Counterattack Guide of the Female Cannon Fodder

Chapter 229: Picked up a mermaid 23


Mermaids naturally also have spiritual power, but both physical and mental power levels are generally relatively low.

Su Li took a deep breath and walked up to Lieutenant General Locke.

He was tightly tied to a chair, with madness flickering in his eyes, as if he would tear his whole body apart if he didn't pay attention.

Mo Jue silently stood beside Su Li, he actually didn't want her to do this. After all, if the mental strength is damaged, it will be more difficult to recover than the physical injury.

It's just that he knows how much she wants to prove herself, even if the road ahead is an abyss, he probably won't be able to stop her. The only thing he can do is to save her when she is in danger.

Su Li turned her head to look at him, then quietly held his hand, and gently scratched his palm twice.

Mo Jue sighed, and held her back. Although his expression was still tense, Su Li could tell that he had relaxed a little.

After comforting Mo Jue, Su Li turned her eyes to Lieutenant General Locke's face again.

She closed her eyes, fluttering her eyelashes.

There seemed to be a ray of spiritual power flashing through her mind, and she slowly concentrated her mind, discarding all external noises, and focused on capturing that strange spiritual power.

Time passed silently, and after a long time, Su Li suddenly opened her eyes with sharp eyes.

"I caught it." The corner of her mouth raised, and the spiritual power in her mind had nowhere to hide.

Su Li reached out and waved in front of Lieutenant General Locke, successfully attracting his attention. Then he made a complex gesture in front of his eyes, which was a hypnotic method she had learned before.

After the gesture was completed, Lieutenant General Locke fell silent. His eyes fell on Su Li's slender and fair fingers, and he looked at them without blinking.

The next step is the most important step.

Su Li closed her eyes again, and slowly exported the restless mental power, and then sent it into Lieutenant General Locke's mind.

Only then did she see that the mental power in his mind was abnormally disordered, and it seemed that the bug was used to interfere with the warrior's mental power.

And if the person with higher mental strength, the more serious the situation of losing their minds after being disturbed. That's why Lieutenant General Locke became like this.

Su Li slowly sorted out the mental power in his mind with her own mental power, and after about twenty minutes, she finally sorted it out.

She opened her eyes, feeling a little tired.

Mo Jue has been paying attention to her, seeing her eyes opened, he hastily supported her, "Susu, how are you?"

Su Li leaned against Mo Jue's arms, "I'm fine, just a little tired. Lieutenant General Locke's mental power was disturbed. I sorted it out for him. He should be back to normal after he wakes up."

As soon as Su Li said this, the people present were silent for a moment.

"It turned out to be a problem with mental power!" A military doctor said in surprise.

"This... mental disorder can still be sorted out?" Another military doctor also looked very puzzled.

"Didn't you say that Susu can sort it out with mental strength?" Seeing their reaction, Mu Sheng wondered.

"Oh, little girl, you may not understand. We thought that the patient lost his mind because his nervous system was disturbed. Of course, we can use mental power to sort out it at this time. But mental disorders are different. For us, mental Power is too important, so it is generally not allowed to appear in the field of spiritual power. This is a kind of self-protection." A military doctor explained, "Unless you are a very trustworthy person, no one will Others open the field of mental power, so if someone has a problem with mental power, it will be difficult to heal, and it is also because of self-protection."

To put it simply, the field of mental power also occupies part of the human nervous system, but this part is too precious, so it is not open to the outside world~

Of course, these things are purely fictitious, I just imagined.

(end of this chapter)