Cosmic Professional Gladiator

Chapter 51: Strengthen the border


"The marksmanship has finally broken through to the third level." Xu Jingming was a little excited. After all, many top masters in the world are stuck at the limit of the second level and it is difficult to break through, which proves that this bottleneck is really difficult to break through.

"I thought that I would be stuck in the bottleneck for a month or even longer."

"Fortunately, it's earlier than I expected." Xu Jingming grinned, and then showed confusion, "But, why is my feeling different from what Master said?"

Xu Jingming stretched out his hand, and a spear appeared in his hand.

"Ten bandits with a basic combat power of 2,000." Xu Jingming set it up easily, and ten bandits soon appeared. There were men and women, some were big and burly, some were thin and wretched, but none of them were easy to mess with.


The ten bandits naturally dispersed, surrounded and killed them.

There was even a dart hidden weapon across the sky, and greeted Xu Jingming.


Xu Jingming's eyes were faintly red, and his whole figure was blurred and rushed out quickly. In his eyes, the movements of the bandits around him, and even the movements of the darts and other hidden weapons that were shot slowed down a lot.

"It's impossible for their movements to slow down, but my reaction is faster." Xu Jingming made a circle with his spear and easily blocked several darts.


At the same time, the five bandits had already rushed forward. They cooperated in an orderly manner, and all kinds of weapons such as knives, guns, and chain hammers greeted them at the same time.

Xu Jingming took a step back and avoided most of the attacks, while moving the spear in his hand.

Puff puff!

In an instant, the throats of the three closest bandits were all pierced.

"My usual move now, even if I get stabbed by Wuying, I need to be fast!" Xu Jingming rejoiced in his heart, "My body is like fire, my whole body is hot, and my blood is boiling! With a thought, every part of my body responds to the thought. The speed and strength have reached a new world .”

"The most important thing is that my reaction is faster." Xu Jingming was more concerned about this.

fast reaction! Then recruit to take the lead.

The enemy moves, and I come first!

Even in the face of a sharp archer, his ability to dodge is much stronger.

In the face of siege, he can easily control the overall situation. After all, the surrounding enemies are in slow motion, so it is much easier to crack.

"Boom! Boom!" Xu Jingming's spear seemed to pull the grass, and swept it left and right, and the four bandits in a row were swept away.


With a splitting spear, a bandit who was holding a large shield was forcibly smashed into most of the ground, and he was so shocked that he vomited blood, and the illusion disappeared.

"Happy, happy, my body hasn't improved, and my body index is still 135, but the explosive power is much stronger. I understand why Master has the same physical fitness as me, so he can abuse me casually." Xu Jingming used it recklessly. With the use of marksmanship, a bandit was killed and turned into an illusion.

"Shadowless thorn!"

The shadowless thorn at this moment is the real shadowless thorn. The bandit with a basic combat power of 2000 didn't even see Xu Jingming's shooting and retracting movements with his naked eyes, and his chest was already pierced.

"It's so fast." Xu Jingming himself admired it. Even he himself could only vaguely feel the thrust of the spear coming out and retracting. "This is called the Shadowless Stab. If the enemy sees it, why is it called the Shadowless Stab?"

The ten bandits all disappeared, leaving only Xu Jingming in the entire training ground.

"Hahahahahaha..." Xu Jingming laughed happily, "Master really misunderstood me, saying that my body is like water! I don't feel like water at all!"

"My body is like fire, my whole body seems to be on fire, and my thoughts explode!" Xu Jingming likes this kind of feeling. If the body in the past is a classic car, the gas pedal would be slow. Now it's a super sports car, and it's just a touch away!

Flexible, powerful, and explosive...

Even in this state, the brain's thinking is running faster, and the reaction is much faster.

"From the limit of the second level to the third level, it is a complete qualitative change. I have not changed in other aspects. Only the marksmanship has increased from 99% of the second level to 1% of the third level, and my combat power has increased by about a thousand." Xu Jingming secretly sighed. , "It's no wonder that the other experts in the entire Xia Kingdom have no power to resist when facing Master Liu Hai, Lei Yunfang, and Zhou Yi!"

"Besides, I haven't made a breakthrough in the evolution method yet. If I raise it to a higher level in the evolution method, I can improve it a bit!"

"Don't worry, let's consolidate marksmanship first, and go to the Starry Sky Tower!" Xu Jingming went directly to the mission space with high fighting spirit.

Under the Star Tower.

Xu Jingming looked up at the huge list next to the Starry Sky Tower, and looked at the six names: "Soon, I will be on this list too soon." Thinking about it, he rushed into the Starry Sky Tower .

However, after only ten minutes, Xu Jingming was kicked out.

"Tiger King is too ferocious, I'll be gone with one claw." Xu Jingming muttered, "It seems that the evolution method must reach a high level."

In fact, Xu Jingming had already guessed that it would not be so easy to break through the third floor of the Starry Sky Tower.

Because he also watched the video of Master Liu Hai breaking into the Star Tower back then, Tiger King's strength, speed and responsiveness are flexible, and everything is above Master Liu Hai, and Master also tried his best to pass by relying on his fighting skills. As for 'Lei Yunfang', the evolution method has already reached a high level, and the movement method has already reached the third level of horror, but it took a long time to pass, and it is the fifth pass in the world.

As for Zhou Yi? Haven't made it through now.

"After playing for a while, the marksmanship has been improved to the third level of 2%? Continue to practice. After consolidating the marksmanship, practice the evolutionary method." Xu Jingming was extremely enthusiastic. After breaking through the bottleneck, he finally started to improve again.

"Ba ba ba."

At lunch time, Xu Jingming ate big mouthfuls, eating meaty meals quickly.

"Is it necessary to be in such a hurry?" Li Miaomiao ate at the side, "Today's meal is so urgent?"

"I'm done eating and I'm going to retreat. Miaomiao, there's nothing big going on today, don't bother me." Xu Jingming put down the bowls and chopsticks, wiped his mouth, and immediately rushed to the bedroom. The virtual world has been open for a month, and his body is also early in reality. It transformed completely, and ran much faster, like a gust of wind, entering the bedroom in a flash.

Li Miaomiao ate alone, muttering: "It's nothing serious, don't bother him? Has he retreated? It seems that there is a real breakthrough."

"Let me just say it! In the previous battle with Cheng Zihao's team, Jing Ming was so fierce at the end that his whole body seemed to be on fire. He must have made a breakthrough. Some people said that Jing Ming was stimulated and broke out in a super state. The so-called super state burst ? Those are all legends, how could it be so easy to explode." Li Miaomiao thought.

In reality, there are indeed people who suddenly burst into a state, bursting out with a power far beyond the usual.

But this kind of thing is too rare.

Although Xu Jingming was very angry in the previous battle, he was still within the boundaries... After all, it was just a battle in the virtual world, and it didn't break through Xu Jingming's rational boundaries, let alone physical boundaries.

It can only be said that Xu Jingming's accumulation is deep enough, the previous anger was an introduction, and the angry thoughts were like fire, making his whole body seem to burn, breaking through the bottleneck.

It was the first breakthrough, and I was not very familiar with it. The explosion was too crazy, and all capillaries were broken by blood. Once you are familiar with mobilizing your body's potential and consolidated, you can easily explode.


that night.

Li Miaomiao invited Wang Yi and Dai Xiaoqing to accompany her in her personal space.

"Maomao." Although Wang Yi was aloof, when she saw Li Miaomiao, she happily ran over and hugged Li Miaomiao, "My idol invited me, I'm so excited."

"Calm down, calm down." Li Miaomiao couldn't laugh or cry while being hugged, and said, "You are the strongest goddess archer in our Xia Kingdom, and you must have the attitude of a female great devil."

Wang Yi let go of the hug, sat aside and looked at the blue water, picked up the watermelon and ate it: "People have to be genuine. If you like it, you like it. If you don't like it, you don't like it. Why pretend? Maomao, I really like you Singing, when will you sing live, you must notify me in advance."

"Okay, I have to prepare in advance for live singing. I plan to live sing again after the Tinder Cup competition." Li Miaomiao said.

"My sister-in-law's live singing is like a concert." Dai Xiaoqing said, "The preparations are quite sufficient."

"Singing, you have to immerse yourself in it, enjoy it." Li Miaomiao said, "By the way, Archer, I came to you because I wanted to ask you something."

"Maomao, just ask, I will tell you everything." Wang Yi said.

Li Miaomiao said: "I heard that many teams have invited you to join, but you haven't decided on a team yet?"


Wang Yi nodded, "Actually, many teams value my popularity. There are large group companies behind those teams. They hope that my popularity will bring advertising effects to their companies. For example, every time I broadcast live, there are basically millions of people. People watch it online... it's like advertising to them every day."

Li Miaomiao nodded.

"But I don't care about these things. Popularity? Advertising? I don't care." Wang Yi said, "I want to pursue higher bow and arrow skills. I really want to know what will the end of bow and arrow skills be like? I think You have to explore it yourself, to master it. That's one of the most fascinating things."

"What does that have to do with your choice of team?" Li Miaomiao asked.

"So I want teammates who are strong enough." Wang Yi said, "The stronger the better! Only strong teammates can make the team go further. This is only a domestic competition, and it will be a global competition in the future... The team goes far enough, Only then can we compete with more strong players! Otherwise, we will be eliminated in the first round, and we will not be qualified to fight against top strong players at all."

"The real top-notch confrontation is the one that tests people the most and can improve people the most." Wang Yi's eyes were blazing.

"I understand." Li Miaomiao nodded.