Counterattack Guide of the Female Cannon Fodder

Chapter 222: Picked up a mermaid 16


"Today is a day of great joy for me and the general, so I beg you all to control yourselves later and don't rush up and throw vegetable leaves and eggs at me."

"I say this because the things I'm about to say may be unacceptable to you for the time being, and you may even think I'm a cult? Because I'm standing here to speak out for all the mermaids."

"Perhaps you will say that this society is good enough for mermaids. They don't have to worry about food and clothing, and they don't have to work. They were raised by mermaid institutions when they were young, and they are raised by their husbands when they grow up. How happy are they? Oh no, this is not happy at all. "

"We long to live under the blue sky, not in a pool or fish tank that never sees the sky. Maybe you will refute me and say, don't you have mermaid scooters? Maybe yes, but I have lived for eighteen years , The number of times I went out can be counted on two hands. Of course, I am not complaining about the mermaid organization, but the general environment. Those mermaids who marry and have children, most of them stay at home in the fish tank. And then year after year Conceive and give birth for a year, and faithfully perform the mission of breeding offspring."

"Could it be that the mermaid's only purpose in this world is to give birth?"

"Can't a mermaid have a life of her own?"

"We also want to do something else. I like to sing, but who can I sing to? There was a mermaid in our organization. She was clever and good at making all kinds of novel gadgets, but she didn't Did. Because she has more important missions to accomplish."

"Yes, it is the great mission of procreation."

"I don't want to."

"Many mermaids are unwilling to do this. We need a wider world, and we need other things to do besides giving birth."

Su Li wore a white gauze and stood on the stage with her back straight. Her beautiful and delicate face was full of firmness and perseverance. In the eyes of more than three billion people, she uttered an amazing idea.

The clouds rolled across the sky, and time seemed to stand still at that moment.

However, before the audience had finished digesting the matter, an urgent report came from the front line.

During the wedding of the century between Mo Jue and Su Li in West Palace, the alarm suddenly rang throughout the entire palace.

In an instant, the entire capital city was in chaos, and no one cared about Su Li's mermaid rights protectionism.

Because, Zerg attack.

The Palace of West is located on the capital star, and there are several planets beside the capital star where the people of the Norse Empire live.

A planetary belt is separated, which is the territory of the Rosso Federation.

And in the middle and rear of the two forces, there are Zerg entrenched.

The Zerg gnawed on everything and lived, leaving no life wherever it went. Over the years, both the Empire and the Federation have been infested by Zerg.

But today, the Zerg suddenly attacked on a large scale and attacked the Empire's planet 33.

Because it was too sudden, planet 33 and the nearby planets failed to stop the Zerg in time, and now the war has begun.

The wedding started so grandly, but ended in a hurry. As the general of the empire, Mo Jue could only speed up his military supplies and rush to the battlefield.

Su Li silently raised her middle finger in her heart, she had calculated thousands of times, and did not count the Zerg accident. I don't know where the plot is going, so Su Li can only sigh again for her skill in destroying the plot.

However, 2333 gave Su Li a sweet date in time.

[Sub-quests, going out with the army, defeating the Zerg and finding out another natural ability of the mermaid. ]

A side mission that hadn't appeared for a long time unexpectedly appeared, and Su Li clicked OK without thinking much about it.

Another natural ability of the mermaid may be the key to solving the task.

Maybe everyone thinks this chapter is a bit boring, but this is the most difficult chapter I have written... and the chapter I am very much looking forward to writing.

Of course, it’s okay to skip it if you don’t like it…

But writing like this is so tiring, I’ll write more easily next time

(end of this chapter)