Counter Attack

Chapter 11: Please be respected by disciples!


The fourth time we met after breaking up, we chose a piece of unconstructed wasteland, and there was not a single brick or tile on the thousands of acres of land. Yue Yue purposely stood on a hard concrete slab, making sure that there was no place to pry open to hide the slab bricks. After everything was ready, Wu Qiqiong appeared in her vision.

This time when he went to the appointment, Wu Qiqiong's mood was very different from before.

He was mentally prepared to come, even though he was still upset when he saw Yue Yue's beautiful face, he no longer had the urge to die calmly for her. If Yue Yue insisted on breaking up again, Wu Qiqiong would probably grit his teeth and nod.

"I quit my job in a state-owned enterprise and planned to start my own business."

A feat of subverting the image, not only did not get the appreciation of the goddess, but also attracted a lot of scolding.

"Are you lacking in mind? You quit such a hard-to-find job? With your little IQ, you still want to start a business? You have to pay grandma's house!! You, don't do it, hurry back The previous company! You’ve only been a junior clerk in this life, and you can’t even support yourself if you leave the company!”

After hearing these words, Wu Qiqiong completely gave up.

Standing straight with his hands in his pockets, his eyes are no longer the tenderness and infatuation of the past, but at most they still retain a small amount of patience and stubbornness.

"Give me a quick word, share, or not?"

It was the first time hearing Wu Qiqiong speak to her in this tone, Yue Yue was quite fresh.

She walked up to Wu Qiqiong on tiptoe, twisting her hips, searched him all over, forced him to take off his shoes and socks, and after making sure that no brick was hidden, Yue Yue's peach blossom eyes shone brightly. .

"Score! I don't believe in this evil anymore!"

I don't know if he is allergic to the word "fen", but the tense string in Wu Qiqiong's mind is bald again.

He picked up the phone and said three words into it after the call.


Then, Yue Yue watched helplessly as an electric scooter came towards them, and when it reached the two of them, it slammed on the brakes. A young man with a thorny head threw a brick in the basket to Wu Qiqiong.

After Wu Qiqiong caught it firmly, he patted the boy on the shoulder and said, "Thank you!"

The guy turned the car around and withdrew quickly.

Wu Qiqiong quickly smashed the brick to his head, that action didn't look like suicide at all, but rather stunt. There was only a little blood oozing out, Wu Qiqiong didn't even bother to cover it, he threw away the brick and left.

Yue Yue was left dumbfounded.

Wu Qiqiong walked to the door of Jiang Xiaoshuai's clinic, and began to mutter in his heart, should we go in? Will you be scolded? Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Xiaoshuai also saw him, and with unexpected enthusiasm, he trotted over beautifully, and walked in with Wu Qiqiong's arm.

"You haven't come for so long, I thought something happened to you!"

Why does this sound so awkward

It was true that Wu Qiqiong hadn't been here for a while. After he resigned, he didn't come to Jiang Xiaoshuai to take medicine and healed his injury. Coming here this time is purely a habitual behavior, as if if you don't come here after the smashing, the procedure will not be completed.

"Give me less medicine this time. I quit my job and my money is a little tight."

Jiang Xiaoshuai looked at Wu Qiqiong with hatred, "You really quit your job because of her?"

"Not all."

Seeing Wu Qiqiong's unlucky appearance, Jiang Xiaoshuai was too embarrassed to sprinkle salt on his wound. After sterilizing him with salt water, he leaned over to take a closer look.

"I don't need to take any medicine this time, just keep it on my own, and it will be fine in two or three days."

Wu Qiqiong looked at Jiang Xiaoshuai in puzzlement, "What do you think is wrong with my head? I smashed harder this time than ever before, but after I smashed it, I didn't feel too much, neither hurt nor dizzy .”

Jiang Xiaoshuai pulled Wu Qiqiong's hand up and stuck it to his forehead, "Touch yourself, your forehead is harder than a brick!"

Wu Qiqiong laughed twice.

Jiang Xiaoshuai found that Wu Qiqiong's smile made people look very comfortable.

"I really hope that your heart is the same as your head. The recovery period is getting shorter and shorter, and the ability to resist blows is getting stronger and stronger. In the end, it is completely hard, and nothing can break it anymore."

Wu Qiqiong discovered that Jiang Xiaoshuai's casual words could touch his heart.

"Xiaoshuai, am I very stupid? I have a low IQ?"

"Your IQ is not low, you just have a low EQ."

Wu Qiqiong asked again, "Then why are you so smart? Why do you see things so clearly?"

Jiang Xiaoshuai flicked his sleeves chicly, and his white coat danced in a whirlwind.

"It's a lot of trouble."

"You have also been tricked by someone?" Wu Qiqiong couldn't believe it.

Jiang Xiaoshuai grinned, "It's much worse than you being tricked."

There was silence in the consulting room.

"Master, please be respected by your disciples!!!"

Wu Qiqiong suddenly jumped in front of Jiang Xiaoshuai, and yelled without warning, Jiang Xiaoshuai was so frightened that he took three consecutive steps back and almost fell into the trash can.

"I said, can you stop being so sudden? You're so scared to pee! What are you doing?" Jiang Xiaoshuai followed his chest, his black eyeballs shrank around.

Wu Qiqiong looked devout, "I don't want to be tricked again."

When he completely calmed down, Jiang Xiaoshuai said a word to Wu Qiqiong. This sentence was said by Mr. Li Ka-shing. Jiang Xiaoshuai has always regarded it as a motto in life, and he is always alert to himself.

"Eggs, breaking from the outside is food, breaking from the inside is life. The same is true in life, breaking from the outside is pressure, breaking from the inside is growth. If you wait for others to break you from the outside, then you are destined to become someone else's food, if If you can break yourself from the inside, then you will find that your growth is equivalent to a rebirth."