Counterattack Guide of the Female Cannon Fodder

Chapter 149: Falling in Love with the Zombie King in the End Times 07


After they were stationed in this town, they had built a high city wall around the earth and gold superpowers. At this time, all the supernatural beings stood nervously on the city wall, watching the billowing smoke and dust in the distance. The coming zombies.

"Report! Boss, according to preliminary estimates, there are thousands of zombies attacking in front of you!" A light man fell from the sky. He was also a wood-type supernatural being, and his name was Chen Zhi. The difference is that he is small in stature and good at hiding in the forest, so he does more investigation work.

"There are too many zombies, I'm afraid we won't be able to stay here. Order the logistics staff to quickly prepare supplies, and the supernatural beings will block the zombies. All the staff are ready to evacuate!" Luo Chen said calmly.


At this time, the atmosphere was very oppressive, and the stench in the air was getting stronger and stronger, and zombies could already be seen in the distance.

"Prepare for defense on the 1st!" Luo Chen waved his hand.

A dozen earth-type and gold-type supernatural beings immediately released their supernatural powers, and the ground outside the city wall began to shake, and a deep ravine collapsed in a short while. Silver light flashed in the gully, it was countless sharp blades.

This is a trap that has been prepared long ago and can stop some zombies.

This was an extremely tragic fight. Su Li manipulated the mutated plants to block the zombie's daughter, and then used her vines to harvest the zombie's head.

As for Luo Chen, as a level 3 lightning power user, he has a powerful lethality, and a burst of lightning can kill dozens of zombies.

Su Li took a moment to glance at him, and couldn't help admiring her starry eyes. Her man was so handsome that he cried!

Everyone fought and retreated. After the supplies were prepared in the logistics, they got into the modified military vehicles one after another, and then evacuated.

Luo Chen sat in the back seat with a gloomy expression, and Su Li sat next to him, looking at him from time to time.

After a long time, she spoke softly, "Luo Chen... are you alright?"

Luo Chen's expression softened, as if he was afraid of scaring Su Li, "I'm fine, don't worry. How about you? Are you injured?"

Su Li shook her head, her face was a little pale, "I'm just a little tired."

Luo Chen raised his hand and wiped the dust off her face, then held her in his arms, his eyes soft, "I haven't slept all night, and I must be tired after killing zombies for so long. Now sleep for a while, when the time comes I will wake you up in a safer place."

Su Li hummed, took a comfortable position in his arms, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

"Boss," Chen Zhi, who was sitting in the co-pilot, turned his head, pointed to Su Li who was sleeping soundly, and lowered his voice, "Are you two together?"

Luo Chen looked down at the peaceful sleeping face of the person in his arms, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, "Yes."

"Tsk tsk," Chen Zhi looked at Luo Chen teasingly, "I didn't expect our Boss Luo to fall in love one day, I thought you wouldn't have someone you like!" He followed Luo Chen before the end of the world Yes, at that time he had been walking alone, even though he had seen countless beauties, he had never been tempted. This Tong Tong is also pretty, and today, she is not bad in ability, unlike ordinary delicate women, no wonder the boss will take a fancy to her.

"I'll call you sister-in-law from now on." Luo Chen stretched out his hand and gently scratched Su Li's nose, then said to Chen Zhi.

"Okay, okay, we actually have a sister-in-law. From now on, someone will take care of you, that's fine." Chen Zhi couldn't help laughing out loud, but was glared at by Luo Chen.

"Keep your voice down, if you wake her up, I'll throw you into the crowd of zombies."

Chen Zhi immediately covered his mouth, then turned back, not daring to make any noise.

A man with a wife is terrible!

(end of this chapter)