Cosmic Professional Gladiator

Chapter 35: The task space is opened


"The opening of the mission space was postponed until now, and I don't know why." Li Miaomiao said, "Jingming, what do you think the mission space will be?"

"From the name, it should be a task for us?" Xu Jingming said.

"It shouldn't be that simple." Li Miaomiao pondered, looked at the time, and immediately got up and walked to the bedroom, "Let's go, let's stop chatting here, and go online quickly."

Xu Jingming also got up, and the two entered the bedroom together, lying on the bed, and put on virtual helmets.

"I always feel that there will be a big surprise in this mission space." Li Miaomiao turned to look at Xu Jingming who was lying beside him.

"I'll find out later." Xu Jingming smiled, and lightly touched the activation position of the virtual helmet. The metal inside the helmet stuck to his scalp, and his scalp numb slightly, and his consciousness quickly sank.


Personal space in the virtual world, the top of the snow mountain.

Xu Jingming sat leisurely in the living room and clicked on the personal panel. The task space option was still gray and could not be clicked on, but a countdown to opening appeared.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3... 2... 1!" Xu Jingming looked at the countdown, and when the countdown ended, the task space could be opened just like the battle space.


Xu Jingming tapped lightly, and went directly to the mission space.

At this moment, countless people around the world are in the virtual world, clicking to enter the mission space.


Xu Jingming appeared in the sky of a world, overlooking the earth.

"This is the mission space?" Xu Jingming overlooked the land. The land is vast, and more than 99% of the area is covered by black fog. Only the central area can be seen clearly, where there is a towering tower.

Xu Jingming fell like a meteor and landed in front of the tower.

"This tower must be several thousand meters high. The tallest building in reality is not so exaggerated." Xu Jingming looked up in front of the tower, too shocked.

It feels more majestic than any mountain in reality.

Xu Jingming, who was alone, walked to the main entrance of this high tower, and words began to appear on the wall of the tower next to the main entrance.

"The first personal task: break into the starry sky tower."

"The Star Tower has seven floors."

"The top 100 in the world who have broken through the third level will be listed on the star list, and the name and nationality will be displayed on the list. The first place will receive a bonus of 500 million blue star coins, and the second to tenth place will receive a bonus of 100 million Blue Star Coins. The 11th to 100th place will receive a bonus of 10 million Blue Star Coins."

"The rewards of the fourth and fifth floors are equivalent to those of the third floor."

"The sixth and seventh floors, the rewards are unknown (undisclosed)."

"Everyone, you can try to break into the Star Tower for an unlimited number of times."

Xu Jingming looked at these words and thought: "Crossing the Starry Sky Tower is the first personal task, which means that there may be a second and third personal task in the future, and there may even be a group task."

"However, the prize money is quite a lot, more than the prize money of the World Martial Arts Competition." Xu Jingming was also quite moved.

In the World Martial Arts Competition, the winner is 500 million in cash. But the runner-up is only 100 million, and after the third place, it keeps dropping, and the group stage is even more consolation bonus. And the bonuses for the third floor of the Star Tower are all 100 million from the 2nd to the 10th, and even 10 million to the 100th.

"Global public ranking? Who is the number one in the world and who is the second in the world? Isn't it clear?" Sakura Country, a long-haired man in a dark red robe, looked at the Japanese text on the wall of the Starry Sky Tower. Glittering.

"The masters of different fighting categories in different periods of the world are all gathered together, from the world's No. 1 to the world's No. 100, list them thoroughly, and there is no need to talk about it." A bald man looked at the Raksha on the tower wall. Wen, "I can also prove to the world that I am the most powerful human being in the world!"

"Even the nationality shows that experts from all over the world will compete crazily. And there are so many bonuses."

"500 million, 100 million? Even if it's the minimum of 10 million, if you give it to me, I'll be rich. It's stored in the bank, and there are hundreds of thousands of interest every year."

"A lot of money, if I get it, I can pay off the loan!"

"Hurry up and try it, maybe a miracle will happen?"

"The Blue Star Alliance is amazing, giving out so many bonuses!"

"Hands are fast, hands are slow, go!"

"Run first!"

Countless people all over the world saw the writing on the wall of the Starry Sky Tower, and they were all agitated, and they all rushed into the Starry Sky Tower. Xu Jingming, Liu Hai, Lei Yunfang, Gao Chong, Yang Qingshuo, etc. also entered the Star Tower one by one.


The first floor of the Star Tower is a vast prairie.

A figure landed, it was Xu Jingming, shrouded in misty light and shadow.

"Xu Jingming, please choose your weapons and equipment." A voice sounded.

Xu Jingming tapped the panel very familiarly, and put on the dark red armor on his body, with a long spear in his hand. If it is a group battle, in order to cooperate with teammates, double shields sometimes play a greater role. But if you kill the enemy completely by yourself, just a long gun is better. Without carrying double shields, the load can be much lighter.

"Wow." After choosing the equipment, gray wolves appeared in the distance, and more than a hundred gray wolves loomed in the grass, staring at Xu Jingming while approaching.


Holding a gun, Xu Jingming observed, "These gray wolves are more than two meters long, and their shoulder height is about one meter two. It seems that their agility is far beyond that of real wolves. Also, to deal with evolved humans, The general wolf pack threat is too low."

The wolves were approaching, and naturally spread out to form an encirclement.


Accompanied by the howling of the first wolf, the gray wolves finally sprinted, their figures looming in the lush weeds, and their speed was extremely fast.

Their eyes are cold and murderous.

"Will you practice marksmanship for me?" Xu Jingming smiled and stepped forward. His speed soared after just a few steps, and his figure was blurred when he was running.


The moment the two sides approached, a full six gray wolves flew up.

Puff puff! ! !

Xu Jingming moved the spear in his hand, and saw the shadow of the spear flying. Almost instantly, the spear seemed to split into six! The six wild wolves that rushed up first seemed to be pierced through their bodies at the same time, and fell to the side powerlessly.

"It's much weaker than my virtual gangster, probably only two hundred basic combat power?" Xu Jingming came to the thought, and at the same time held a long gun and charged through the pack of wolves. The wolf fell dead.

These gray wolves were so big that at most eight or nine of them would besiege at the same time, and the speed with which Xu Jingming fired his guns was enough to strangle them all. If three or five heads are served separately, it will be a delivery.

In just over ten breaths, there were only two lucky gray wolves left in this huge pack of wolves. These two gray wolves were already so frightened that they howled softly and ran away to the distance.

"Pass the first floor and prepare to enter the second floor of the Starry Sky Tower." A voice sounded.

At this moment, Xu Jingming's body also recovered, and even the blood on the spear disappeared.

"The first level is really simple." Xu Jingming secretly thought, and suddenly thought of his girlfriend, "Maybe they are not very friendly to newbies like Miao Miao."

For Li Miaomiao, even one of these large gray wolves is quite intimidating.

Besieged by more than a hundred heads

Too cruel for novices!


The scene before Xu Jingming's eyes changed, and he had already arrived at the second floor of the Starry Sky Tower.