Counter Attack

Chapter 20: shave your head



Guo Chengyu sprayed water on the windshield, laughing so hard that his shoulders trembled.

His car was parked at the intersection, and he wanted to see how Young Master Chi was enforcing the law, but he didn't expect to capture such a scene, Chi Cheng was splashed with porridge all over, and even let the peddler run away. Who is Chi Cheng? No matter how arrogant Guo Chengyu is, he will not dare to confront Chi Cheng head-on. This peddler really opened his eyes.

"Oh..." Guo Chengyu rubbed his stomach that hurt from laughing, "You didn't hire this person with money, did you?"

Li Wang followed suit with a smile, "I don't know him at all."

Guo Chengyu nimbly tapped the steering wheel with his fingers, "Then let's go and meet this road god."

So, Guo Chengyu drove towards Wu Suowei and chased him.

Wu Suowei ran so hard that his lungs would come out of his throat, he slammed on the brakes at the door of the clinic, flashed into the consulting room, rushed into the back room under Jiang Xiaoshuai's surprised gaze, and locked the door firmly.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Xiaoshuai asked.

Wu Suowei gasped, "The urban management chased me."

Just as he was talking, a car was parked outside.

"Don't tell me I'm here." Wu Suowei warned Jiang Xiaoshuai.

Jiang Xiaoshuai glanced outside, secretly dumbfounded, the urban management treatment is too good, right? Even driving a Mercedes-Benz to enforce the law...

Before getting out of the car, Guo Chengyu asked, "Are you sure he came here?"

Li Wang nodded, "I think he entered through this door."

Guo Chengyu got out of the car, and under Jiang Xiaoshuai's watchful gaze, he walked slowly to the door. It was dark outside, and Guo Chengyu couldn't see what Jiang Xiaoshuai looked like, but he thought his outline was quite handsome.

"Is there something wrong?" Jiang Xiaoshuai asked.

Guo Chengyu smiled kindly, "See a doctor."

Jiang Xiaoshuai turned and entered the room, and Guo Chengyu followed.

The two sat face to face, and Guo Chengyu could see Jiang Xiaoshuai's face clearly, but once he saw it clearly, he forgot why he came here. Looking from the scalp to the soles of the feet, he saw Jiang Xiaoshuai thoroughly, wishing to peel off that layer of skin and see what kind of stuffing was wrapped inside.

Jiang Xiaoshuai was indifferent to Guo Chengyu's deliberate scrutiny, and gave him a serious look back.

"What's uncomfortable?"

Guo Chengyu leaned under Jiang Xiaoshuai's nose and said softly, "Guess."

Jiang Xiaoshuai lightly opened his thin lips, "For gynecological diseases, please go to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, turn left for 30 meters, and take No. 2 direct route."

"You are so handsome." Guo Chengyu looked frivolously.

Jiang Xiaoshuai said: "If you have two or five eyes, please go to Tongren Hospital for treatment."

"You like men, don't you?"

"If you are mentally ill, please go to Anding Hospital for treatment."

Guo Chengyu took away the medical records under Jiang Xiaoshuai's elbow, and asked quietly, "What if it's a heart attack?"

Jiang Xiaoshuai said coldly, "Please dial 110 directly."

Guo Chengyu lowered his eyelids and smiled, "Jiang Xiao Shuai, I remember."

When Chi Cheng returned home, the porridge on his clothes had solidified, sticking to them like glue, making people sick to look at. He took off his clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower, intending to wash the porridge off his hair first.

In the end, Chi Cheng washed it for half an hour and tried various methods, but the millet porridge couldn't be rubbed off.

I'm so stupid... How much food glue has to be put in this!

I have seen unscrupulous traders, but I have never seen such a unscrupulous one. After eating this kind of porridge, you must not stick all your internal organs together

Chi Cheng put on a peaked cap, carried a small vinegar bag and went downstairs to the beauty salon.


The female shop assistants seemed to have been kicked by a donkey, and they screamed so fiercely that they called the shopkeepers. Fortunately, the owner of the shop is not afraid of snakes, so he tried to touch the little vinegar bag's head, "This snake is so beautiful, its color is so right."

Chi Cheng just said two words, "haircut."

The owner of the store went out in person, and the corner of the owner's mouth twitched as soon as Chi Cheng took off his hat. He wants to laugh! But when he saw Chi Cheng's face through the mirror, he really didn't dare to laugh!

"What kind of haircut?" He asked tentatively.

Chi Cheng glanced into the mirror, "You see, as long as you can get rid of those things sticking to your hair, you can cut it however you like."

The shopkeeper selected it with his hands, then scraped vigorously, and finally sent out a mournful and resigned expression under great pressure.

"Then... I can only shave you."