Cosmic Professional Gladiator

Chapter 37: Ranked on the list


The third floor of the Star Tower is a tropical rainforest.

Xu Jingming observed carefully, the rainforest was dark and humid, the trees were thick and vines were growing wantonly, and it was silent, as if there were no other living things.

"Huh?" Xu Jingming suddenly felt a pair of dark yellow eyes in the distance, and he couldn't help but look carefully.

A big cat in the distance is staring at this place. It has light yellow hair and black horizontal stripes on its body. Its huge head and dark yellow eyes seem to have no emotion, examining the prey in front of it. Above the eyes, there is a "king" character outlined by thick black lines. It is two meters high at the shoulders and six meters long. Xu Jingming's heart is tense due to its huge size.

"It's a fierce tiger. It's slightly smaller than the Bear King, but its deterrence is even more terrifying." Xu Jingming was very vigilant.

If it is said that bears are strong in terms of physical strength, tigers are the representative of comprehensiveness! Physique, strength, speed, agility, attack, skills... all aspects are very strong. The gigantic tiger virtualized in the virtual world "Starry Sky Tower" is far beyond the real tiger. With Xu Jingming's current strength, if it was a tiger in reality, he would be able to kill a group of tigers with one shot, but facing this large tiger in front of him, he felt the threat of death.

This large tiger walked over, it walked gracefully, without making any sound, the four huge tiger paw pads stepped gently on the ground, and it observed the prey in front of it.


Holding a spear, Xu Jingming rushed forward.

Seeing this, the big tiger felt offended, roared violently, and came to kill it.

One person and one tiger, with a huge difference in size, they all charged at each other head-on!

At the moment when it was approaching, Xu Jingming stepped on a big tree and suddenly changed direction. Suddenly, he stabbed the tiger with a spear. The spear turned into an afterimage and stabbed the tiger's neck.


There was coldness in the tiger's eyes, and the tiger's claws slapped on the spear.

boom! Xu Jingming only felt a terrifying force coming from him, and he was so shaken that he rolled and scrambled to the big tree.

"It's too flexible, and the reaction is terribly fast." Xu Jingming felt a little headache.


The tiger jumped up the big tree in an instant and continued to chase and kill Xu Jingming.



Xu Jingming was hunted down and kept dodging and running away. Even if it was difficult to find an opportunity to fight back, this tiger easily blocked it.

"Why do I think it's the opposite of physique, strength, and speed? Why is this tiger more agile than me?" Xu Jingming reluctantly delayed because of his small size, the rainforest environment, and the ability to threaten the tiger one or two with a long spear.

But when the hunt lasted for five minutes.

"Huh?" Xu Jingming's expression changed.

In the forest in all directions, huge tigers appeared one after another. The smaller tigers were five meters long, and the largest tigers were more than seven meters long. The biggest tiger was in place, and the other tigers were slowly approaching.

"On the third floor of the Starry Sky Tower, how many tigers have to be dealt with?" Xu Jingming was a little dazed, "An ordinary large tiger can't fight it, let alone dozens of them."

As the siege of the group of tigers approached, suddenly six large tigers rushed forward at the same time.

Xu Jingming rushed forward and took the initiative to meet a tiger.

"Roar!" The tiger roared angrily, and its claws covered Xu Jingming.

Xu Jingming was extremely brave, relying on the advantage of the length of the spear, when the tiger's claws were about to fall, the spear pierced the tiger's neck first.

"Broken Mountain!"

The most powerful spear move, the spear pierced more than half of the tiger's neck abruptly, but the tiger's claws fell inertially and pulled, tearing Xu Jingming's armor and body.

Both the big tiger and Xu Jingming disappeared, and the other five tigers rushed forward, all roaring.

"It's so difficult."

After Xu Jingming's failure, he appeared outside the Starry Sky Tower, "Exchanging life for life is only killing a tiger. And I only pierced more than half of the tiger's neck when I used 'Shadowless Stab'. Useless."


viewing platform.

Li Miaomiao was sitting in the stands, watching the live broadcast of the god-level master breaking into the second floor of the Starry Sky Tower.

"Miao Miao." Xu Jingming appeared beside him, "Are you watching the live broadcast?"


Li Miaomiao nodded, "The Starry Sky Tower is really too difficult. I can still fight with two or three of those wild wolves! Over a hundred of them are besieging me, and I can't fight at all. I can't even break through the first floor, alas ...Look, this is Sun Yuting's live broadcast. She was on the second floor of the Starry Sky Tower, and after killing five big bears with difficulty, she met this bear king, and it seemed that she couldn't fight it."

Xu Jingming looked over.

In the live broadcast scene, the huge bear king was chasing and killing Sun Yuting. Sun Yuting also had excellent footwork, and kept dodging with the help of mountains and forests. Her shield had already been thrown far away, her left arm was drooping, and only the right hand was left a sword.

"Sun Yuting is also ranked 16th in Xia Guo's ranking set by Wang Xiangu. Now Xia Guo has nearly 800 god-level masters. Sun Yuting is definitely the top level among god-level masters!" Li Miaomiao said.

Xu Jingming nodded.

The virtual world has been open for more than seven days, Xia Kingdom has a population of more than one billion, and now there are indeed nearly 800 god-level people. For example, there are more than 300 male and female members of the first and second teams of the national team for nearly 30 years. There are also many professional players who compete in A-level and B-level events, masters of other fighting styles, and folk masters They, there are nearly 800 gods in more than seven days, which is also expected by Xu Jingming.

"Sun Yuting's combination of shield and sword, combined offense and defense, is absolutely amazing. But when she met Xiong Wang, her shield was useless at all...instead, it affected her body skills! Xiong Wang slapped her shield flying, and even the bones of her arm They are all broken. Just relying on a one-handed sword, you can’t break the bear king’s skin! When you killed five big bears before, you could still pierce the eyes and head. This bear king is obviously faster and more agile, she has no The law is close."

"Even if you can get close, it is very difficult to stab the eyes." Xu Jingming commented, "Even if you stab the eyes, it is unlikely to penetrate the inside of the skull."

He used the Shadowless Stab, and the spear pierced his eyes, but he couldn't go deep.

"Bear King is too fast."

During the live broadcast, Sun Yuting, who was running for her life and dodging for her life, uttered a voice that could be heard by all the audience, "The fur on her body is even more exaggerated. My sword can't pierce its fur and fat at all, and it can't hurt it! My injury is a bit serious. , I can't take it anymore."

A big tree was shattered by the bear king, and the shattered wood hit Sun Yuting. Sun Yuting dodged in embarrassment, and immediately clicked to quit. Her body couldn't hold on anymore.

"There are a lot of god-level masters in the live broadcast, but none of them broke into the third floor of the Starry Sky Tower." Li Miaomiao browsed other live broadcast rooms, "Many god-level masters can't even fight five big bears, and only Xia Guo ranks at the top Can fight the bear king."

"Many god-level masters are promoted to the god-level after reaching 50 stars at the sun-level. The basic combat power may only be in the early thousand." Xu Jingming said, "It is really difficult to deal with a big bear. By the way, how many people Have you ever fought with the Bear King?"

"Sun Yuting, Zhang Qian, Fang Yu, and Niu Hao, these are the only four god-level masters in the live broadcast. They are all god-level masters who are enough to rank in the top 50 in Xia Kingdom." They fought, but they all lost. The Bear King is too incomprehensible, his defense is ridiculously strong, his speed is fast, and his strength is even more incredible."

Xu Jingming nodded: "Bear King is very strong."

"What about you, Jingming?" Li Miaomiao asked.

"Break into the third floor of the Star Tower, but also failed." Xu Jingming said.

"You killed the Bear King?" Li Miaomiao was surprised and delighted, "The Bear King is such a monster, how did you kill him?"

"I fought with it for 18 minutes, and the bear king bled to death." Xu Jingming also said with emotion, "The bear's hide is too thick, and there is no way to kill it with a single shot. You can only let it bleed continuously."

Li Miaomiao's eyes lit up: "As expected of my Jingming, amazing! Tell me, what is the third floor of the Starry Sky Tower?"


Xu Jingming said, "A tiger stronger than the Bear King."

"Worse than the Bear King?" Li Miaomiao was surprised.

"And there are dozens of them." Xu Jingming shook his head, "Dozens of large tigers are besieging together, there is no way to fight at all, the gap is too big."

Li Miaomiao was speechless when he heard this: "No wonder the rules formulated by the Blue Star Alliance are rewards for those who pass the third floor, and there is no time limit... According to what you said, it may take a long time for a total of 100 people in the world to pass the first floor." Three floors."

"Huh?" Li Miaomiao noticed that something was wrong with the many live broadcast rooms on the spectator platform. She had been researching the spectator platform for a long time, and found that some anchors even changed the name of the live broadcast room with a glance.

"Jingming, hurry to the mission space." Li Miaomiao said repeatedly.

"What's wrong?" Xu Jingming hasn't noticed yet, after all, the live broadcast room is too crowded.

"The number one in the world is born." Li Miaomiao urged, and at the same time, she went to the mission space immediately by herself.

task space.


Xu Jingming landed from a high altitude and landed in front of the Starry Sky Tower.

Next to the Starry Sky Tower, a huge list appeared in the night sky, hanging high in the sky, at the same height as the Starry Sky Tower.

Now there is only one line on this huge list - "No. 1 in the world: Liu Hai (Xia Guo)"