Counterattack Guide of the Female Cannon Fodder

Chapter 143: Fall in love with the zombie king in the last days 01


As soon as Su Li's soul possessed her, she sensed the danger. She instinctively waved her hand, only to see a barbed vine suddenly appeared in her hand, and then tied up the monster that was close at hand.

This monster was only a little taller than her, with dark skin that still secreted sticky liquid, protruding eyeballs full of bloodshot eyes, and a big mouth full of sharp fangs.

"Fuck!" Su Li couldn't help but swear, and then quickly retreated.

"Tong Tong, what are you doing, kill that zombie, it's about to escape!" An anxious voice came from behind.

[Zombies! This is the end of the world? ] Su Li was startled, and then let go of her hand, and the zombie roared and rushed towards him.

[Help! ] Su Li has not experienced this kind of danger for a long time, and completely forgot how to deal with it, so she can only wave her cane to try her best to prevent it from approaching.

"Bang!", a bullet directly shot through the zombie's head behind itself.

Su Li looked at the zombies lying on the ground, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"Tong Tong, what's the matter with you?" A cold voice sounded.

When Su Li turned her head, she saw a man in a black windbreaker walking slowly. He was tall, long-legged, and handsome, with an awe-inspiring and inviolable aura on his face.

Su Li swallowed, resisting the urge to pounce, blinking her moist eyes in an attempt to look cute. However, the man frowned as if he didn't see it, and said, "You can still lose your mind in front of the zombies. Do you think your life is too long?"

"I... I'm sorry..." Su Li curled her lips and lowered her eyes.

If she got into trouble before or accidentally did something dangerous, the other party would look at her very seriously, and at this time she didn't dare to make trouble and could only admit her mistake obediently.

But now, looking at the strange eyes of the person in front of her, she felt a layer of grievance for no reason.

Luo Chen watched Su Li lower her head, and suddenly felt a strange feeling in her heart, as if she felt a little distressed... Probably because she looked too petite and weak.

So, he couldn't help but slow down his tone, "The zombies here have been dealt with, let's go back and eat something to rest."

Su Li nodded silently, and followed Luo Chen back to the camp.

At this moment, 2333 had passed the information to her.

This is a world that has just entered the end of the world, and zombies are rampant. Humans have to take up weapons to fight against these monsters, and then try to survive. Fortunately, there is no unparalleled road. After human beings were infected with the virus, some became zombies, and some became supernatural beings.

The original owner of her body was Tong Tong, who was originally an ordinary college student, but now a wood-type supernatural being, who was incorporated into Luo Chen's camp.

Also in this camp with her is the heroine Lin Xiaoxiao. Lin Xiaoxiao is a space power user who is in charge of some supplies in the camp.

The original owner and Lin Xiaoxiao were deadly rivals when they were in school. Tong Tong was a delicate and unbearable young lady, while Lin Xiaoxiao was an ordinary girl who was carefree, optimistic and strong. The two were not at odds from the very beginning, and after the end of the world, their relationship did not improve, but even greater conflict broke out.

And this conflict is the fuse that triggers the following series of plots.

[This world task: Kill the male protagonist, research the medicine against the zombie virus, and save the world! ]

Su Li was in a daze, [Save the world? Shouldn't this be the task of the hero and heroine? ]

[It is because the hero and heroine want to destroy the world, so you need to save it. ] 2333 spread their hands.

The names of the male and female protagonists in this world (Su Yin/Lin Xiaoxiao) are provided by the little angel Yang Liu Yiyi, thank you~

A copy of the end of the world, please collect, comment and vote

(end of this chapter)