Counter Attack

Chapter 85: Out of breath


The familiar snake farm, Wu Suowei's alma mater, came to visit again, and things have changed here. All the snake rooms were empty, and there was a disgusting smell. The snake boxes were piled up in a mess in the corner, and they were full of stains. Boss Wang was wearing a cross-beam vest, squatting under a tree root and smoking a suffocating cigarette, while his disheveled daughter-in-law stood at the door of the room, pointing at Boss Wang and yelling.

In just three months, the formerly famous Wang's snake farm has become a joke in the industry.

First, his business license was revoked due to illegal business operations, and he was detained because of fornication with law enforcement officers. In order to collect a huge fine, he had to sell the real estate purchased with black money. The former friends are strangers, the colleagues are in trouble, the debt collectors are in an endless stream, and the deceived apprentices are waiting for revenge... Boss Wang and his wife live a life that is not as good as pigs and dogs.

It's rare to see Wu Suowei walking in with a formal attire and a smile on his face.

"Come and see my joke?" Boss Wang's eyes were dark.

Wu Suowei was still smiling, "What are you talking about? I was carrying something to see you coming."

The first-class Xinyang Maojianer, the rare edition of Wuliangye, Wu Suowei is not stingy with his money for this enlightenment "mentor".

Boss Wang just glanced away and turned his face away, with a cold tone.

"Take it away, I can't afford this big gift."

"Anyone who can't afford it, you can afford it." Wu Suowei forced it into Boss Wang's hands, with a warm smile, "Without you, I wouldn't have the more than half a million yuan in my hand, let alone the batch of high-quality snakes that are about to go on the market. I was able to successfully complete the primitive accumulation of capital thanks to your strong sponsorship. This is a little wish from me, and you must accept it."

The corner of Boss Wang's mouth twitched, his face was ferocious.

"Boy, you have to forgive others and forgive others. You still have a long way to go, and you may not be able to achieve anything."

Wu Suowei looked at Boss Wang calmly, "Yeah, I'm not yet thirty, and I still have a long way to go, so I may not be able to achieve what I want. But I know, your way—that's it."

Boss Wang's face darkened suddenly, and he threw his fist at Wu Suowei.

Wu Suowei grabbed Boss Wang's wrist with one hand, his neck was twisted hard, and his eyes were sharp. I can't beat Chi Cheng, can't I cure you old bastard

With a concerned tone, "Don't stretch your old arms and legs."

Boss Wang spat hard and roared angrily, "You can kill or cut as you please. I, Wang Zhongxiang, are not afraid of anything now. If you have the ability, just level these few rooms for me!"

"You really misunderstood." Wu Suowei said unhurriedly, "Do you still remember? When I bought your 2,000 low-quality snake seedlings, you said to me yourself: You will get rich tomorrow, don't put I forgot. Although I am not rich now, compared to the situation at that time, it is really much better. A person must not forget his roots, and the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid with a spring, so I am here today."

Boss Wang's face was as stiff as a lifeless iron plate.

"I'm here to thank you, thank you for teaching me a truth."

"In business, you have to be tough on your acquaintances."

After saying this, Wu Suowei forced the gift to the sluggish Boss Wang, turned around and left with light steps.

In the evening, Wu Suowei was alone in the clinic. After taking a shower, he changed into the white vest with holes in it, and the flowery underpants with bald edges, and sat on the chair watching Crayon Shin-chan.

Familiar footsteps came from the door.

Wu Suowei's dark eyes widened, he quickly opened the drawer, threw Crayon Shin-chan in, and spread out a copy of "Pride and Prejudice". He quickly ran to the closet again, imitating the underpants and pajamas in a hurry.

In fact, Chi Cheng has been standing at the window for a long time, taking in Wu Suowei's unusual dressing habits, his young reading taste, and his wretched smile.

It's too late to save the image now.