Counterattack Guide of the Female Cannon Fodder

Chapter 166: Fall in love with the zombie king in the last days 25


"How is the research on the anti-virus vaccine recently?" Lin Xiaoxiao hadn't seen Su Li for a few days, and after chatting for a few words, she mentioned this matter.

Su Li sighed and shook her head, "It's not going well."

"Have you ever studied Su Yin? After all, he is a fully evolved zombie. It stands to reason that he should be very different from ordinary zombies." At this moment, Lin Xiaoxiao didn't fall in love with the male lead like in the original plot, but He was completely classified as a zombie, so he didn't think there was anything wrong with doing some research on him.

"Dr. Ji and the others are researching, but there is no progress." Su Li said.

In fact, the body structure of a fully evolved zombie is no different from that of an ordinary person, and there is almost nothing to study except for its strong self-healing ability. However, Su Yin has Soul Eater powder in his body, and this self-healing ability is gradually declining. After a long time, he will die without Su Li's hands.

But as a lucky person in this world, it is obviously impossible for Su Yin to be kept in the research institute forever. He is powerful and the city is deep, so he cannot be imprisoned for long.

Su Li lowered her eyes, she still had to do it as soon as possible. In the previous world, she had never been so impatient to complete a task. After all, this world is too dangerous. If the development of the plot cannot be stopped as soon as possible, Haicheng will definitely fall by then, and even Luo Chen may not be able to survive.

She absolutely cannot let this happen.

Within a few days, Su Li applied to join the zombie research team, and the team leader was the Dr. Ji she had mentioned before.

As soon as Su Li arrived, she saw that Su Yin was naked and locked on the operating table. Even if he is a prisoner at the moment, no one will take it lightly. Therefore, the chains that lock him are extremely rare metals, and even Su Yin in his heyday cannot break them.

"Miss Tong." Although Dr. Ji is over forty years old, he still looks very young. He is wearing a white coat and a pair of glasses. He looks gentle, mature and well-mannered.

Su Li admired such a person very much, so she showed a faint smile, "Hello, Dr. Ji, as our vaccine research team has not made satisfactory progress recently, I was sent here to take a look."

Dr. Ji nodded, "Our research here is also encountering a bottleneck, maybe we will find new discoveries after discussing it."

When Su Li came in, Su Yin noticed it. He turned his head, but he could only see a silhouette.

Su Yin was a wise man, but he fell on two little girls, which made him feel a little strange while feeling angry. Frankly speaking, he has a good impression of Su Li, not only because of her appearance, but also because of an inexplicable feeling.

If he hadn't been caught at this time, then he might want to take Su Li away.

Just like he took Lin Xiaoxiao away in the original plot.

Su Yin was thinking like this, but his mind was a little dizzy, and he had some bad premonitions in his heart. I don't know what kind of medicine those researchers injected into his body. He has been feeling a throbbing pain in his heart recently, and the wound healing speed on his body is also slowing down. Wounds that healed one day before now take five days to heal...

It seems that the escape plan has to be advanced again, otherwise he may not be able to survive even if he escapes...

Su Yin glanced again at Su Li who was talking to Dr. Ji not far away, and then closed her eyes.

In the next second, an alarm sounded outside the institute.

(end of this chapter)