Counter Attack

Chapter 44: Borrowing a knife to kill someone


Wu Suowei saw the sender's mobile phone number on the courier slip, and didn't know if it belonged to Chi Cheng, so he tried to dial it.

"Hello?" came a deep and powerful voice.

Wu Suowei felt a little embarrassed, "Is it really you?"

There was a hum over there.

"Can you lend me some money?"

Chi Cheng, "How much?"

"Two hundred thousand... If you don't have that much, you can borrow less, and I will pay you back as soon as possible."

Chi Cheng, "Account number?"

Wu Suowei was secretly surprised, although he expected that Chi Cheng would borrow it, but he didn't expect it to be so happy. Once money is involved, it's really not just a buddy, it needs real trust and affection.

"What are you borrowing money for?"

"I want to buy another batch of snake seedlings. I went to the snake farm to ask about it two days ago. The boss said that the snake seedlings are all right because of the change of seasons. They have bought a new batch of snake seedlings. They are all excellent species and artificially cultivated. Yes, there is no difficulty or risk in raising them."

Hang up the phone right there.

After a while, a text message came and the money arrived.

Jiang Xiaoshuai asked, "Did he stop you?"

Wu Suowei shook his head, "I didn't say anything."

"How sure are you? If he's too lazy to meddle in his own business, or wants to punish you, you'll be in trouble."

Wu Suowei didn't know why he had so much confidence in Chi Cheng, when he bravely went to the meeting with his bricks in his arms, he wasn't as confident as he is now. Obviously he is his rival in love, obviously he has made things difficult for him countless times, and obviously made illogical and unfounded bets... But Wu Suowei just thinks that he can win.

"Ten percent."

After saying these two words, Wu Suowei clenched his fists and went out the door.

Arriving at Wang's Snake Farm again, his "loving" boss came out with a big smile on his face.

"The 2,000 snake seedlings you want are all ready for you. This time it is a young snake, each of which weighs a catty, that is, you. I would not be willing to sell it to someone else. I have brought a dozen apprentices this year, You are the most promising, when I see you, I think of me back then, it is not easy for young people to start a business!"

Wu Suowei smiled honestly, "Then let's settle the bill."

"Aren't you going to see those snake seedlings?" Boss Wang asked.

Wu Suowei thought to himself, he knew without looking, the snake gall must have been taken out...

"I can't trust anyone and I can trust you!"

Boss Wang laughed loudly, put his arm around Wu Suowei's shoulder and entered the room.

"For such a heavy water snake, the market price is 180 a piece. You are my apprentice, and I will pay you according to the purchase price. 110 a piece, a total of 2,000 pieces, and you will be charged 220,000 yuan."

Wu Suowei was quite embarrassed, "I only have 200,000 on hand, why don't I take 100 less and make up a whole number."

Boss Wang gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and immediately slapped the table and said, "200,000 is 200,000, and you take all 2,000! The 20,000 you lost will be counted as my sponsorship for your business!"

Wu Suowei stood up gratefully and shook hands with Boss Wang.

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me!" Boss Wang said with a selfless face, "You'll get rich tomorrow, don't forget me."

"How can it be?" Wu Suowei smiled heartlessly.

I will never forget you in my life, even if I am a ghost, I will never let you go!

Three days later, Chi Cheng personally visited Wang's Snake Farm.

Boss Wang knew Chi Cheng because he had come here to search before, and when he heard that he was here, he didn't dare to neglect him at all, and hurried back to the snake farm from the trading market.

"Young Master Chi, let me tell you! A small snake farm like ours can't afford to keep so many kinds of pet snakes, and the snake box alone can't afford it..."

Chi Cheng interrupted forcefully, "I'm not here to search, I'm here to sell snakes."

"Snakes for sale..." Boss Wang forced a smile, "That's okay, I just need a batch of snake seedlings. If you have ready-made ones, I'll save you the trouble of buying them."

"1000 green leaf snakes, 2000 water law snakes."

After finishing speaking, ask someone to lift the box off the truck and open the first box. The so-called 1,000 Yeqing snakes are the 200 that Boss Wang sold to Wu Suowei back then. They were all dead and chopped into 1,000 knots. , neatly coded inside.

The boxes at the back were filled with young water snakes, each of which weighed a pound, but the guts of the snakes were gone.

Boss Wang glanced at it, and his face turned pale.

"Let's talk about the price." Chi Cheng said.

Boss Wang was startled suddenly, "There's no need to discuss it, Mr. Chi, you can ask for whatever you want."

Chi Cheng was very kind, "How can this be? Business is about equal transactions, let's follow the rules."

"That's, that's..." Boss Wang repeatedly echoed.

"Ye Qing Snake is small, and the market price is 60 yuan a piece; Water Law Snake is big, and the market price is 180 yuan. Boss Wang, I didn't want anything, did I?"

Boss Wang squeezed two words out between his teeth, "No."

"That's 420,000 yuan. I heard that Boss Wang selflessly waived 20,000 yuan in order to encourage young people to start a business. To express my support for you, we also waived 20,000 yuan. Let's make it up."

Boss Wang's heart was bleeding all over the place.