Cosmic Professional Gladiator

Chapter 99: Retreat


The familiar environment made the memory of possession clearer. At the same time, he reached out and tapped lightly, choosing to record the whole process.

"Gun." Xu Jingming stood up, stretched out his hand, and a long gun appeared in his hand. This is also a weapon that completely imitates 'Xuan'. It is also black in body and the length of the gun is 3.2 meters.


Simply pulling the gun with both hands made Xu Jingming slightly frown, "I am slightly shorter than Xuan, and I am not as good at controlling strength as he is. The 3.2-meter long spear is still too long for me. Make it shorter!" The long spear It started to get shorter slowly, and Xu Jingming was also trying, and finally stayed at a length of 2.86 meters.

This length is most similar to the feeling of Xuan holding a gun in his memory.

"Xuan practiced the spear three times."

Xu Jingming remembers that set of marksmanship very clearly, "This set of marksmanship is completely different from the marksmanship he used in battle. It is not fast, but also very calm. It feels more like a health-preserving marksmanship. It's just that the inside is burning like a nirvana flame, and it is always gaining momentum. The explosion is gaining momentum.”

The whole set of marksmanship, with various spear moves, is very restrained and calm, and has been gaining momentum.

Because Xu Jingming possessed his body, he knew the inner essence of this set of marksmanship very well. He also began to practice each move. It also seemed calm, but the speed was not fast, and he was also gaining momentum inside.

After practicing three times, Xu Jingming stopped.

"See how you're practicing." Xu Jingming started to play the previous recording, watching the scene where he used marksmanship in the recording, which made him frown.

When possessing Xuan, he has extremely keen senses, and can even accurately judge the rotation, revolution, time velocity, and space distance of the planet he is on. At that time when he was using marksmanship, he also clearly remembered the speed and height of each spear, and even the degree of rotation.

Of course, now that he's back to himself, he can't precisely control his body, he can only rely on recorded videos for comparison.

"This move is too deliberate and not natural enough. The spear's rotation is too large." Xu Jingming watched carefully, and after watching the marksmanship three times, after careful analysis, he immediately began to practice the spear again.

Practiced three times again!

Feeling much better, Xu Jingming continued to watch the recorded video this time.

Practice the gun, watch the recorded gun practice scene to find the problem, then practice the gun, then watch the comparison, and then practice the gun...

Xu Jingming didn't stop until he practiced marksmanship nine times and twenty-seven times.

"about there."

"Although I can't reach the level I remember, it always feels worse, but the limit I can do now is this level." Xu Jingming looked at the recorded video, "Save all the videos, and record all the problems that exist. I will read it in the future and hope to be touched.”

Xu Jingming is quite satisfied. After practicing this set of marksmanship, he has become accustomed to viewing marksmanship from the perspective of time and space.

"This set of marksmanship is very calm and introverted, extremely gentle, but it has been gathering momentum and can explode at any time." Xu Jingming thought, "Since it has been very calm and not fast, this set of marksmanship is temporarily called health-preserving marksmanship."

Xu Jingming was too lazy to think about it, so he simply named it.

"The next step is the more critical battle marksmanship." Xu Jingming began to change the scene of the martial arts training ground.

Changed to the void of the universe, the tiny stars in the distance, and the planets are even more invisible.

The scene fully simulates the edge of the galaxy.

In the silent and dark space of the universe, Xu Jingming stood there, and a virtual image of his opponent appeared in front of him—a strong man in armor. Looking at the armored man, Xu Jingming felt more substituting.

"It's a pity that my virtual opponent is just a phantom." Xu Jingming thought.

The strong man in armor has a large shield in one hand and a hammer in the other, but he is a phantom. After all, no matter how you set your strength, it will destroy your feeling. It's better to set a phantom.

Xu Jingming began to use his marksmanship.


Xu Jingming wanted to stab him.

"In the void, you can't keep your feet on the ground, and it's not easy to exert strength." Xu Jingming immediately felt awkward. For 'Xuan', the void and the land are no different, and Xuan's kick can cause the void to vibrate and distort.

But Xu Jingming can't!

"Forget it, let's make a big meteorite." Xu Jingming could only continue to virtualize. Under the feet of himself and the phantom of the armored man, he virtualized a meteorite with a range of several miles. The surface of the meteorite was relatively smooth.

"Let's start." With his feet on the meteorite, Xu Jingming exerted his strength smoothly, and began to stab the phantom in front of him.


This stab made Xu Jingming shake his head slightly, and then stabbed again!

The combat marksmanship of that 'Xuan' has only one move - stab!

And during the battle, Xuan used this move tens of millions of times! Xu Jingming's memory is too deep, the same trick has been imprinted in his mind thousands of times, even if it has been hundreds of years, this trick will still be remembered deeply.

"No matter what tricks the enemy uses, it's all about stabbing."

"This move is both offensive and defensive. Because the move is too fast, even if the enemy makes an attack, he can attack the enemy's weak point first and attack the enemy's weak point... Naturally break the opponent's attack." Xu Jingming is very clear This move is powerful.

It's both offensive and defensive.

"Similarly, this move is also a movement method." Xu Jingming is very clear about this, "It looks like it is cast with a gun, but it is actually like a tiger's claw or a bull's horn! The gun is only a part of Xuan's body. In the end, the whole person turned into a beam of light, and the gun was only a part of the light, and the whole person reached the speed of light."

Just one thrust is attack, defense, movement, and even Xuan's spiritual will!

Xu Jingming still clearly remembered that the other party seemed to be burning with life in the end, with only one thought, which turned into light!

"Turn into light!"

Xu Jingming also tried his best to let himself only have this one thought. Although it was difficult to do, he repeated it silently in his heart over and over again, and at the same time used his marksmanship again and again.

Progress stab! Back stab!

The figure is like a flame, as fast as lightning, stabbing out with a gun.

Ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times...

Xu Jingming was immersed in it.

Even if you are tired in the virtual world, you can restore your body to its peak with just one click. As for spirit? At this moment, his spirit is extremely excited, and he doesn't feel tired at all.

After being stabbed tens of thousands of times, I felt mental fatigue.

On the meteorite in the void of the universe, Xu Jingming flicked forward and backward, moving extremely fast in all directions, and the movement of the whole person naturally carried the artistic conception of a gun, as if a person had turned into a gun, and his body moved All have the artistic conception of spear stabbing! Fast and sharp!

In the past, Xu Jingming's movements were fierce like thunder and fire erupting.

But now, his movement is fast and fierce! More crisp and neat.

While moving, the spear will also stab out! The footwork and the long spear are perfectly coordinated, and each spear carries the power of the whole body's body charge, and its power surpasses the 'breaking the mountain' trick created by Xu Jingming in the past.

"I'm really tired."

"I have practiced this spear stab for 16 hours?" Xu Jingming looked at the time and was a little surprised, "Fortunately, after the online time reached 0 o'clock at night, the timer was restarted. I can continue to be online for more than 15 hours. "

As for hunger, after the body evolves, it is trivial to not eat or drink for two days.

"This stabbing move seems to be a single move, but it is all-encompassing and enough to become a legend in the universe. Let's call it... Rainbow Spear Technique." Xu Jingming also simply named it.

Immediately, Xu Jingming adjusted the scene lightly, returning to the previous scene of the forest planet.

In a lush mountain forest, Xu Jingming sat on the mountain platform.

"For more than a day when I was possessed, I spent only one hour practicing health-preserving marksmanship and fighting. The rest of the time, I was almost in a state of emptying my mind." Xu Jingming still clearly remembered that state.

There is no thought fluctuation in the whole person, it is as quiet as the stars and stars, and the spiritual fluctuations are naturally diffused.

Xu Jingming imitated that state.

At this moment, the mind is exhausted, which is more conducive to emptying yourself.



He was as silent as a celestial body and stars, as if he had remained motionless for thousands of years.

Xu Jingming guided himself and tried his best to get closer to the state of 'Xuan' at that time. Although it is far from reaching that state, Xu Jingming also felt that his mind became more ethereal and his heart became more silent during the experiment. He really felt like the stars were moving and there was no sound.

For so many years, Xu Jingming's heart has never been so quiet.

It's not unconsciousness.

It is emptiness, nothingness.

Still sensing the surroundings naturally, clearly aware of everything around, but just can't think of it.

time flies…


Xu Jingming woke up suddenly, and immediately looked at the time, it was already 8:22 in the morning.

"I just sat for eight hours?" Xu Jingming himself was a little surprised.