Counter Attack

Chapter 55: A series of frights


Chi Cheng snuffed out the cigarette butt, shook Wu Suowei's neck, and forcibly dragged him to his side. The big hand went down the shoulder all the way, stuck on the edge of Wu Suowei's pajama pants, and his eyes shot down obliquely from the back and upper.

"Show me yours too?"

Wu Suowei's hairs stood on end when he heard this, he pushed Chi Cheng's hand reflexively.

How can this be done? This will never work!

Chi Cheng didn't force it and didn't let go, just stuck in a stalemate, his teeth creaking, "Why don't you show me?"

Wu Suowei's neck was stretched out with blue veins, and he bit the bullet and said nonsense, "Mine is so small, I can't hold it out."

Chi Cheng smiled, "Why do I remember that your eggs are quite big?" He moved his hand down two inches.

"You remembered wrongly!" Wu Suowei's brow was covered with sweat, "...I'm stunted." He gritted his teeth and pushed up an inch.

"Touch more, you can develop it again." Moved down another two inches.

Wu Suowei panted heavily, his face was flushed, and those who didn't know it thought that Chi Cheng's hand had already been touched. He couldn't push it any longer, Chi Cheng's hand was wedged two inches above his lifeblood like a nail.

Then, slowly move down without defying it.

Wu Suowei had no other way out, so he had no choice but to show his unique move, hitting Chi Cheng's collarbone hard with his forehead. This blow was not a joke, it was really strong, it numb Chi Cheng's chest muscles, and Wu Suowei's eyeballs were reddened.

Desperately struggling to get away, he dodged to the corner of the bed, wheezing wildly, beads of sweat rolling down in a row.

Seeing Wu Suowei's resistance, Chi Cheng was quite surprised, but thinking about the scene of holding hands for the first time, it is reasonable for him to have such a reaction.

Chi Cheng stretched out his hand to Wu Suowei's face, Wu Suowei dodged aside, Chi Cheng twisted it back again, and wiped the sweat from his forehead forcefully, the result was more and more wiping.

"Are you afraid of becoming like this? I won't eat you again."

I'm not scared, I've never been here before! Wu Suowei's tears almost burst out, if he didn't bring such a bully, what are the men looking at

After stabilizing his emotions, Wu Suowei said, "I don't want to be like you now."

"Have you ever had sex with a man?" Chi Cheng asked.

Wu Suowei responded to Chi Cheng with his eyes, do you think I have had sex with a man

"Then how do you know you like men?" Chi Cheng asked again.

Wu Suowei's lips moved, and he replied in a twitch, "I don't know if I like men or not, but I just know that I like you."

A sloppy sentence, but it really hit Chi Cheng's heart.

"Human sperm!" He slapped Wu Suowei's face fiercely.

His face was in pain, but his heart was relieved, and he finally held the scene.

"I don't like to force others. Since you don't like it, just watch me."

As he said that, he took out the big bird in his pants and set it up for himself.

Wu Suowei was stunned for a moment, his eyelids twitching continuously. I'm stupid, what is this for? He thought that Chi Cheng would just leave it at that, and he didn't think the scary thing was still behind.

Seeing Wu Suowei's avoiding gaze, Chi Cheng turned his head away with a smirk.

"With such a thin skin, you still want to fuck me?"

Wu Suowei clenched his teeth, fearing that if he let go, he would curse out.

Chi Cheng's heavy breathing broke into Wu Suowei's ears, making him blush with embarrassment.

"Don't close your eyes and watch carefully."

The frighteningly large male symbol is still expanding bravely, with a deep color and clear meridians. The top is full and stiff, not so much a turtle head, but a dragon head, with a domineering aura that devours everything.

"Do you like it?" Chi Cheng asked.

Wu Suowei gritted his teeth, "I like it, how can I not like it?" The two of us shared a corridor, so we are considered brothers.

"If you like it, just extend your hand." Chi Cheng said.

Wu Suowei, "...ah?...ah!..."

The moment Wu Suowei grasped it, all five of Wu Suowei's fingers froze.

After all, Chi Cheng didn't make things difficult for him, he only let him hold it once and then let go. He stretched out his hand to Wu Suowei's back, pinched his firm buttocks, and rubbed them hard. Wu Suowei refused, so Chi Cheng folded the belt in his hand and said threateningly, "Do you want me to be ruthless?"

In fact, Chi Cheng was really patient enough with Wu Suowei, he had never done anything by himself in front of others. From the moment Wu Suowei poured porridge on him, he gave Wu Suowei a tolerant heart and inexhaustible patience, as if he should let him and accommodate him.

Wu Suowei embedded his forbearing face into the bed sheet, grinding his teeth secretly, sooner or later there will be a day when you regret it!

As he was about to erupt, Chi Cheng picked up Wu Suowei's neck and forced him to his lower abdomen.

A moment later, the thick white essence gushed out in front of Wu Suowei's eyes, accompanied by the trembling of the skin joint and the twitching of the nerves, as well as Chi Cheng's swearing that burst out in extreme excitement.

Chi Cheng left, and before he left, he applied medicine to Wu Suowei's forehead and gave him a warning.

"Let me see you using this forehead as a sharp weapon again, and I'll stab you into briquettes."