Counterattack Guide of the Female Cannon Fodder

Chapter 277: Miss Qianjin is not a dandy 02


Su Li's identity this time is a princess favored by the emperor, her name is Leng Qingxian, and her title is Xihe.

This princess has always had a dream lover, Ji Feiyan, the son of the great general. Unfortunately, the goddess has no intention of having King Mengxiang, and what Ji Feiyan likes is his cousin, the heroine Lin Ruxue.

The princess has always been favored and arrogant, so she asked the queen to tell Lin Ruxue another marriage. The queen didn't know her petty thoughts, and didn't know that Ji Feiyan and Lin Ruxue had an engagement, so she became the Queen Mother who broke up the Cowherd and Weaver Girl.

Lin Ruxue is a well-known dandy in the capital, she goes to the mountains and rivers to eat, drink and have fun, and she makes sarcastic remarks when anyone is upset, and even hits them. There are no more than 20 or 30 men who have been taught by her in the capital, and they are almost the same.

Even so, she lived a chic enough life, because her father was Duke Luyi, who was conferred by the first emperor, and her uncle was a general of the dynasty. Except for the emperor, no one dared to offend her family.

Therefore, when she heard that the empress had ordered her to marry someone, she broke into the palace directly to withdraw the engagement.

After understanding the situation, the empress had no choice but to call off the marriage, but she still felt dissatisfied with Lin Ruxue in her heart, and so did the emperor.

It's nothing more than a daughter of a prince's mansion, how dare she refute the royal family's face like this.

Therefore, when someone later reported that Duke Luyi was corrupt and broke the law, the emperor chose to investigate thoroughly. These days, no one in the court can say who is absolutely clean, and Lu Yigong is naturally the same. Therefore, the emperor took the opportunity to cut his title, and since then, the Lin family has had a hard time. Especially Lin Ruxue has offended many people over the years, and more and more people are making trouble. Within a few years, she couldn't stand such a life and chose to commit suicide.

I thought life would be like this for the rest of my life, but I never knew there was a chance to do it all over again.

After Lin Ruxue was reborn, she gradually got rid of her playful habits, and instead became calm day by day. Within two years, her reputation in the capital had obviously improved. But she naturally has hatred in her heart. She hates people in the royal family, whether it is the emperor who cut her father's title, the queen who is a matchmaker for her at will, or the princess who has been coveting her cousin secretly, she hates them all.

Especially when she knew that the person who said to marry her in front of the queen was Leng Qingxian, Lin Ruxue's hatred for her reached its peak.

She designed Leng Qingxian, stunned her, threw her into a dead end, and found two traffickers to insult her.

Then she found someone to spread rumors about Leng Qingxian's loss of virginity in the capital.

Rumors spread to the ears of the empress. In order to protect the face of the royal family, they locked up Leng Qingxian, and then released the news of the princess's death.

Under the multiple blows, Leng Qingxian couldn't afford to fall ill. Such a beautiful Princess Xihe died soon after.

After watching the plot, Su Li silently raised her middle finger.

The original owner, Leng Qingxian, is indeed stupid, and also has bad intentions. When he likes someone, he only knows how to use methods to eliminate dissidents, and he is not afraid of being rejected instead.

Even so, the original owner is a little evil at best, and this heroine is the real best.

Relying on his power and power, he is domineering and beats people at every turn, and even broke into the palace to ask for an end to the engagement... In such a situation, if the emperor didn't find a chance to do her, he would be a mediocre gentleman.

And the hostess's family didn't discipline their daughter well and let her mess around, they can only say that they killed themselves.

(end of this chapter)