Counterattack Guide of the Female Cannon Fodder

Chapter 305: Miss Qianjin is not a dandy 30


After marriage, Su Li and Wen Ruochen were naturally a sweetheart, wishing they could stay together 24 hours a day.

However, Su Li's task is stuck at 60%. The reason is that the heroine has not appeared recently, and she no longer acts as a monster, making it impossible for Su Li to start.

So, she posted another post today, inviting the ladies and gentlemen in Beijing, saying that she would hold a fun party.

Always admiring flowers, composing poems and paintings is also very boring, so Su Li decided to come to enjoy "play". This "play" is naturally not an ordinary plaything, but a precious and rare thing.

Fate wives generally don't participate in this kind of thing. Most of the noble ladies take out some treasures to compare with each other, and the one who wins the first name can get a reward from the empress.

Originally, the noble ladies were lacking in interest, but with the reward from the empress, the style of this appreciation party is different.

The location of the appreciation party is at the Princess Mansion, which was built by the emperor five years ago, in order to give his precious daughter a good place to live.

So when the noble ladies who came together walked through the vertical flower gate and saw the pavilion built in the middle of the lake, they all took a breath of air-conditioning.

Although the pavilion looked small, it was constructed so delicately and gorgeously that the eyes of the well-informed noble ladies couldn't help but shine.

After passing a nine-curved white jade bridge entwined with flower vines, the noble ladies found seats and sat down.

Not long after, Su Li came from afar. Today, she wore a flying fairy bun, a flower hairpin carved from fire jade glass, and a water-red skirt embroidered with flying cranes. It looks so bright that you can't take your eyes off it.

"Sister-in-law, there are a lot of people here today." Wen Ruoqing looked around and whispered.

Su Li smiled, "It's quite a lot."

And she saw Lin Ruxue in the crowd at a glance. She was wearing a light green skirt that stretched the floor today, and she looked quite fresh.

[Host! alarm! ]

At 2333 o'clock the voice suddenly sounded.

Su Li glanced at her brain, [What's wrong? ]

[This person is not the heroine! ] 2333 pointed at Lin Ruxue in the crowd with his fat paw.

[What? ] Su Li frowned, she naturally wouldn't doubt her intelligence, so who is this person who replaced the heroine

There must be some changes, but now she has no time to ask 2333 to find out what happened, so she can only walk over.

After seeing Su Li, all the noble ladies bowed politely, and Su Li said with a light smile: "You sisters don't need to be too polite, just sit down."

"Princess's peach blossom tinsel today is extraordinarily beautiful. It's actually a little more colorful than ordinary flower tines." The lady who had always regarded Xi and the princess as idols was speaking. She looked at Su Li and smiled.

Su Li stretched out her hand and gently brushed the flowers on her forehead, a smile floated on her lips, this was painted by Wen Ruochen herself today, the two were very affectionate, and Wen Ruoqing bumped into each other.

Sure enough, Wen Ruoqing, who became more and more lively, said, "My brother drew this for the princess's sister-in-law, so it's naturally beautiful."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone laughed and said that the princess and Prime Minister Wen were deeply in love. For a while, the atmosphere was especially good.

Su Li glanced at Lin Ruxue who had been sitting quietly all this time, and said, "Is Princess Ruxue feeling unwell today? Why doesn't she look very happy?"

The rest of the people also looked at Lin Ruxue.

Everyone here knows that there is a rift between Lin Ruxue and Su Li, and it would be expected if Su Li took the opportunity to suppress her.

However, Lin Ruxue just stood up and blessed her, "Thank you princess for your concern, Ruxue is fine."

(end of this chapter)