Counter Attack

Chapter 72: Food protection


When Chi Cheng left the office, someone just took out a boiled stick from a plastic bag.

"That's what I'm going to eat tonight."

Just as he was about to hand it to his mouth, he was seized by a pair of big hands. He pressed the stick back on the table with his hands, and the metacarpal bones were almost crushed.

"What's there to eat with boiled sticks? I'll take you out to eat later." Chi Cheng said.

The nearby rooms were all boiling, Mr. Chi said to treat guests, can the treatment be so bad? Immediately, no one wanted to eat boiled sticks anymore, and they all spared their stomachs for this big meal. Chi Cheng did not treat them badly. The five-star hotel booked two tables, served famous wine and dishes, and the group chatted happily. Chi Cheng didn't eat the meal, and came out after drinking two glasses of wine.

Gangzi sat in the car and yawned, seeing Chi Cheng pick up a boiled stick and eat it.

"Aren't you full?"

Chi Cheng is eating hard, how can he have time to talk to him? This fragrant rod is like the tender meat on Wu Suowei's buttocks, the more he gnaws, the more fragrant he becomes, and the more he sucks, the more delicious he feels.

"Actually, I'm not full either." Gangzi put his hand into the plastic bag, "Let me just eat a boiled stick to make do with it."

Not surprisingly, someone twisted his wrist.

In the next second, Chi Cheng opened the car door and walked out.

Gangzi looked at a loss, what's the matter? Ordinarily Chi Cheng is not an outsider! Every time I eat, I call myself, so I won't turn my face for a boiled stick, right? Before he could figure it out, Chi Cheng came back, and then a heavy plastic bag slammed over, and when he opened it, it was full of food.

"Eat this." Chi Cheng said.

Gangzi was stunned for a moment, what happened to Chi Cheng? To run errands to buy food for him? For the first time in my life! Hurry up and take a photo and post it on Weibo, it's so memorable!

Chi Cheng picked up another cooking stick and gnawed on it, then suddenly remembered something and took out his phone.

Wu Suowei went to the breeding room after delivering the boiled sticks to Chi Cheng, because the female snake needs enough space to lay eggs, so he rented two more rooms. After putting it away for more than three hours, I finally finished the job. While wiping sweat and walking outside, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: people just can't wait! After staying for a long time, the flesh on my body became lazy, and my whole body hurts after a few movements.

Just as he was thinking, Chi Cheng's call came.

"I'm exhausted today." Wu Suowei said lazily.

There was a bit of a smile on Chi Cheng's face, "Are you still tired of letting others rub you?"

"Who said that!" Grinding his teeth, "I did a lot of work."

"What are you doing?" Chi Cheng asked.

"Two new snake houses were created to serve those nests of grandpa snake, oh no, grandma snake! When the snake lays eggs, it has such a temper. I wanted to move it to another place, but it still bit me. Fortunately, it is not poisonous..."

In the past, President Wu Suowei and Chi Cheng had nothing to say, half an hour of phone calls could last for twenty-nine minutes, and the rest of the minute would stop with two coughs. Now I can be short of a few sentences, and Chi Cheng can really listen to the short-sighted parents.

"However, there is a very interesting thing. I thought the snake's eggs came out of its mouth. I dare not! It also has a butt hole, which is very wide when laying eggs, and the hole comes out with a click, hehe..."

"You have to learn from it." There was something in Chi Cheng's words.


Inadvertently eating another stick, Chi Cheng looked out of the car window, not knowing what he was thinking.

Gangzi glanced at Chi Cheng sideways, wondering in his heart, Chi Cheng is not normal recently! In the past, he was known as the king of instant hangups. He never made a phone call for more than one minute. No matter whether the other party had a word or not, he would hang up when he finished speaking. People in the circle of friends often joke about this, saying that Chi Cheng's speed of hanging up the phone and the speed of ejaculation should be balanced. There is no need now, the old elder Du Nima, when Gangzi called him, the line was busy nine times out of ten.

This is not a big deal, what makes Gangzi accept his incompetence is that Chi Cheng actually spends so long chatting about these trivial matters! Isn't he the most annoying when people talk to him? Why did you take the initiative to have sex with others

Just as he was thinking, Chi Cheng picked up his phone again.

Just as Wu Suowei was about to scold, Chi Cheng rushed over with his deep voice.

"It will rain tomorrow, remember to bring an umbrella when you go out."

Wu Suowei opened and closed his lips, suddenly he didn't know what to say.