Could You Not Tease Me?

Chapter 88: Extra Christmas holiday


Hunter in the gym is exercising on the treadmill with a fitness trainer next to him.

"Hunter, you're in good shape today! You've been good at physical training all day!"

"I'm not a child! What's wrong!" Hunter showed an extremely dissatisfied expression, and by the way, he pointed his middle finger to the other side.

"Because Winston went back to England, you lived by yourself for a month, and got up every morning by yourself. Not a day late?"

"He's not my electronic alarm clock!" Hunter paused the treadmill, walked a few steps and got off. After warming up, he could do other training.

"But apart from him, no one of us can wake you up!" The fitness coach was still reluctant.

Hunter rolled his eyes in his heart.

Of course he couldn't tell the other party what Winston had made with him.

When Winston packed up for England that day, Hunter was very reluctant. He used to be alone, but suddenly someone accompanied him, eating, sleeping, and “exercising” together. He was used to following this man’s almost obsessive-compulsive schedule. Hunter had the urge to just abandon Marcus and go to Ferrari.

Hunter followed Winston the whole time. He packed his bags and Hunter squatted aside to watch. He cleaned the refrigerator for Hunter, and Hunter followed. He went into the bathroom and Hunter followed, and just as he was about to enter, Winston put his hand on his chest and pushed him out.

"Do you know that you look like a Labrador abandoned by his owner?" Winston sat on the sofa, folded his arms and looked at Hunter.

"Labrador? Should I be a Huggies anyway?"

"You know yourself very well." Winston raised his head halfway, with a smile on his lips.

Hunter is not the taste, what a Labrador, what a Huggies!

"Come and sit." Winston's voice was soft.

This was Hunter's most irresistible tone, which made him almost forget that last night, the man pressed him forcefully on the head of the bed and sat for a while. The second time, it was Hunter who was so thirsty that he rolled over and went down to drink water, but he just turned around and pulled up the quilt. He didn't know why he lit Winston's fire, and was dragged back, his legs and waist were covered. Almost broke.

The nutritionist also said why Hunter ate more than last year, but he didn't grow much fat at all.

Hunter wanted to cry without tears, obviously because he consumed more calories at night, okay

"Oh." Hunter walked over to Winston and sat down.

Who knew that Winston looked sideways at him: "I didn't mean to sit there."

Hunter's heart trembled slightly, and he immediately understood what the other party was talking about.

"I just sat there yesterday."

"You can sit in your pants today." There was a hint of playfulness in Winston's voice.

Hunter sat motionless beside him. He still has some back pain.

"Miss Anne is already on her way, about ten minutes away. You don't want to hug me at all?" Winston asked, turning his face.

That feeling of reluctance flooded Hunter's heart again, he got up and sat on Winston's body.

Face to face like this, feeling each other's breath and temperature, and the strength of his hands supporting him, Hunter actually liked it.

Winston looked up and kissed Hunter on the lips.

"Marcus seemed concerned when he heard I was going back to England this morning."

"worry about what?"

"I'm worried that I won't be able to wake you up in the morning. What about your physical training and test drive? You keep asking me how I woke you up."

Hunter's ears immediately turned red.

"I told him that no one else could use my method." Winston gave him a slight upward jerk on purpose, and Hunter hurriedly hugged his neck in shock.

"I found that you are really intemperate! What if I get hurt?" Hunter asked the other party with a very serious expression.

"Probably I found moderation very pointless before. If I wasn't temperate enough, in the bathroom at the Spanish Grand Prix, I'd make you cry, and I didn't need to put so much effort into approaching you." Winston's voice It was very light, but Hunter felt a pain in his lower back.

"How can moderation be pointless!"

"I'm amazed at your resilience, and I only get it once a week."

If you count the number of times, it is indeed one time, but this time it is not more than once.

"Let's get down to business now. Your phone's alarm is seven every day. I'll call you at seven-ten, and if you don't answer the phone or your voice is drowsy, take a note. Until Christmas break."

"... What about remembering?"

"Just use it here to pay it back." Winston's hand slowly descended, and Hunter couldn't sit still and fell to the side, but was immediately grabbed by Winston's waist and pressed back.

His warm breath was right next to Hunter's ear, almost burning his ears.

"So Hunter, you have to get up on time when I'm not by your side. There are so many demerits that I'm afraid you won't be able to fit in your belly at Christmas."

can't fit...

The moment he understood, Hunter wanted to beat the man.

At this moment the doorbell rang, and it was Miss Anne who had come to meet Winston.

Winston stood up directly on Hunter's legs and leaned forward to kiss Hunter.

Hunter fell back with his movements, and immediately reached out to grab the other's shoulders.

Winston's kiss was so strong that it felt like it was going to take away everything from Hunter.

Miss Anne rang the doorbell for a long time and no one opened the door, so she had to call Winston's cell phone. But Winston was holding Hunter, and had no intention of ending the kiss.

Winston's cell phone stopped ringing, but Hunter's cell phone rang.

Winston sucked hard, and Hunter tried wickedly to bite the tip of his tongue but failed.

"I'm leaving, see you at Christmas."

Winston turned around and put Hunter back on the sofa.

Hearing the sound of the suitcase, Hunter's heart was empty.

For the first two or three days, Hunter did not take Winston's so-called demerits to heart. On the first day, he slept until eight o'clock, and the fitness assistant rang the doorbell of his apartment. When he woke up, the text message on his mobile phone was "Remember once."

The next day, Hunter slept until 7:30, and the fitness assistant found it quite comforting that he could get up at this time. The text message received on Hunter's phone was a "second demerit".

On the third day, when the alarm on the mobile phone rang, Hunter sat up in a daze, leaning against the head of the bed and almost fell asleep again. When Winston's specific bell rang, Hunter was jolted and immediately picked up the phone.

"I woke up!"

"Oh. I said I could take a third note. That way I don't have to take you to Switzerland for Christmas. We're at home and you can spend Christmas in bed."

There was a unique coolness in Winston's voice, and Hunter seemed to be able to feel the white snow-capped mountains and soft snow fields.

"I'm going!"

"Go to bed?"

"Go skiing!"

"Then don't let your fitness coach continue to understand what it is to not wake a person who is pretending to be asleep."

As a result, Hunter was like an obsessive-compulsive disorder. After being woken up by a mobile phone alarm every morning, he sat awake by the bedside and waited for Winston's call.

Hunter was never "credited" by Winston until the Christmas holiday.

Marcus and the coaching staff are very grateful to Winston and feel that he has given Hunter a very positive influence and made Hunter grow up.

The Christmas holiday is finally here, and the team's engineers, strategists and even coaches can finally go home.

"Merry Christmas, Hunter." Marcus gave Hunter a big hug, "Where are you going to spend the holidays?"

“Go skiing in Switzerland!”

"Skiing... you and Winston go skiing?"

"What's the matter? You want to go too?"

"No no no... I'd rather you go to the moon on a rocket! I have to call Winston!"

"What's wrong with him?" Hunter asked the fitness coach beside him.

"Probably worried that you will have an accident while skiing."

Marcus, who was nervous at first, softened his expression after talking to Winston for ten minutes.

He came to Hunter's side, patted Hunter's shoulder with an expression of a long way to go, and said, "Don't be too crazy about Christmas."


"Knowing that you are young, you can't help but want to indulge. But indulgence now is not good for your health in the future."

"Huh?" Hunter was still confused.

But at the thought of seeing Winston, Hunter felt so happy that he could fly.

He rushed back home, and without Winston, he had to pack up by himself.

When he opened the suitcase and was thinking about what to bring, he received a text message from Winston on his phone.

The clothes and shoes that need to be brought are listed in detail, and even where they are packed are clearly written.

Hunter touched the tip of his nose and smiled, and replied: What can I do without you.

It took a lot of effort for Hunter to stuff everything into the suitcase. Probably spent a lot of time with Winston, always watching him pack his luggage. Hunter, who was always messy, unexpectedly tidied up his suitcase.

When he came to the door, he saw Shen Chuan's car waiting for him, with his wife Zhang Jingxiao sitting in the co-pilot.

Hunter put the luggage in the trunk and asked, "Hey, where's Xiaoxi?"

"Xiaoxi has returned to China. China does not have a holiday for Christmas, and Xiaoxi went to Ruifeng Motor to be a technical consultant."

"What? She's leaving the team?" Hunter immediately lay on the back seat.

"No, it's only two weeks. Forgot to tell you, the MIT alumnus who has been helping us build mathematical models is Chen Mobai."

"What? Where does that guy look like he graduated from MIT?"

"You don't look like you can win the F1 championship." Shen Chuan replied with a smile.

"But it seems that next season, you and him will inevitably become teammates." Zhang Jingxiao on the co-pilot made up for it.

"Oh my God... That guy will definitely taunt me every day!" Hunter hugged his head, looking like he was about to burst.

"Don't worry, Xiaoxi is so upright. If Chen Mobai really bullies you, Xiaoxi will make it difficult for him." Zhang Jingxiao turned her head and said with a smile.

"Oh, also, your future teammate heard that you were going to Switzerland with Winston for a ski vacation, and gave it to you. Look, didn't he want to have a good relationship with you?" Shen Chuan handed a box back. to Hunter.

"... What is this?" Hunter looked at the Chinese characters above, confused.

"The medicine you used for a fever last time." There was a hint of ridicule in Shen Chuan's voice.

"The last time I had a fever..."

He has always been in good health. He hasn't even caught a cold all year long. The last time he had a fever was...

Hunter immediately choked on his own saliva.

This box of medicine suddenly became very hot.

"So, Chen Mobai is not so annoying, right?" Zhang Jingxiao said.

Hunter's eyes rolled over in his heart.

It's really not that annoying anymore, it's even more annoying!

After a long flight, we finally arrived in Geneva.

When leaving the airport, Hunter realized that he was not wearing gloves. I was going to take it, but it fell on the bed.

As he looked for Winston with heat and hands.

"Why aren't you wearing gloves?"

The originally cool sound quality became warmer in the icy air.

Winston in front of him was wearing a khaki ski jacket, his legs were still so long, and he was wearing a dark wool hat. The hair on his forehead was tucked into the hat, making his facial features more three-dimensional.

Hunter kissed him without hesitation.

At this time, Winston was taking off his gloves. After being kissed by Hunter, he showed a surprised expression and hugged him directly.

Under the provocation and sucking of Hunter's tongue, Winston's response also turned from self-control to enthusiastic. His fingers were embedded between Hunter's hair, and because the kiss was too strong, the back of Hunter's head leaned back but was firmly supported by the other's hand.

Winston turned his face away, and the kiss became manic, as if to engulf Hunter.

Only a "crash" sound was heard, and the suitcase beside Hunter was knocked down.

Only then did Winston let go of him, and when Hunter opened his eyes, he could feel the warm emotion in the other's eyes that seemed to be burning.

They see each other after a long time, just a little spark can start a prairie fire.

"Let's go." Winston took Hunter's hand and was about to put his own gloves on him.

Hunter laughed.

"Just one for each of us!" Hunter put one of them on his left hand and held Winston in his right hand.

His palms were hot, and Hunter's cold fingertips quickly warmed up.

It was white everywhere, and Hunter, wearing sunglasses, excitedly told Winston what had happened recently.

When it comes to Chen Mobai becoming his teammate, Hunter's expression is still unhappy.

"Did you know he kidnapped Xiaoxi?"

"It shouldn't be kidnapped, but just in love." Winston's lips curved into a shallow smile, "Just like me and you."

"No! You are much better than Chen Mobai."


"Which ski resort are we going to?"

"You'll know when you go," replied Winston.

Hunter thought they were going to the Villars ski resort, and they could see many tourists who came to Switzerland for skiing, but Winston drove the car past the most lively place, and they got on the snowmobile, Hunter Looking at the ski resort with nothing but the snow scene, he asked suspiciously, "Which ski resort are we going to?"

"I rent a private ski area," Winston replied.

"Ah? Isn't it more fun to ski with tourists?"

Hunter tilted his head and asked.

"But I don't like the hustle and bustle. Besides, in order to avoid tourists when skiing, I can't have enough fun," Winston replied.

Truly Winston's style.

The snowmobile took them to a two-story cabin in the middle of the snowfield.

Winston got out of the car with Hunter's luggage, and Hunter couldn't wait to run over to push the door of the cabin open.

The floor was covered with thick woolen rugs, and the fireplace made the faint sound of burning coals.

Warmth, it seems that it does not belong to this world.

Behind him came the sound of the door closing.

Hunter turned around, stabbed back and fell directly on the carpet.

"It's amazing here!"

Hunter's face rubbed against the wool carpet.

Winston came to sit beside him.

Hunter raised his hand and was about to take off the glove when Winston's almost murmuring voice came from his ear.

"Wait a moment."

He rested one hand by Hunter's ear, the fingers of the other hand reaching in along the edge of the glove.

His fingertips slowly moved up along Hunter's wrist and slid into Hunter's glove. His fingers manipulated all of Hunter's senses, and all the tiny blood vessels in his palm throbbed faintly.

And when Winston's fingertips touched the base of Hunter's, curled slowly, and then intertwined, the glove fell off completely and landed silently on the wool carpet.

Hunter's throat went dry, of course he knew what Winston's suggestion meant.

"Do you really like it here?"

He asked him softly, and before Hunter could answer, Winston was already on top of him.

The ski suit had been undone, and Winston's kiss fell.

It wasn't cold in the first place, but Hunter felt that the air was very hot afterward.

It's been a long time since I indulged myself. Their breathing and body temperature blended together. Winston's collision was harder than the night before they parted. Hunter's bones were smashed by him, and he grabbed the wool carpet. , the tears could not help falling.

Winston's tongue licked the corners of his eyes, and every time the charcoal crackled, Winston's heart throbbed when it hit Hunter.

He had to loosen the wool rug and hug Winston's neck tightly.

The night of madness led Hunter to suspect that Winston was planning his vacation here on purpose.

I don't know how long it took, Winston picked up Hunter and walked upstairs step by step.

Hunter was panting slightly, and he still didn't come back to his senses. He rested his chin on the other person's shoulder until his back touched the soft mattress. Hunter thought he could take a nap and Winston would take care of him. I cleaned it up myself, but obviously, the other party didn't mean it.

"You still have two punishments, remember?"

Winston's voice was cold and ambiguous.

Before the words "It's over" in Hunter's heart fell, Winston kissed again.

When the madness drowned him, Hunter looked out the window at the snow field that was so white that there was no flaw, and he had nowhere to escape.

By the end of the second time, Hunter was exhausted.

But when he was turned over, Hunter really begged for mercy.

"Let me rest..."

Hunter stepped forward, and as soon as his hand grabbed the head of the bed, Winston grabbed his wrist, pulled him down, and then pulled him back.

The whole room was filled with Winston's breath. Hunter wanted to look at the other party's expression at the moment. His arm was thrown back and he wanted to touch the other party. Winston seemed to understand his thoughts and turned around with him in his arms. Hunter almost didn't cry out of fear, but what was greeted was overwhelming kisses.

Hunter's last energy was exhausted by Winston, and he slept until the next afternoon.

He staggered downstairs and saw that the original messy carpet on the first floor had been cleaned up, and Hunter was a little sorry.

Going to the kitchen again, I saw what Winston was doing, holding the frying pan with one hand and tapping the egg on the edge of the pan with the other hand, and Hunter couldn't get enough of the angle of his wrist.

"Wake up." Winston turned around and smiled at Hunter.

"You're too much." Hunter said angrily.

"You can walk downstairs by yourself, which shows that I'm not too much."


Winston brought out the plate and sipped Hunter in his ear as he passed by.

"We can use this holiday to give it a try, how many times will you really be unable to get up."

"I don't want to try this!"

A week later, Hunter got a call from Marcus.

"Hunter, Merry Christmas! How are you, have you learned to ski?"

Hunter only felt a sword in his heart.

"not yet… "

"Impossible, with your sports skills, it's impossible to learn to ski in a week!" There was a hint of schadenfreude in Marcus' voice.

Hunter wanted to growl, he hasn't had a chance to go skiing yet!

"I will learn, you can rest assured!"

"Hahaha, then... pay attention to safety in everything!"

Hunter frowned suspiciously. How could he hear and feel that the phrase "pay attention to safety" is so subtle

Hunter bumped the man beside him with his elbow: "Hey, what did you say to Marcus?"

"He was worried that if I brought you skiing, you might get hurt in an accident or something, so I told him not to worry, you won't have much time skiing."

"What do you mean by skiing without too much time?"

"Because the point isn't to be with me?"

Winston asked with a small smile.

At that moment, Hunter finally understood the ultimate meaning of the so-called Christmas holiday.

I don't know if there is enough food in the refrigerator, he has never had such a calorie-consuming holiday!