Li Miaomiao said, "This battle was very sudden, and the official didn't have time to broadcast it live. But the video came out later, have you watched it?"

"No." Xu Jingming shook his head and smiled, "I'll watch it with you when I'm ready to go offline."


Li Miaomiao pursed her lips, still controlling the light curtain, and the program played on the light curtain became a battle video.

"Three legendary masters in the martial arts world of Xia Kingdom, Tie Lianyun fought on the first day the virtual world was opened, Liu Hai fought on the third day, and Lei Yunfang did it on the seventh day." Li Miaomiao sighed, at this moment in the video, The ten people in the battle were choosing weapons and equipment, but after seeing Lei Yunfang, the other nine people seemed a little shocked.

"Senior Lei Yunfang is actually only fifty-six years old this year. He is much younger than my master. But he has participated in the third World Martial Arts Competition, and his qualifications in our martial arts circle are very old. When the body is at its peak, the strength displayed is stronger than the master." Xu Jingming also said, "He is also recognized as the strongest in the Xia Kingdom by the world martial arts circle."

Master Liu Hai is old after all.

Senior Lei Yunfang was in his twenties to thirties, active on the world stage, and showed much stronger strength.

Li Miaomiao nodded: "I know, Senior Lei Yunfang is one of the three kings in the world martial arts circle."


Xu Jingming nodded, "In the past thirty years, the three most dazzling contestants in the World Martial Arts Competition are Lei Yunfang from our Xia Kingdom, St. Mills from the White Eagle Federation, and Alan Emelenko from the Raksha Kingdom. They are also known as the Three Kings of the martial arts world. As long as the three of them participate in the World Martial Arts Competition, they can easily crush other opponents. There is a saying in the martial arts world... only the king can defeat the king!"

"Like Lei Yunfang and Qui*St. Mills, each will win or lose!"

"Quiet St. Mills and Alan also compete with each other!"

"Others have never defeated the Three Kings."

Xu Jingming said with emotion, "When the three kings were at their peak, they could easily crush other opponents, with a gap visible to the naked eye. This is difficult for other players to do."

While speaking, Xu Jingming also watched the battle on the light curtain, this battle was on the 'Snow Field' map.

In the vast snow.

Lei Yunfang had a stern face with a scar on his face. He was dressed in commoner clothes, carrying two knives on his back, walking in the snow with ghostly footwork.

"call out."

There was an arrow coming, but it was only the afterimage of Lei Yunfang's movement.

"Among the three kings, Lei Yunfang has the strongest agility and the most terrifying agility in the world's martial arts circle." Xu Jingming observed carefully. Lei Yunfang was walking in the snow when he suddenly saw an enemy in the distance, and his speed suddenly increased. It exploded and turned into a blurred afterimage to hunt down the past.

The enemy couldn't escape at all, so the three of them immediately assembled to deal with Lei Yunfang together, and at the same time, there was a sharp archer in the dark, who released an arrow!

"Under normal circumstances, it should be the first to chase and kill the sharp archer." Li Miaomiao exclaimed, "Senior Lei Yunfang directly killed the three people gathered at the other party, and ignored the secret sharp archer at all."

"Too confident." Xu Jingming sighed, only to see the thunder cloud that turned into an afterimage, and quickly rushed to the front of the three god-level masters. After only a few steps, he walked among the enemies, the sword light flickering.

The three god-level masters all fell down.

Either a knife was stabbed in the throat, or the chest armor was skimmed, all of them were killed.

"God-killing level, it's like chopping melons and vegetables." Li Miaomiao said, "Jingming, how do you compare with him?"