Counter Attack

Chapter 12: Change your mind and start a new life


For three consecutive days, Wu Qiqiong received psychological counseling from Jiang Xiaoshuai until his forehead healed. Master Jiang cared about this apprentice very much, and went all out to help Wu Qiqiong get rid of the demons in his heart, so that he would not take the initiative to contact Yue Yue, let him completely give up this futile struggle, and formally accept the reality of breaking up.

Jiang Xiaoshuai stared at Wu Qiqiong beside him while seeing the patient.

Wu Qiqiong picked up the phone again.

Jiang Xiaoshuai immediately cast his cold gaze over him, and said word for word: "Put—then!"

"I didn't contact her." Wu Qiqiong explained, "I just wanted to play a game, and I downloaded a new color-blind version of Zuma."

Only then did Jiang Xiaoshuai turn his head away.

Wu Qiqiong was halfway through the game when his phone rang.

"Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey, you are amazing, the mountains of the Five Elements can't hold you down, and a grandson pops up! Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey, you are so rare, and you can recite the curse again, and it hasn't changed the true nature of the old grandson..."

Wu Qiqiong couldn't believe it, and didn't dare to answer it. This was the first time Yue Yue took the initiative to call him since they broke up.

"Why didn't you answer the phone?" Jiang Xiaoshuai asked.

Wu Qiqiong's eyes were in a trance, "Yue Yue is calling."

"Are you a man? If you are a man, pick it up for me! Say what you want!"

Wu Qiqiong pressed the answer button, and Yue Yue's clear voice came from there.

"Is the injury healed? Let's see each other when we're done."

It turned out that not only Wu Qiqiong had obsessive-compulsive disorder, that one was also a little abnormal.

Wu Qiqiong looked at Jiang Xiaoshuai and asked for his opinion.

Jiang Xiaoshuai directly said, "Let's see!"

Wu Qiqiong went to the battlefield again.

This time, Yue Yue didn't deliberately choose a place, and also skipped the investigation beforehand. She felt that human beings could no longer stop Wu Qiqiong. No matter what time or place she chooses, Wu Qiqiong can turn her into a brick.

Yue Yue was faintly excited, she stood here early and waited, looking around non-stop.

Wu Qiqiong seemed very calm, and came over after a stroll.

"Why?" Wu Qiqiong asked.

Yue Yue said two words loudly, "Break up!"

Wu Qiqiong finally overcame this psychological difficulty with the help of qigong psychotherapy aided by panting and taking deep breaths, self-hypnosis and qigong. Let's divide it, I don't take it seriously.

I don't know if Yue Yue had a brain twitch, she kept tugging on Wu Qiqiong's arm, Tao Hua's eyes were full of anticipation.

Wu Qiqiong didn't know what she was expecting.

Seeing that Wu Qiqiong didn't move for a long time, Yue Yue was so anxious that he hit him on the chest.

"It's time to change into bricks! Quickly."

The muscles on Wu Qiqiong's face twitched for a while, "Change... What kind of brick?"

"Changing bricks for me! Just like the previous few times, whoosh, make a brick for me!" Covering her face, Meimei Le seemed to remember something interesting.

In Wu Qiqiong's heart, a group of mud horses are running wildly! ! The horse's hoof trampled his internal organs into a pulp! ! The ending in the novel didn’t appear, and it’s fine if the heroine wasn’t moved by her boyfriend’s insistence, why is she still addicted

I'm a big brain! The meat is long, you kissed it back then!

Wu Qiqiong's egg shattered to the ground, making himself laugh.

It's been seven years, seven years, and finally it's a juggler!

Yue Yue stomped her feet anxiously, "Hurry up, I'm still waiting, you can't let me down!"

There were two big trees opposite Wu Qiqiong, and there were several bricks scattered in between. He walked straight over, picked one up, and walked back to Yue Yue.

Yue Yue was completely disappointed, and there was a bit of annoyance in her eyes, as if she had been cheated.

"I let you change, why did you just pick up a piece from there?"

Wu Qiqiong yelled at Yue Yue, "What's the change? Isn't this ready-made? If you think it's not enough, I'll bring a few more dollars, so you can see it all at once!"

Seeing Wu Qiqiong go crazy for the first time, Yue Yue was a little dazed, forgot to redouble his attack, and stared straight at the brick in Wu Qiqiong's hand, as if he still had an unfulfilled wish.

Wu Qiqiong knew that she was waiting for him to smash it.

From being extremely disgusted at the beginning to helping others, from panicking at the beginning to full of expectation now, from threatening at the beginning to pleasing now... And the bloody smell on his forehead, to her, It has also changed from shocking psychological torture to a bright spot in life.

It's time for a grand finale.

Wu Qiqiong closed his eyes, and slammed it on his forehead without feeling it; he slammed it again, but still didn't feel much; Wu Qiqiong used all his strength in his life to slam it fatally.

The bricks are broken!

Yue Yue, "..."

A dazzling light hit Wu Qiqiong's body, covering his image with brilliance.

"Yue Yue, we officially broke up."

After saying this, Wu Qiqiong laughed loudly, and the moment he turned around to leave, a stream of blood and tears entered his nostrils.

From today onwards, honesty, kindness, cowardice, cowardice, bullshit... These words all set a clear line with me, whoever dares to pull a hair from me, I will kill you with an iron head!

Jiang Xiaoshuai sat in the clinic until dark, and then stood at the door to wait. Passers-by passed by one after another, but Wu Qiqiong was nowhere to be found. Jiang Xiaoshuai sighed, the work of the past few days was wasted, and the second B made the same mistakes again.

As he turned around and was about to enter the house, he was blocked by a strong arm.

Turning around, looking sideways, I saw a familiar yet unfamiliar face. In the darkness, Wu Qiqiong's face was filled with a chill, and his eyes were like two sharp knives gouging out his face. Although he was still smiling as usual, there was a strong sense of oppression in his smile, which made people feel uncomfortable. The flesh is tight and the pores are cold.

"You..." Jiang Xiaoshuai was a little dazed.

Wu Qiqiong curled his lips, "I changed my name."

Jiang Xiaoshuai had an ominous premonition in his heart, "What has it been changed to?"

"Wu Suowei."

Jiang Xiaoshuai, "..."